Newsletter No. 358
No. 358, 19.5.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 生時的情況,以及大強子對撞機的研 究。講座後,物理系朱明中教授隨即與 學生討論講座中涉及的粒子物理學新 發展。 T he University invited Prof. Albert de Roeck, senior research scientist at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), to host a public lecture on 26 April. Professor Roeck introduced the Particle Physics Programme and Large Hadron 破解宇宙大爆炸之謎 Decoding the Big Bang Mystery • Collider to about 300 university and secondary school students. Before the lecture, Prof. Kenneth Young, CUHK Pro- Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Physics, briefed the students on interesting particle physics topics such as what is mass, what is dark matter, and the Big Bang occurred 13.7 billion years ago. Prof. Chu Ming-chung of the Department of Physics discussed with the students the latest development of particle physics after the lecture. 大 學邀得歐洲核子研究組織高級 科學家阿爾貝特 • 德勒克教授 (Albert de Roeck)到訪,並於4月 26日向近三百名大學及中學生公開演 講,介紹該組織在日內瓦的粒子物理研 究計劃,以及大強子對撞機的運作。 講座前,大學副校長及物理學講座教授 楊綱凱教授先深入淺出地向觀眾簡介 多個關於粒子物理學的有趣課題,包括物質的組成、質量 的來源、甚麼是暗物質、一百三十七億年前宇宙大爆炸發 本 校博文講座教授、數學科學研究所所長 丘成桐教授( 前排左八 )成就再獲肯定, 榮獲沃爾夫基金會頒授2010年沃爾夫數學獎, 是繼其師陳省身教授1984年獲獎後,第二位獲 此榮譽的華人。 中大在4月28日為丘教授舉行慶祝會,劉遵義校 長( 前排左七 )聯同百位大學師生出席。劉校長 稱:「丘教授是當代數學巨人,他旺盛的創造力 在數學界享負盛名,是史上第一位兼獲數學界 兩項最高殊榮—菲爾茲數學獎及沃爾夫數學 獎的華人數學家。」 丘教授在慶祝會上勉勵母校的莘莘學子要積極研究,勇於 創新:「我願意繼續盡己所能,透過從事學術研究貢獻香 港,並盼望與學界的朋友及學生們一同攜手,為香港和國 家的未來盡最大努力。」 T his year, another accolade has been added to the award-studded résumé of Prof. Yau Shing-tung (8th 數學大師丘成桐獲沃爾夫獎 Math Giant Yau Shing-tung Awarded Wolf Prize • left, front row) . The Wolf Foundation has awarded him the 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics. He is the second Chinese to be awarded the Wolf Prize after his teacher Prof. Chern Shiing-shen who received the same prize 26 years ago. The University hosted a celebration on 28 April in honour of Professor Yau, who is Distinguished Professor-at-Large and director of the Institute of Mathematical Science, CUHK. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (7th left, front row), Vice-Chancellor, and about a hundred CUHK staff and students joined this joyous occasion. Professor Lau congratulated Professor Yau on his unparalleled achievements. He said, ‘A mathematics giant, Professor Yau is renowned for his enormous creativity, which makes him the first Chinese scholar to have attained the two highest honours in mathematics—the Fields Medal and the Wolf Prize in Mathematics.’ In the celebration, Professor Yau encouraged CUHK students to be innovative and to work hard in research. ‘I will continue to contribute my best to Hong Kong. I also hope to join hands with academia and students to work for a better future for Hong Kong and our motherland.’ 劉 遵義校長( 前排左三 )於4月15及16日率領一行十人 的管理層代表團到訪台灣,加強與台灣院校及科 研機構的聯繫。隨團成員包括候任校長沈祖堯教授( 前排 右三 )、常務副校長華雲生教授( 前排左一 )、副校長鄭振 耀教授( 後排左七 )、文學院院長熊秉真教授( 後排右二 )、 工程學院院長汪正平教授( 後排右五 )、理學院院長伍灼 耀教授( 後排右六 ),以及社會科學院院長李少南教授( 後 排左四 )。 代表團走訪了台灣教育部、行政院科學委員會、中央研究 院、蔣經國國際學術交流基金會、台灣大學及「台灣聯合大 學系統」的台灣中央大學、台灣清華大學、台灣交通大學和 台灣陽明大學。 中大與各院校和科研機構互相簡報最新發展和科研動態, 商討各範疇研究項目的合作方向,並與中央研究院和上述 大學簽署學術交流協議。 P rof. Lawrence J. Lau (3rd left, front row), CUHK Vice-Chancellor, led a 10-member delegation to 劉遵義校長率團訪台 VC-led Delegation Visits Taiwan • Taiwan on 15 and 16 April to strengthen academic collaboration. Members of the CUHK delegation included Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (3rd right, front row), Vice- Chancellor Designate; Prof. Benjamin W. Wah (1st left, front row), Provost; Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng (7th left, back row), Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Hsiung Ping-chen (2nd right, back row), Dean of Arts; Prof. Wong Ching-ping (5th right, back row), Dean of Engineering; Prof. Ng Cheuk-yiu (6th right, back row), Dean of Science; and Prof. Paul S.N. Lee (4th left, back row), Dean of Social Science. The delegation visited the Taiwan Ministry of Education, National Science Council of Executive Yuan, Academia Sinica, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, Taiwan University, University System of Taiwan—Central University, Taiwan Tsing-hua University, Hsinchu Chiao Tung University, and Taiwan Yang-Ming University. In meetings with institution and university managements, the delegation received updates on the latest developments and discussed collaboration directions. Collaboration agreements were signed with Academia Sinica and the above universities.
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