Newsletter No. 417

No. 417, 4.5.2013 3 暑期外地實習 Overseas Summer Internships 外地駐場藝術家計劃 Artist-in-residence Scheme 我於2012年7月到蘇州美術館新 館實習了一個月。與美術館同事 交流時,了解當地政府的文藝管 理政策和態度,還有現今蘇州青 年人的生活情況。我在實習期間, 不但看到中國獨特的文化工作生 態,也對蘇州傳統工藝和文化特 色有了更深認識。 I went to the Suzhou Art Museum for an internship from July to August 2012. I learned a lot from the co-workers at the museum about the arts management and policies of the local authorities and the lives of local youths. I also familiarized myself with the unique way of working in China and Suzhou’s traditional handicrafts and culture. 唐錦婷 ( 藝術四) Tong Kam-ting (Fine Arts, Year 4) 我於2012年6至7月到北京中華世 紀壇世界藝術館實習。其間除參 觀了與藝術、歷史有關的展覽外, 又對中國藝術機構有更多認識。 公餘更走訪了琉璃廠、798、南鑼 鼓巷一帶富有文藝味道的藝術 品、手製陶瓷和電影商號,使我反 思了在市場下的藝術生存空間。 I got an internship at the Beijing World Art Museum from June to July 2012. During my internship, I went to exhibitions related to art and history and gained a better understanding of art organizations in China. In my leisure, I visited shops selling artworks, antiques, handmade pottery and film-related products, prompting me to reflect on the survival of the arts in the market. 梁景嵐 (藝術四) Leung King-nam (Fine Arts, Year 4) 高倩彤 (藝術/2009) Ko Sin-tung (Fine Arts graduate, 2009) 我在2012年申請了一個藝術家駐場計劃,10月到了挪威奧爾維克的Kunstnarhuset Messen,開始為 期兩個月關於文字的創作計劃。我選擇在一個陌生的環境面對一些陌生的文字,試圖探討文字在失去 傳達信息功能時的存在價值。 I applied for an artist-in-residence scheme in 2012 and went to the Kunstnarhuset Messen in Alvik, Norway in October to begin a two-month writing project. I’m interested in the use of words by people and how words work. So I decided to put myself in a strange place with a language I don’t speak, and to study the value of words when they no longer carry out the function of conveying information. Relation-in-time 2012, 壓克力板 acrylic boards, 33 x 44 x 26 cm 李天倫 Li Tin-lun 我於2012年7至9月前往北京尤倫 斯當代藝術中心實習。第一個月 負責譯寫中國年青藝術小組的訪 問錄音,編輯出版,以及籌備其 2013年1月中的展覽。第二個月則 為來京一個月作實地創作的日本 藝術家 金氏徹平 擔任助手。這項 工作讓我了解到大型藝術品的製 作及大規模展覽的籌備工夫。 I worked as an intern at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing from July to September 2012. In the first month of my internship, I was responsible for transcribing an interview with young Chinese artists and preparing for their exhibition in January 2013. In the second month, I worked as an assistant to the Japanese artist Kaneuji Teppei . This task enabled me to have a better understanding of the production of large-scale artworks and preparations for a big exhibition. 黃嘉瀛 (藝術四) Wong Ka-ying (Fine Arts, Year 4) 藝術碩士研究生畢業展 MFA Graduation Exhibition 李天倫、梁依廷、方琛宇和劉彥韜 (2012 藝術碩士〔藝術創作〕課程畢業生) Li Tin-lun, Leung Yee-ting, Fong Sum-yu, Lau Yin-to (Master of Fine Arts Programme graduates, 2012) 我們四人於新亞書院誠明館舉辦的畢業展,在2012年6月 完滿結束,展出的作品引起各界關注,使我們日後的創作 路受益不淺。得到高美慶教授藝術贊助基金的慷慨支持, 我們更把創作心得和概念發展過程編印成畢業冊,為過去 兩年的研習交流和創作過程留下重要紀錄。 Our graduation exhibition, which was held at the Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, ended successfully in June 2012. The attention it attracted will greatly benefit our careers as artists in the future. With the support from the Professor Mayching Kao Fine Arts Fund, we published a catalogue that captures our views on art and the evolution of our ideas. The catalogue documents what we have learned and done in the past two years. 高倩彤(左一) Ko Sin-tung (1st left) 高美慶教授藝術贊助基金資助項目 Schemes Supported by Professor Mayching Kao Fine Arts Fund