Newsletter No. 419
No. 419, 4.6.2013 2 邊註邊讀 Marginalia 在下面引述蒲伯的詩裏,主角名媛Belinda泛舟泰晤士河, 舉世目光都盯在她的酥胸之上。最近,世人目光卻都集中到 安潔莉娜 • 裘莉 為減低患癌風險而進行的雙乳切除 手術。由基因檢測引發的道德問題,肯定會成為激烈爭論 的焦點。 趙慧君 教授在「……如是說」談論她對這些問題的 看法、醫療人員應該扮演的角色和其他議題。 沒有中國學生的中文大學會是何等光景?這似乎是很荒謬 的問題,但從內地招收本科生的歷史其實只有十五年。本期 特寫訪問了其中幾位南來學子,細數在中大求學的點滴。 中國文化研究所的歷史就長得多了。在本期「昔與今」可見 到這個今天已是本校完備成熟的重點研究機構,在1969年 仍是一片工地的模樣。建築物的磚瓦樑柱可以加減,但美 好滋味卻總長存。雲起軒重新開張,菜單上又可以見到新亞 牛肉麵的蹤影。這道美食無論是其味道還是傳奇身世,同 樣令人回味再三。 作文如做菜,單靠灶具,充其量只會拼出一盤雜燴;有廚藝 精湛的廚師,才可開出盛宴滿席。 陳善偉 教授在「洞明集」 告訴讀者,人腦和電腦如何合力,回到巴別塔前世人語言相 通的時代。 On her white Breast a sparkling Cross she wore, Which Jews might kiss, and Infidels adore. (Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock , Canto II, l.7–8) In Pope’s mock epic quoted above, all the world’s attention is on the bosom of its heroine, Belinda, when the latter goes on a boat tour on the Thames. Recently, the world’s attention fell on the double mastectomy underwent by Angelina Jolie to avert the chance of cancer. Ethical issues arising from genetic testing will surely be hotly debated. The Newsletter asked Prof. Rossa Chiu to give her views, among other things, on such issues and what the role of medical practitioners should be. What is the Chinese University without Chinese students? It may sound absurd to ask, but the admission of undergraduate students from the mainland can be traced back to only 15 years. Our feature story looks at a few of them who reflect on their lives on CUHK campus. The Institute of Chinese Studies goes back longer. ‘Then vs Now’ presents its construction site in 1969 and the fully fledged signature institution of CUHK today. While bricks and stones may be removed or laid, savoury matters seldom go away. With the re-opening of Yuen Chi Hsien, the beef noodle of New Asia College is once again on the menu. The history of the eatery and its legendary dish are as mouth-watering as the dish itself. What makes the difference between an hors d’oeuvre and a hotchpotch? Prof. Chan Sin-wai will tell you in ‘A Plain View’ how human intelligence and the computer can combine to build the scaffolding on the Tower of Babel. ———————■■■——————— 目錄 Contents 內地生的中大故事 Mainland Students’ CUHK Stories 2 洞明集 In Plain View 4 舌尖上的中大 Mouth-watering Morsels 5 校園消息 Campus News 6 昔與今 Then vs Now 9 宣布事項 Announcements 10 藝文雅趣 Arts and Leisure 10 人事動態 Ins and Outs 11 趙慧君如是說 Thus Spake Rossa Chiu 12 劉曉俊 未畢業前已獲高盛集團的聘約,2007年7月入職 後,即獲派到紐約受訓,四個多月後回港工作,至2010年 初才離開高盛,加入一所初創的內地金融科技公司,現職 為助理總裁兼銷售總監,公司亦從原來八十人發展到現今 一千三百餘人。 說起入讀中大,劉曉俊坦言是誤打誤撞的。自小在上海長 大,考上復旦大學後,得悉原來可以申請全額獎學金轉讀 中大。其後時任中大教務長的 何文匯 教授到復旦舉行簡介 會,他聽過後感覺不錯,隨即上網搜集資料,加上也想看 看外面的世界,便決定來港。 初來甫到,粵語是既聽不懂更說不來。本地餸菜清淡,不 合這個吃慣濃油赤醬的道地上海人的胃口,真是萬事不 慣,「但不是無助,室友、同學都很友善,願意幫忙,而宿舍 又有導師提供支援。」 樂觀的他說,要打破語言障礙不難,竅門是主動與本地生 多接觸、多參加各類課外活動。他是系內足球隊的中堅分 子,半年下來,便能以粵語溝通自如。 「四年的大學生活,實在非常愜意!設施完善,環境優美, 還能在哪裏找到?」劉曉俊說:「雖然已經畢業了六年,可 是在中大的一點一滴,仍然歷歷在目。舉例說,上任香港 中文大學內地本科生聯合會(聯會)幹事後,2005年為 二百多名內地新生籌辦為期十天的迎新營,除幫助新生 了解註冊、選課及書院、入宿,又有迎新晚會、體育比賽、 百萬大道留影、香港遊……。事後,全體新生都入會,不枉 我們一番努力。」 他續道,在中大認識不少好友,裨益莫大,如三年級暑假 時,師兄介紹他到資訊公司實習,汲取實戰經驗;在室友 推動下,合力設計網頁,申請工作。「我們在四年級開學不 久,已獲數間投資銀行的聘約,故我給予新生的建議,是 多認識朋友!」 香港中文大學內地生校友會於2010年成立,旨在聯繫留 港發展的內地生,現有二百多名會員。本着服務熱誠,劉曉 俊當上第二屆的會長。「我們計劃多辦定期活動,郊遊、聚 餐等聯誼活動外,也有在職講座,邀請業界翹楚分享寶貴 經驗,協助校友發展事業。另方面,則支援在學的內地生, 開辦學長計劃及主辦就業講座等。」 