Newsletter No. 369
No. 369, 19.12.2010 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 成 就 ACHIEVEMENTS 中大生商業管理賽三連冠 CUHK Students Win Business Competition for Third Year Y 世代(1980至1995年)出生的年輕人最需要什麼銀 行服務?他們自己應可提供最佳答案。三名環球商業 學一年級學生趙舜茹( 左二 )、許尉庭( 右二 )和葉梓聰 ( 右一 )與專業會計學一年級生莫智傑( 左一 )組成的隊 伍,憑着創意,為提高滙豐銀行Y世代的市場佔有率提出 周詳計劃,在11月27日舉行的大專聯校商業管理挑戰賽 2010中擊敗其他一百五十支隊伍,奪得冠軍,是中大連續 三年獲此殊榮,該隊並囊括「最佳報告隊伍獎」及「最具 創意隊伍獎」。 隊伍提議推出專為Y世代而設的信用 卡、定位短訊服務及個人化金融服務, 又改善現時滙豐為年輕人而設的網站 版面,使與社交網站連結。 隊長趙舜茹表示,計劃周詳,並包括具 體的推行方案,是獲得評判垂青的原 因,「例如在答問環節,評判團問到為 甚麼手機短訊服務的成本佔整個計劃 一半之多。由於我們的資料並非憑空 臆測,而是確實曾向網絡商查詢,所以 可即時列出數據支持。」 環球商業學課程主任張偉雄教授表 示,中大隊優勝之處是有詳備的財政 預算。在現實商業社會,計劃不單要有 創意,更要包括實行方法,一分一毫都 必須計算清楚,要有全盤的考慮,這亦 是中大商科訓練非常着重的一環。 W hat type of banking services suits Generation Y (those who were born between 1980 and 1995) the most? Maybe only members of this group can give the best answer. As members of Generation Y, three Global Business Studies students Bonnie Chiu (2nd left) , Victor Hui (2nd right), Alan Yip (1st right), and Professional Accountancy student Herman Mok (1st left), proposed a creative and multi-dimensional plan for the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) that catered to the needs of Generation Y, with a view to increasing its market share. The team beat 150 other teams to win the championship title at the Joint University Business Management Challenge 2010 held on 27 November, making CUHK the champion for the third year in a row. They also reaped the ‘Best Presentation’ and ‘Most Creative’ awards. The team recommended launching a credit card tailor- made for the generation as well as location-based SMS services, providing customized financial services, improving the existing HSBC website for the young by connecting it with social media. Bonnie Chiu, the team leader, said that their comprehensive planning and the inclusion of implementation strategy impressed the judging panel. She continued, ‘In the Q & A session of the presentation, the panel members queried the ratio of mobile SMS cost and we promptly produced supporting figures from mobile network operators as we had done the research.’ Prof. Gordon W. Cheung, GBS programme director, said the team outshone others by providing the budget. He said, ‘In the real world, creative ideas, as well as a feasible implementation strategy and budget plan, are essential to a good and comprehensive business proposal. CUHK business programmes provide quality education in order to nurture students with comprehensive minds who are highly competitive in the business sector.’ 與CFA協會成為合作夥伴 • Setting up Partnership with CFA Institute 工 商管理學院與CFA協會於11月29日舉行簽約儀式, 由院長黃德尊教授( 右 )及CFA協會亞太區董事總 經理艾博科博士( 左 )代表簽署,自此商學院成為CFA課 程合作夥伴,其計量金融學理學士課程將提供專業及實用 的訓練,協助學生應考CFA考試,投身金融及投資行業。 CFA協會的會員是來自全球的投資專業人士,負責在世界 各地主辦特許金融分析師(簡稱CFA)及投資表現衡量證 書(簡稱CIPM)課程及考試。 計量金融學理學士課程有七成內容與CFA課程考生知 識體系的一級程度考試相同,並涵蓋CFA協會的《道德 操守》和《專業行為準則》。今後該課程的學生可專享多 項CFA協會的資源,包括其網上一級考試範本、期刊、網上 播放和其他終身學習資源,學生亦可申請該會的一級考試 獎學金。 CFA課程是一項以實用知識為主、等同碩士學位程度的 自學課程,強調道德標準、專業操守和知識,為金融業廣 泛的職業種類提供穩健的專業基礎,並且與時俱進,獲投 資業界認受為最嚴謹的專業資格認證課程。CFA特許狀 同時廣被全球僱主、投資界專業人士和投資者視為金牌 標準。 CFA協會與世界各地大學合作,致力培訓投資和金融 專才。現時,世界各地共有一百二十八個CFA課程合作夥 伴,包括牛津大學Sa ï d商學院、南加州大學、康乃爾大學 約翰遜學院、倫敦商學院、北京大學和早稻田大學等著名 學府。 T he University signed an agreement with the CFA Institute, the global association for investment professionals, recognizing CUHK as a CFA Program Partner. On 29 November, Prof. T.J. Wong (right), Dean of Business Administration, and Dr. Ashvin Vibhakar (left), managing director, Asia-Pacific Operations, CFA Institute, signed the agreement, signaling that the University’s curriculum is closely tied to professional practice and is well suited to preparing students for CFA examinations and ultimately employment in the finance and investment industry. CFA Institute, the global association for investment professionals, administers the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) and CIPM curriculum and examination programmes worldwide. The partnership agrees that CUHK’s Bachelor of Science Programme in Quantitative Finance covers 70% of the Level I topics of the CFA Program Candidate Body of Knowledge and CFA Institute ethical and professional standards. Students in this programme have access to CFA Institute curricula, an exclusive online Level I sample examination, journals, webcasts, and other educational resources, and are eligible to apply for Level I CFA examination scholarships. The CFA Program is a graduate-level self-study programme that combines a broad-based curriculum of investment principles with professional conduct requirements. It is designed to prepare individuals for a wide range of investment jobs in markets all over the world. Regarded as the most rigorous credentialing programme, the CFA Program provides candidates with up-to-date and relevant professional knowledge, which is a strong foundation for a wide range of careers. The CFA charter is recognized as the gold standard in the investment industry. CFA Institute collaborates with universities around the world to nurture new investment and finance professionals. Currently, there are 128 CFA Program Partners worldwide, including prestigious colleges and universities such as Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford, University of Southern California, the Johnson School at Cornell University, London Business School, Peking University, and Waseda University.
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