Newsletter No. 440
No. 440, 19.6.2014 7 哈佛燕京學社進修資助計劃 Harvard–Yenching Institute Programmes 哈佛燕京學社現接受人文學科及社會科學教員申請2015至16年度進修資助。詳情如下: 訪問學人資助計劃 資助教員前往哈佛大學進修或從事研究工作,為期十個月。資助項目包括單人來回機票、 生活津貼、醫療、聘請研究助理,以及參加美國和加拿大境內學術研討會的津貼。 訪問研究員資助計劃 資助博士研究生前往哈佛大學從事研究工作,為期三個學期,從事有關東亞研究者將獲 優先考慮。資助項目包括交通、訪問研究員津貼、生活津貼及參加美國和加拿大境內學 術研討會的津貼。 申請人須於2014年8月1日前,把申請表格連同相關文件經所屬學系系主任及學院院長送 交人事處培訓事務經理周偉榮先生(申請訪問學人資助計劃),或研究院助理主任蘇少嫺 女士(申請訪問研究員資助計劃)。申請表格可於人事處網頁下載。通過初步甄選者,將獲 哈佛燕京學社之代表在港接見。查詢詳情可電郵至 。 Applications are now invited from faculty members in the humanities and social sciences for the following two Harvard–Yenching Programmes tenable in 2015–16: Visiting Scholars Programme (VSP) This programme allows young faculty members in the humanities and social sciences to study and conduct research at Harvard University for 10 months. The scholarship will cover round-trip airfare, a monthly stipend, fees for health insurance, and funding for hiring a research assistant and for participation in an academic conference within the US and Canada. Visiting Fellows Programme (VFP) This programme provides advanced PhD candidates an opportunity to do dissertation research at Harvard University for three semesters. Preference is given to those working in East Asian studies. The fellowship will cover round-trip airfare, the Harvard University Visiting Fellows fee, a stipend for a single scholar, and funding for participation in an academic conference within the US and Canada. Applicants should submit the completed application forms and requisite supporting documents, with the endorsement of the department chairman/unit head and the Faculty Dean as appropriate to Mr. Daniel Chow, training manger (for VSP application , or to Ms. Vera So of Graduate School Office (for VFP application) on or before 1 August 2014. Application forms are obtainable at the Personnel Office’s website. Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by an Institute interview panel in Hong Kong. For enquiries, please e-mail to 香港越南船民講座 Talks on Vietnamese Boat People in Hong Kong 中文大學出版社邀得嶺南大學視覺研究系副教授羅淑敏主持兩場講座,詳情如下: The Chinese University Press invites Prof. Law Suk-mun Sophia, associate professor at the Department of Visual Studies, Lingnan University, to host two lectures. Details are as follows: 講題 Topic 香港難民營中的越南藝術 Image Writing: Vietnamese Art in the Camps 語言 Language 英語 English 日期 Date 25.6.2014 時間 Time 酒會 Drinks reception: 6:00 pm 講座 Presentation: 7:00 pm–8:00 pm 地點 Venue 金鐘正義道九號亞洲協會香港中心 Asia Society Hong Kong Center, 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty 費用 Fee HK$200 (會員 members ) HK$250 (非會員 non-members ) 購票 Ticketing vietnamese-art-camps 講題 Topic 看不見的生命:香港越南船民史 The Invisible Citizens of Hong Kong: Stories of Vietnamese Boat People 語言 Language 廣東話 Cantonese 日期 Date 28.6.2014 時間 Time 2:30 pm–4:30 pm 地點 Venue 尖沙嘴彌敦道132號美麗華商場 B/F商務印書館 The Commercial Press Tsimshatsui Book Centre B/F, Miramar Shopping Centre, 132 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui 費用 Fee 免費(座位有限,先到先得) Free (first-come, first-served) 報名 Registration 查詢 Enquiries 3943 9805 新系統管理車輛進出 New Vehicle Access Control System 為提升管理車輛出入的系統,大學將於8月引進新的自動化車輛進出管理系統。新系統採 用無線射頻識別技術,泊車證持證人將獲電郵通知,於稍後公布的時段內親身或透過代 表前往保安處控制室領取無線射頻識別標籤。系統更新後,將以新的二維碼泊車券取代 現時的泊車認可券和預繳泊車券,持有現時預繳泊車券者,可於8月起前往保安處換取 新券。 有關新系統的運作以及相關安排,請瀏覽保安處網頁 , 或致電3943 8639查詢。 In order to enhance the management system of vehicles accessing the campus, the University will launch a new Automated Vehicle Access Control System sometimes in August. The new system will employ the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. Eligible parking label holders will be notified by e-mail on a date to be announced to obtain their RFID tags in person or by an authorized representative at the Control Room of the Security Office during office hours. Under the new system, QR code coupons will replace the existing prepaid and complimentary parking coupons/passes. Users of the current prepaid coupons can exchange for QR code coupon from August. For more information, please visit the website of Security Office or contact the office at 3943 8639. 天灸療法保健運動 Natural Moxibustion Health Campaign 為促進巿民健康,中醫學院將於7及8月推行冬病夏治「天灸療法」保健運動,為大家提 供敷貼治療。詳情如下: To promote health of the public, the School of Chinese Medicine will launch the Natural Moxibustion Health Campaign in coming July and August. Details are as follows: 日期 Date 18.7.2014 (初伏 1st treatment ) 28.7.2014 (中伏 2nd treatment ) 8.8.2014 (末伏 3rd treatment ) 時間 Time 9:30 am–4:30 pm 地點 Venue 信和樓一樓中醫學院中醫教學診所 Teaching Clinic for Chinese Medicine, 1/F, Sino Building 費用 Fee HK$ 400 (中大職員、學生、校友、退休職員、職員或校友之 直系親屬 CUHK staff, students, alumni, retired staff, staff/ alumni direct family members ) HK$ 600 (校外人士 Others ) 包括三次療程;須於初伏當天全數以現金或信用卡繳付 For three doses; one-off payment by cash or credit card is required at the first treatment 名額 Quota 先到先得,額滿即止 First-come, first-served 報名日期 Registration Date 19.6.2014–10.7.2014 療法介紹及報名 Introduction of Natural Moxibustion and Registration 中醫學院中醫教學診所網頁 Website of School of Chinese Medicine Teaching Clinic ( ) 查詢 Enquiries 3943 4328 /1346 /4024 大學游泳池延長開放時間 Extension of Opening Hours of University Swimming Pool 大學游泳池由6月9日起延長開放時間如下: With effect from 9 June, the daily opening hours of the University swimming pool has been extended as follows: 星期一至四、六、日及公眾假期 Mon.–Thur., Sat., Sun., and Public Holidays 星期五 Fri. 第一節 1st session 8:00 am–1:40 pm 8:00 am–noon 第二節 2nd session 2:30 pm–9:00 pm
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