Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1992

'A noteworthy feature of the staffof the department is its international flavour, having representation from Australia, New Zealand’ the UK’ Malaysia, and Hong K o n g . ' Prof. Ken Sellick, D e p a r t me nt C h a i r m an Prof. Se l l i ck comes f r om Australia where he held the position of professor of nursing at Charles Sturt University, and was previously a senior lecturer for seven years at the Department of Nursing at La Trobe University, Melbourne. He is a qualified general and psychiatric nurse and a registered clinical psychologist. He has a diversity of clinical nursing experience and some 20 years experience as a nurse educator. His academic qualifications include a Master's and a Ph.D. degree in psychology from La Trobe University. Prof. Sellick's main research interests are stress, coping with acute and chronic illnesses, the application of numerical taxonomy to medicine and nursing, health counselling, and quality of life of the elderly and cancer patients. D r . Peter French Dr. French is from Du r ham in the North of England and comes to the Department of Nursing , CUHK f r om Teeside Polytechnic in the UK where he was a principal lecturer in nursing studies. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Social Psychology and a Ph.D. degree in nursing education. Dr. French has extensive experience as a general and psychiatric nurse an d a nurse educator. His research interests range from nurse decision-making, nursing standards, t o curriculum design that employs reflective practice and student self-direction. Mrs. Anne Chang Mrs. Chang's education and experience in nursing has been acquired mainly in Australia. She has had extensive teaching experience in both hospital and tertiary education settings. Mrs. Chang's academic qualifications include a Bachelor and a Master's degree in Educational Studies from the University of Queensland. Her areas of speciality include the assessment of pain, nursing diagnosis and the role of the registered nurse and support workers. Mrs. Yuet-Oi Chee Mrs. Chee was a lecturer in the Department of Nursing, La Trobe University for eight years prior to j o i n i ng the Department of Nursing at CUHK. She is of Malaysian-Chinese origin and completed her basic nursing and midwifery education in the UK. Before completing a Bachelor of Nursing and Master i n Educational Studies in Melbourne, she had extensive nursing experience in the UK, New Zealand and Australia. She specializes in maternal and child health, m i dw i f e r y, women's health, and clinical teaching. Miss Hilary Yung Miss Yung received her B.Sc. and B.Sc. in Nursing degrees from the University of Toronto. Her nursing experience includes critical care nursing, medical and surgical nursing in both Toronto and Hong Kong. After receiving a Diploma in Nursing Education from the Hong Kong Polytechnic, she taught courses for the hospital-based nurse education programme at the Nethersole School of Nursing. At present she is pursuing M.Phil, studies at The Chinese University. Her main interests are critical care nursing, ethics and professional development of nursing. Department of Nursing 15