Newsletter No. 356
No. 356, 19.4.2010 NEWS & EVENTS The HKSTPC-CUHK agreement marks a milestone in collaboration between industry and academia. Biotechnology- based products designed for a wide range of industries, including pharmaceutical, agricultural and the environmental markets will be developed. Access to these combined facilities can also attract both start-up companies as well as established enterprises already engaged in biotech to come to Hong Kong. And CUHK can optimize the use of laboratories and equipment, creating a mutually beneficial result for both the industry and academia. The shared facilities available at CUHK include biomedical, health and life sciences related laboratories and equipment which enable more sophisticated biotech related experimental procedures, such as gene expression analysis and genotyping, DNA sequencing and cell analysis and sorting. The equipment list includes Affymetrix, BD FACS Aria II Flower Cytometer and ABI PRISM 3130X Genetic Analyzer, and more. These facilities, which are not available for public use, can broaden the scope of research and development for technology companies in Science Park. 先進生物科技設施供駐科學園公司使用 Biotech Facilities Available to Science Park Companies • 中 大與香港科技園公司於3月23日簽訂協議,允許駐 香港科學園內的公司使用中大的先進生物科技設 施,進行精密生物科技研究。 是項協議標誌着業界與學術界攜手合作的里程碑,既有利 於發展應用於醫藥、農業及環保等多個行業的生物科技產 品,亦有助吸引更多從事生物科技的大型企業及新公司來 港發展。中大亦可全面提升轄下實驗室及設備的使用率, 業界及學術界各蒙其惠。 中大提供的共用設施包括生物醫療、保健及生命科技相 關實驗室及設備,讓使用者進行更精細的技術實驗,例如 基因表現分析及基因型定型、脫氧核糖核酸測序及細胞 分析等。設備包括Affymetrix、BD FACS Aria II Flower Cytometer及ABI PRISM 3130X Genetic Analyzer等,這 些一向不開放給公眾使用的設施,將可擴大駐園科技公司 的科研範疇。 T he Chinese University has signed an agreement with Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC) on 23 March enabling companies in Hong Kong Science Park to share CUHK’s advanced biotechnology facilities. 香港科技園公司企業拓展及科技支援副總裁楊德斌先生(左)與黃乃正副校長簽訂 協議 Mr. Allen Yeung (left), vice president of Business Development and Technology Support, HKSTPC, and Prof. Henry N.C. Wong, CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor, signing the agreement 六十五人獲長期服務獎 65 Staff Honoured with Long Service Award • 在 一個機構服務二十五年殊非易事,三十五年更是難 得。中大深慶獲一群服務多年的忠誠員工緊守崗 位,默默耕耘,襄助大學發展。2009年度便分別有十四名 和五十一名員工獲三十五年及二十五年長期服務獎。 頒獎典禮於4月9日在利黃瑤璧樓冼為堅演講廳舉行,由 劉遵義校長( 上圖前排左六 )主禮。劉校長致辭感謝獲獎 同仁多年為大學作出的貢獻。這些同事於八十年代加入中 大,經歷幾番變遷,分擔大學的煩惱與光榮,也互相珍惜、 依靠和信任。要是沒有他們助力,也許中大今天會有不同 的模樣。 頒獎儀式後,得獎員工與上司和同事們互相道賀和合照留 念。誠如三十五年長期服務獎得獎人學生事務處林猷健先生 ( 上圖前排左四 )說:「十年前首次獲獎已感興奮,因為二十 五年是漫長的歲月,從未想過可以再次獲獎,實是驚喜。」 I t is not easy to serve an organization for 25 years, not to mention 35 years. The University is privileged to have many loyal staff who have stayed put in their position and supported its development. Respectively 14 and 51 staff were presented the 2009 Long Service Award for their 35 and 25 years of service to CUHK. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (6th left, front row, above) CUHK Vice-Chancellor, officiated at the awards presentation ceremony held on 9 April at Sin Wai Kin Hall, Esther Lee Building. Professor Lau praised the staff for their contribution to CUHK over the years. He said that the awardees had shared in the worries and the triumphs of CUHK. They also developed appreciation for and trust in the University. Without the support of these loyal staff, CUHK would be different today. The awardees had pictures taken with their unit heads and colleagues. Mr. Lam Yau-kin (4th left, front row, top), a 35-year award recipient from the Office of Student Affairs, said, ‘When I was awarded 10 years ago, I felt excited as 25 years was such a long period. I never thought of being awarded again. It was really a surprise.’ 大學主管人員與三十五年(上圖)及二十五年(下圖)長期服務獎得獎員工 University officers with 35 years (top) and 25 years (above) long service award recipients
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