Newsletter No. 440
4 No. 440, 19.6.2014 新修訂醫療福利 Improved Medical Benefits to CUHK Staff 大學的職員醫療福利由不同計劃涵蓋——包括僱員醫療福利計劃、網絡醫院計劃、額 外門診服務計劃、附加醫療保險計劃、退休僱員醫療保險計劃。為提醫療福利計劃的 整體水平,改善其運作效益,並鼓勵更多職員參與附加醫療保險計劃,致令其能長遠實 行,大學修訂了部份內容,並於7月1日生效。 人事處、財務處、大學保健處的同事,以及怡和保險顧問有限公司的代表,於6月11日的 兩場簡介會中向中大教職員介紹新修訂的醫療福利,這項與大部份員工有切身關係的 議題,吸引不少教職員出席。7月1日新修訂重點包括: CUHK staff medical benefits come under several schemes: Staff Medical Benefit Schemes (SMBS), Network Hospitals Scheme (NHS), Extra Outpatient Consultation Services Scheme (EOCSS), Voluntary Top-Up Medical Insurance Scheme (VTP) and Medical Insurance Plan for Retirees (VTP). To improve the overall benefit level and operational efficiency of the schemes and to encourage the staff members to join VTP so to make it viable in the long term, the University has approved some enhancement features to the schemes starting 1 July. Colleagues from the Bursary, Personnel Office and the University Health Services and representatives from Jardine Lloyd Thompson Limited spoke to a full house on the latest developments of the schemes in two briefing sessions held on 11 June. The main enhancement features effective from 1 July are: 免除僱員現時每月「僱員醫療福利計劃」港幣11.3元或17元的供款; Removal of the monthly staff contribution requirement of HK$11.3 or HK$17 to SMBS; 調整「僱員醫療福利計劃」覆蓋項目和金額,例如: Enhancements to the approved scale of charges under SMBS, for examples: • 新增入住深切治療病房費 Adding coverage for daily maintenance fee at intensive care unit • 新增繁複類外科手術費及繁複類手術麻醉科醫生費 Adding coverage for complex operations and anaesthetics for complex operations • 使用產房(自然分娩)費用由港幣4,880元增至20,000元 Improving coverage of using labour ward for maternity deliveries from HK$4,880 to HK$20,000 「附加醫療保險計劃」現接受從未加入的僱員重新申請,有興趣者可填妥 表格,連同費用於6月26日前交往財務處薪津及公積金組 Reopen VTP to eligible members who have never joined the scheme. Interested staff members please complete and return the application form together with the premium payment to the Payroll and Superannuation Unit of Bursary by 26 June 「 網絡醫院計劃」參與醫院新名單; Updated list of network hospitals 「額外門診服務計劃」名單及費用安排修訂; Updated list of outpatient practitioners and payment arrangement 有關各醫療福利計劃的新修訂詳情,請參閱以下網頁: For more information, please refer to the relevant circulars on the following websites: Default.aspx (人事處 Personnel Office ) (財務處 Bursary ) 大學推端點安全方案保障資料 CUHK Adopts Endpoint Security Solution 大學擁有大量信息資源,並且重視與社會分享知識和科研成果,因此大學的信息政策一 般也相對開放,而這也使各地大學較多出現信息安全事故。珍貴的信息如職員與學生個 人資料、財務信息、僱員記錄、病人健康數據及其他敏感或機密的研究資料,有可能因 管理不善而外泄。即使只是攜帶大學手提電腦或USB儲存器外出參加會議或演講,只 要裝置存有未經加密的個人和敏感資料,而不幸遺失或被盜去的話,有關資料便可能墮 入不法分子手中,事實上這正是資料外泄最普遍的原因之一。 現時業內常以數據加密防止數據遺失或被盜取。最近,大學正式核准在校內推行端點安 全方案,內容之一為將數據加密,有關方案適用於所有教學或非教學用途的大學電腦或 大學手提電腦,而課室、普通實驗室、圖書館內的電腦由於只作普通用途,不會處理個人 或敏感資料,因此無須執行有關方案。 在方案推行的首階段,資訊科技服務處將為桌上型電腦用戶的USB儲存器、以及手提電 腦的硬盤及USB儲存器提供加密方案。 用戶手冊及簡介會將會在7月中推出,詳情將於7月8日在資訊科技服務處網頁 公 布。如有查詢,請聯絡資訊科技服務處服務台( http:// ) 。 Universities are particularly vulnerable to information security incidents because of their open information access policies and richness in information assets — staff and student data, payment information, employment records, patient health records, and all kinds of sensitive and classified research information. If you are bringing your office laptop or USB flash drive that contains unencrypted sensitive data to an external meeting and unfortunately they are lost or stolen, the data might fall into the wrong hands. This is in fact one of the most common causes for data breach. The predominant solution in the industry is to employ data encryption. The University has recently endorsed the deployment of an Endpoint Security Solution which provides encryption to all university-owned desktops and laptops used by both teaching and non-teaching staff. And since computers set up for casual use in classrooms, general labs and libraries will not handle personal data, encryption is not necessary. In phase one of the deployment, ITSC will facilitate encryption to (1) Desktops: USB drive encryption only; (2) Laptops: both full-disk and USB drive encryption. User instructions and briefing sessions will be offered in mid-July. Please stay tuned and refer to ITSC's announcement at on 8 July 2014. For any enquiries, please contact ITSC Service Desk at . 沈祖堯校長獲頒香港富布賴特傑出學者 Joseph Sung Receives Hong Kong Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Award 美國駐港總領事夏千福(右)頒 奬 予沈祖堯教授 Mr. Clifford A. Hart (right), Consul General of the US to Hong Kong and Macau, presenting the award to Professor Sung 中大校長兼莫慶堯醫學講座教授沈祖堯教授( 左 )獲頒2014年香港富布賴特傑出學 者獎,獲邀在美國多所頂尖高等學府巡迴講學。該計劃每年選出一名本港優秀學者到 美國交流,加強兩地聯繫。沈教授表示:「我十分榮幸成為本年的香港富布賴特傑出學 者,並十分期待與美國的學者及領袖會面,分享研究經驗。我深信此交流機會有助加強 美國及香港的學術聯繫,增進兩地的交流。」他將於本年稍後前往美國西岸多所著名學 府巡迴講學,主題為「傳染病、沙士及流行性感冒:經驗總結」。 富布賴特計劃是由美國政府設立的國際教育交流計劃,在超過一百五十五個國家和地 區運作,至今已為三十多萬名學者、教育者、研究生和專業人士提供交流、教學及研究 機會。香港特區政府於1996年開始資助香港富布賴特傑出學者獎。 Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( left ), Vice-Chancellor and Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine, has been awarded the 2014 Hong Kong Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Award to make a lecture tour of major US universities. The prestigious award is bestowed on an eminent scholar every year to foster academic exchange between Hong Kong and the US. Professor Sung said, ‘I’m deeply honoured to be the Hong Kong Fulbright Distinguished Scholar for 2014, and I look forward to meeting our counterparts in the US to share my research experience. I believe it will help forge closer ties and enhance mutual understanding between the US and Hong Kong.’ Professor Sung will give a lecture series on ‘Plague, SARS and Influenza: What have we learned?’ later this year at a number of universities on the west coast of the US. The Fulbright Program is the flagship international education exchange programme run by the US Government. It operates in more than 155 countries worldwide and has provided approximately 310,000 participants with the opportunity to study, teach, or conduct research in each other’s countries. The Hong Kong SAR Government has sponsored Distinguished Fulbright Scholars from Hong Kong since 1996.
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