Liu Xiaojun Shawn received an offer from Goldman Sachs before graduating. After joining Goldman in 2007, he was sent to New York for a four-month training before returning to work in Hong Kong. In early 2010, he left Goldman to join a newly established mainland financial technology company which subsequently expanded from 80 to over 1,300 staff. He is currently its assistant chief executive and head of institutional sales. Recalling how he was admitted to CUHK, Shawn said it was a coincident. Born and raised in Shanghai, and later admitted to Fudan University, he learnt while at Fudan that he could apply to transfer to the Chinese University on full scholarship. He attended a briefing session by Prof. Richard M.W. Ho , then Registrar of CUHK, held at Fudan, and was instantly drawn to CUHK. After doing some research online, he decided to take a look at the world outside Shanghai. When first in town, Shawn understood no Cantonese. Lightly flavoured Cantonese food was also not instantly favoured by his Shanghainese palate. Shawn was not used to anything here but he did not feel lost. ‘I was not helpless. My roommates, classmates were willing to give a hand and hostel wardens provided support too.’ Overcoming the language barrier was not too difficult. Shawn’s challenge lay in being proactive in interacting with local students and taking part in as many extracurricular activities as he could. He was the key player of the football team of the Department of Information Engineering. In six months’ time, Shawn could communicate in Cantonese with ease. ‘The four years of college life were magnificent! Where can you find such a beautiful campus with such comprehensive facilities?’ Shawn said. ‘I graduated six years ago, but I remember every single event that happened. For instance, as a cabinet member of the CUHK Mainland Undergraduate Association (MUA), I helped to organize a 10-day orientation camp for more than 200 mainland freshmen in 2005. We organized activities to help freshmen with registration, selecting courses and Colleges, moving into hostels, orientation night, sports competitions, photo taking at the University Mall, city tour…. The result was rewarding. All the mainland freshmen joined MUA.’ Shawn made many friends during his studies which benefited him a lot. With the help of a senior, he landed an internship at an information technology company in the summer of Year 3. His roommate encouraged him to co-design a webpage for job applications. ‘As a result of what we did, we received offers from several investment banks at the beginning of Year 4. So, my advice to mainland students is to meet more new friends.’ The CUHK Mainland Alumni Association was set up in 2010 with the aim of connecting mainland alumni in Hong Kong. It currently has over 200 members. Shawn took up the second presidency to serve his former classmates. ‘We plan to organize regular activities such as trips and dinner gatherings. Leaders of different sectors will be invited to host lectures to facilitate members’ career development. We will keep on supporting mainland undergraduates through mentorship programmes and career talks.’ 我看內地生 「內地生擁有勤奮和矢志成功的決心,與本港的多元化和 創意教育特色,相輔相成。從過去多年的經驗來看,內地生 的加入,帶來的影響都是正面的。雖說傳媒曾報道偶發 的衝突事件,總的來說,良性競爭有助兩地學生進步。」 