Newsletter No. 440
No. 440, 19.6.2014 5 新混合手術室減心血管手術風險 New Hybrid Cardiovascular Operating Theatre Reduces Risk of Surgery 中大於威爾斯親王醫院設置嶄新的「心血管混合手術室」,並成立跨專科醫療團隊,為胸腔主動脈出現病變的病人提供 較低風險、較高成效的一站式手術治療。自2013年至今,團隊已評估了七十個病例,並為其中二十九名病人進行一站式 複雜的胸腔主動脈血管內支架置入手術,把原來需分階段數天完成的手術過程大幅縮短至數小時,大部份病人手術後 康復進度迅速。 新的手術室設置先進影像設備,包括「C型機械臂影像裝置」,能為病人進行三百六十度全面檢測;並採用由上至下的 標準層流式通風系統,符合感染控制規格。中大外科學系系主任賴寶山教授( 左三 )表示:「新手術室讓不同專科醫生 可在同一地點為病人進行所有檢測和手術程序,大大縮短治療時間,以及減低運送病人期間大量出血和細菌感染等風 險。如各樣資源能配合,預期每年會有數以百計的病人受惠於這創新設施及手術計劃。」 In 2013, CUHK set up an innovative Hybrid Cardiovascular Operating Theatre at the Prince of Wales Hospital and formed a multidisciplinary specialists team to provide safer and more efficient one-stop consultation and surgery care for patients suffering from thoracic aortic pathologies. Since then, the team has analysed 70 cases and performed one-stop complex thoracic aortic endovascular stenting operations for 29 patients. Compared to the conventional approach, operation time is significantly reduced from a few days to several hours, with satisfactory recovery progress. The new hybrid operating theatre is equipped with state-of-the-art imaging facilities. Among these is a Robotic C-arm imaging device which is able to perform 360-degree thorough examination of patients while its laminar air flow system ensures strict compliance to infection control standard. Prof. Paul Lai ( 3rd left ), chairman of the Department of Surgery, explained, 'The new operating theatre allows doctors from different disciplines to perform all necessary procedures in a single location, which significantly reduces operation time and risk during the transfer of patients, including bleeding and infection. With sufficient resources, hundreds of patients will benefit from this innovative theatre and operating model.’ 梁錦松談香港經濟與就業前景 Antony Leung on Hong Kong’s Future Economy and Job Market 由中大商學院校友及企業事務辦公室主辦的「全球領 袖系列講座」,於5月15日假海景嘉福酒店舉行,邀得 前香港特區政府財政司司長、現任南豐集團行政總裁 梁錦松為主講嘉賓。梁錦松以「香港經濟與就業前景 之我見」為題,分享其對經濟、社會、政治等議題的見 解,闡釋香港如何乘中國發展之勢提升定位,並寄語年 輕人裝備自己,迎向全球化及創新科技的挑戰。講座吸 引了三百多學院校友、學生,以及眾多深具影響力的商 界、學術界和政界領袖出席,場面熱鬧。 Organized by the Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office of the CUHK Business School, the Global Leader Series talk delivered by Mr. Leung Kam-chung Antony, former Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government and current group chief executive of Nan Fung Group, was held on 15 May at the InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong. In his talk titled ‘Thoughts on Hong Kong’s Future Economy and Job Market’, Mr. Leung examined economic, social and political issues, explaining how Hong Kong should leverage China’s growth. He also offered tips to the young on how to properly equip themselves amid globalization and technological advancement. The talk attracted an international mix of influential business, academic and diplomatic leaders, in addition to alumni and students of the Business School. 兩應屆畢業生獲法國獎學金 Fresh Graduates Receive French Scholarships 應屆畢業生陳凱倫及林愷明獲法國駐港澳總領事館頒發獎學金,於2014至15學年負笈法國修讀碩士課程。 主修文化研究的陳凱倫認為中大的課程能提供空間及全面訓練,培養她在文化領域的批判思考能力, 也加深她對藝術的熱愛。對不同文化的了解及對視覺藝術的鍾愛,令她脫穎而出,奪得 Studialis Group Graduate Program 獎學金,到巴黎高等藝術研究學院修讀有關當代藝術及市場營銷的碩士課程。 修讀物理的林愷明熱愛海洋科學,希望將來為保護海洋自然生態出力。他將修讀歐盟的海洋環境與資源碩士課程, 未來兩年穿梭法國、西班牙及英國學習。得到 Alexandre Yersin 獎學金的資助,他會先到波爾多第一大學留學半年。 Two CUHK fresh graduates, Miss Chan Hoi-lun Lune and Mr. Lam Hoi-ming, have been awarded scholarships by the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau to pursue further studies in France in the 2014–15 academic year. Majoring in Cultural Studies, Lune affirmed that the lectures offered in CUHK had trained her to think critically about culture and instilled in her a strong passion for art. Her understanding of culture and passion for the visual arts have earned her the Studialis Group Graduate Programme Scholarship which supports her to pursue a master’s degree in contemporary art; sales, display & collecting at the Institut d’Études Supérieures des Arts (IESA) in Paris. Despite being a physics major, Hoi-ming is fond of marine science and committed to preserving natural marine habitats. He is going to read the two-year Erasmus Mundus MSc in marine environment and resources in France, Spain and the UK. He will first spend six months studying at Universités de Bordeaux 1 with financial support from the Alexandre Yersin Scholarship. 陳凱倫(中)及林愷明(左)獲法國駐港澳副總領事Lilas Bernheim 女士(右)頒發獎學金 Miss Chan Hoi-lun Lune (centre) and Mr. Lam Hoi-ming (left) receiving the awards from Ms. Lilas Bernheim (right), Deputy Consul-General of France in Hong Kong and Macau
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