Newsletter No. 425
No. 425, 19.10.2013 7 六員工獲優異服務獎 Six Staff Honoured for Exemplary Service 2012至13年度員工優異服務頒獎典禮於9月26日在李兆基 樓舉行,由沈祖堯校長( 右四 )主禮。六位得獎人分別為聯 合書院余何麗玲女士( 左二 )、中醫學院何林淑貞女士( 左 三 )、化學系吳加輝先生( 左一 )、資訊科技服務處陳鈞池 先生( 右一 )、自學中心陳梁笑英女士( 右三 )及體育部張學 東先生( 右二 )。出席典禮者約一百三十人,包括多位大學主 管人員、得獎者的親友及同事。 Six members of the University were presented the Exemplary Service Award 2012–13 by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 4th right ), Vice-Chancellor, on 26 September at the Lee Shau Kee Building. The recipients were Mrs. Yu Ho Lai-ling ( 2nd left ), United College; Mrs. Ho Lam Suk-ching Sarah ( 3rd left ), School of Chinese Medicine; Mr. Woo Ka- fai ( 1st left ), Department of Chemistry; Mr. Chan Kwan- chi ( 1st right ), Information Technology Services Centre; Mrs. Chan Leung Siu-ying Janet ( 3rd right ), Independent Learning Centre; and Mr. Cheung Hok-tung ( 2nd right ), Physical Education Unit. In attendance were some 130 guests that included senior management, staff, students, and family of the awardees. 芳艷芬藝術傳承計劃 Art of Fong Yim-fun Sustainability Project 有「花旦王」美譽的芳艷芬女士去年慨 捐三百萬元予逸夫書院,以推動粵劇表 演藝術,及向年輕人宣揚關愛社會及服 務社群訊息。書院除搜集和整理芳艷芬 女士相關的珍藏舊物,並設立「芳艷芬 藝術傳承計劃」,於9月首先舉辦兩項活 動,分別為視障長者獻唱粵曲及傳承計 劃的成立講座。 在院長陳志輝教授帶領下,書院教職員 和學生義工隊,聯同名伶譚倩紅女士於 9月14日為賽馬會屯門盲人安老院院友 演唱粵曲助慶。17日則在康本國際學術園舉辦「芳艷芬藝術傳承計劃」成立講座,邀請資深粵劇研究學者梁沛錦 教授主講「從芳艷芬藝術看粵劇的承傳」,並由名伶南鳳女士示範演出。 陳教授感謝芳艷芬女士的捐贈,並表示:「推動粵劇藝術與書院的第一支柱『誠意正心』關係密切,粵劇的主題多 以五倫、孝義忠信、禮義廉恥等為主,這些都是中國文化的重要部分。芳姐樂於助人,也和書院第二支柱的『服務社 群』不謀而合。」 Ms. Fong Yim-fun, a famous Cantonese opera diva who earned the title of ‘Queen of Leading Actresses’, generously donated $3 million to Shaw College for the promotion of Cantonese opera and service to the needy in 2012. In addition to collecting and compiling the list of Ms. Fong’s valuables, the College has established the Art of Fong Yim-fun Sustainability Project. To kick off the project, the College organized a Cantonese operatic songs performance for blind seniors and a lecture in September. Led by Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan, Head of Shaw College, college staff and students visited the Home for the Elderly, the Hong Kong Society for the Blind, Tuen Mun, and sang Cantonese operatic tunes on 14 September. The event was joined by Ms. Tam Sin-hung, renowned Cantonese opera artist. On 17 September, a lecture entitled ‘Inheriting Cantonese Opera—From the Perspective of the Art of Ms. Fong Yim-fun’ hosted by Prof. Leung Pui-kam, veteran researcher in Cantonese opera, was held at Yasumoto International Academic Park. Ms. Nam Fung, famous Cantonese opera artist, was the guest performer. Professor Chan thanked Ms. Fong for her generous donation. He said, ‘The messages of filial piety, loyalty and ethics embodied by Cantonese opera are among the most important elements of Chinese culture. The promotion of Cantonese opera coincides with the first pillar of the College, “nurturing moral character”. Ms. Fong’s willingness to serve is in line with our second pillar, “serving the community”.’ 講師職級晉升評審 Advancement Review of Lecturers 有關講師職級2014至15年度之晉升評審現已展開,詳見人事處網頁通函GC08/2013: 。 The annual staff review exercise for Lecturer grade staff (2014–15) has commenced. Please refer to General Circular No. GC08/2013 at the Personnel Office website . 商學院雜誌 CONNECT 出版中大五十周年紀念特刊 A 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition of CONNECT 為慶祝中大五十周年,工商管理學院推廣及傳訊辦公室出版最新一期 的 CONNECT ,特意介紹該院之歷史及里程碑,由歷任及現任院長、教 學及行政職員、校友及學生分享其難忘故事。 The Marketing and Communications Office of the Faculty of Business Administration is pleased to deliver the special edition of CONNECT , the Faculty magazine, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of CUHK. In this commemorative issue, the history of the Faculty and its milestones are featured, as well as the stories and memories of former/present Deans, academic and administrative staff, alumni and students. 失落的一代─中國的上山下鄉運動講座 Lecture on The Lost Generation: The Rustication of China’s Educated Youth 中文大學出版社邀請清華大學中法研究中心主任,香港法國現代中國研究中心創辦人 潘鳴嘯教授10月25日蒞臨校園主持講座,講題為「失落的一代─中國的上山下鄉運動」, 詳情如下: The Chinese University Press invites Prof. Michel Bonnin, director of the Sino-French Academic Centre at Tsinghua University, founder of the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China, to host a lecture on ‘The Lost Generation: The Rustication of China’s Educated Youth’ on 25 October. Details are as follows: 日期 Date 25.10.2013 時間 Time 16:30 – 18:30 地點 Venue 康本國際學術園大學書店 University Bookstore, Yasumoto International Academic Park 語言 Language 普通話 Putonghua 網上報名 Online registration 查詢 Enquiries 3943 9800
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