Newsletter No. 369
6 No. 369, 19.12.2010 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 內地重點中學領導來訪 • Mainland Middle School Delegation Visits CUHK 四 十三位來自內地十三省市三十八所重點中學的校 長及領導應中大邀請,於11月25日來訪,與校長、 副校長、書院院長和入學及學生資助處處長等會面,就 中大在內地招生進行交流,並參觀了校園、書院、教學設 施,以及學生宿舍。 沈祖堯校長致歡迎辭表示,希望日後與內地重點中學加強 合作,共同致力為國家培育更多出類拔萃的人才。和聲書院 院長劉允怡教授向訪問團介紹中大的書院制度和精神、和 聲書院的成立背景和特色,以及為學生提供的關顧服務等。 嘉賓對中大的教學理念均表認同,且讚揚有加,對其書 A 43-member delegation comprising the headmasters and officers of 38 key mainland middle schools from 13 provinces and municipalities visited CUHK on 25 November. The delegates met with the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors, the College Heads, and the Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, and were given a campus tour. In his welcoming speech, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice- Chancellor, said that the University would like to enhance cooperation with key mainland middle schools to nurture intellectuals for society. Prof. Joseph W.Y. Lau, Master of Lee Woo Sing College, briefed the visitors about the University’s college system, as well as the background and features of Lee Woo Sing College. The delegates praised the University’s educational ideology and were deeply impressed by its college system and campus. A member said, ‘With a picturesque campus, a humanistic tradition, state-of-the-art facilities, and care for students, I would like to see more students from my school being admitted to CUHK.’ They also agreed to fall in step with CUHK’s admission schedule and the University was invited to organize admission talks at some schools in 2011. Mainland undergraduate students at the University also shared their study experience with the visitors at a tea reception. A headmaster said, ‘Student activities at CUHK are not only diversified, but also educatonal. I appreciate the student ambassador programme the most. Under the programme, students return to their alma maters to organize activities for promoting CUHK during holidays. This helps to advance their organizational and communication skills, and increases their sense of belonging to the University.’ 院制和美麗校園更印象深刻。一位代表說:「中大校園環 境優美,人文氣息濃厚,各類設施也很齊備,對學生的關 顧服務更是無微不至。我希望更多我校的學生可以入讀 中大。」各中學領導均表示樂意配合中大的招生工作,多所 中學更即時邀請中大明年在該校舉辦招生說明會。 各中學領導亦與多名內地生茶聚,了解他們在香港的生活 和學習情況。一位中學校長指出:「中大的學生活動不單多 樣化,且具教育意義。我最欣賞的是學生大使計劃,學生 假期回鄉時自發回到中學母校舉辦宣傳活動,一方面訓練 組織和交際能力,同時加強了對大學的歸屬感。」 數字城市群建設和管理學術研討會 • Conference on Digital Metropolitan Construction 太 空與地球信息科學研究所(太空所)於11月25及 26日舉辦數字城市群建設和管理學術研討會,邀 請全國人民代表大會環境與資源保護委員會主任汪光燾 院士、深圳市人民代表大會常務委員會副主任閏小培教 授、香港規劃署副署長凌嘉勤先生、黃乃正副校長、馮通 協理副校長及太空所鄒經宇教授主持開幕禮。 城市群是中國區域社會經濟發展過程中出現的新現象,近 年中央或地方政府推出的城市群已達三十餘個。會議邀請 了來自國內外專注城市規劃及數字城市研究的專家學者 參加,探討了多項主題,包括大都市群的發展策略、城市群 的區域合作、數字城市群與科技支撐、智慧型空間決策支 持系統研究及碳排放管理等。 是次會議由香港培華教育基金會、中大聯合書院、香港大 學中國發展國際研究中心、香港浸會大學當代中國研究 所,以及中大地理及資源管理學系贊助。 T he Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) held the Conference on Digital Metropolitan Construction and Management Studies on 25 and 26 November. Officiating guests included Prof. Wang Guangtao, chairman of National People’s Congress Environmental Protection and Resources Conservation Committee; Prof. Yan Xiaopei, deputy director, Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress; Mr. Ling Kar-kan, Deputy Director of Planning, Planning discussed, namely, megalopolitan development strategy, regional cooperation of metropolises, digital metropolis and technical support, intelligent spatial decision support system, and carbon emissions management. The event was sponsored by Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation; United College, CUHK; International Center for China Development Studies, The University of Hong Kong; Advanced Institute for Contemporary China Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University; and Department of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK. Department of HKSAR Government; Prof. Henry N.C. Wong, CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Fung Tong, CUHK Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor; and Prof. Tsou Jinyeu of ISEIS. Metropolitan areas are new phenomena evolving from the process of regional socio-economic development in China. The central and the local governments have introduced over 30 metropolises in recent years. Experts and scholars of urban planning and digital metropolitan studies were invited to join the conference. A number of themes were
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