入學及學生資助處處長 周陳文琬 女士 My Impression on Mainland Students ‘Mainland students have brought with them diligence and a determination to succeed which are a good complement to the local education system which is characterized by diversity and creativity. Our experience over the past years has been highly positive, despite occasional conflicts reported by some media. In general, a healthy competition conducive to mutual improvement exists on our campus.’ Mrs. Chow Chan Man-yuen Grace, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid 首批內地生於校園留影 The first batch of mainland students 內地生入讀中大記要 Chronology of Mainland Student Admission to CUHK 1998年 ..招收首批28名內地生 Admitted the first batch of 28 mainland students ..委託北京大學及復旦大學代辦 Recruited students with the help of Fudan University and Peking University ..申請人必須已獲兩間大學錄取,並通過由中大教務處及教師 組成的遴選團的面試 Applicants must be enrolled by the two universities and had undergone the screening exercise of the CUHK committee which comprised staff from the Registry and teachers 2002年 ..錄取人數增至60人 Total students admitted: 60 2004年 ..錄取人數增至200人 Total students admitted: 200 2005年 ..參加內地的「全國普通高校統一招生計劃」 The first year CUHK participated in the Unified National Colleges Admissions System ..在17省市招生 Recruitment launched in 17 provinces and municipalities ..錄取人數為234人 Total students admitted: 234 2013年 ..在全國31個省/直轄市/自治區收生 Recruitment launched in 31 provinces/municipalities/ autonomous regions ..範圍擴展至青海省、西藏自治區及新疆維吾爾自治區 Recruitment extended to Qinghai Province, Xinjiang Uyghur and Tibet Autonomous Regions ..錄取人數躍增至302名 Total students admitted: 302 ..其中13人為少數民族學生,分別是回族、壯族、滿族、土家族、 朝鮮族、錫伯族、白族和納西族 13 ethnic minority students, from the Hui, Zhuang, Manchu, the Tujia, Chaoxianzu (Koreans in China), Xibe, Bai and Nakhi people 課外支援 Support Outside Classroom 學生事務處於2005年成立來港生組,支援非本地生及推 動校園跨文化互動。 來港生組主管 盧嘉兒 女士說:「自2006年起,我們的學習 輔導主任透過個人輔導、舉辦分享會、學習工作坊及其他 活動,協助非本地生適應中大學習環境及香港的生活。」 The Office of Student Affairs set up the Incoming Students Section (ISS) in 2005 to provide support to the University’s non-local students and promote cross- cultural interaction. Ms. Lou Ka-yee Wendy , head of ISS, said, ‘Since 2006, our learning enhancement officers have provided personal guidance services to non-local students through regular sharings, workshops and activities which facilitate students’ adjustment to the learning environment at CUHK and to Hong Kong society.’ 內地生的中大故事 Mainland Students’ CUHK Stories 內地生校友會會長劉曉俊 2007年信息工程學學士 Liu Xiaojun Shawn, President of the CUHK Mainland Alumni Association BEng in Information Engineering 2007 十 五年前,也就是1998年,二十八名內地生入讀中大,是本港大學首批 本科內地生。這些年來,一批又一批的內地生南來,逾二千三百人完了 大學夢,跨出校園,或是赴海外深造就業、或是回內地工作,或是留港發展, 追逐另一夢想。他們在中大的求學經驗如何?對個人發展有甚麼影響?又為 大學帶來了甚麼新氣象?從三位分別已就業、剛畢業和在學的內地生的經 歷,或許可看出一鱗半爪。 F ifteen years ago, in 1998, 28 mainland students were admitted to the Chinese University—the first batch of mainland students to pursue undergraduate studies in Hong Kong. Over the years, some 2,300 mainland students finished their studies at CUHK, before furthering their studies abroad, returning home or developing their careers in Hong Kong. How do they feel about campus life at CUHK? How was their intellectual development influenced by the University? Here are the stories of two mainland alumni and a student.
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