Newsletter No. 418
8 No. 418, 19.5.2013 4月才開業的和聲書院膳堂WS Pavilion,推出了一款下午茶美點—長島 雞扒包。取名與美國紐約州長島的食饌無大關係,許是因其外型與長約 一百九十公里的長島相似罷。 廚師鍾偉雄先生說,當初設計菜單時,希望研製一些新穎的款式,以饗 饕家。所以,構思包點時,便捨常用的圓麵包,改用較熱狗更長的麵包。 蒜蓉、香草、洋蔥及牛油炒香,抹麵包上,在扒爐上焙至香脆。雞扒則預 先醃上三小時,配上青瓜、番茄和芝士,再放進焗爐,最後添上蜜桃芥 末汁,讓多種味道名副其實的一爐共冶,給味蕾提供與別不同的感受, 也滿足食慾。要是不喜歡蜜桃芥末汁,細心的廚師還準備了日本芥辣、 沙律醬和番茄汁,供食客選擇。這款內容豐富份量十足的包點,與友人 共享,也是個不錯的選擇。 據聞和聲書院同仁也酷愛長島雞扒包,院長劉允怡教授一次和同事茶 敍時,先訂了六個,其後要追加四個哩。 Opened in April, the WS Pavilion of Lee Woo Sing College offers the special Long Island Chicken Bun (which is more of a sandwich than a bun) at tea time. Though named ‘Long Island’, it has nothing to do with Long Island of New York State. We speculate the sandwich may be so named due to its length which may remind some of its namesake which is 190 km long. Mr. Chung Wai-hung, chef of WS Pavilion, said the sandwich was the result of an effort to create an innovative menu. He opted against the round bun more commonly associated with chicken burgers in favour of a hotdog bun. Minced garlic, herbs, onions, and butter are sautéed and heaped on to the bread before the latter is grilled to golden brown. The chicken fillet, marinaded three hours ahead of time, is also grilled. Cucumber, tomato and cheese, and a generous dollop of peach mustard are added. The bun is filling but the mixture of ingredients gives it a refreshingly tangy flavour. If you don’t like the sauce, you can opt for wasabi sauce, salad dressing or ketchup. If you’re not too hungry, share the sandwich with your friends; it’s more than enough for a light snack. Word has it that members of Lee Woo Sing College love the Long Island Chicken sandwich. At a tea reception of Prof. Lau Wan-yee Joseph, Master of the College, and his colleagues, six were ordered at first, to be soon followed by four more. 北國之光:雅羅合唱作品選 Northern Lights: Music of Ola Gjeilo 中大合唱團將於6月11日晚上8時假香港大會堂音樂廳舉行「北國之光:雅羅合唱作品選」 音樂會,演出挪威作曲家雅羅五首著名作品,並邀得香港電台弦樂四重奏同台演出。門票 已於城市電腦售票網發售,詳情請瀏覽 。 The CU Chorus will host the concert ‘Northern Lights: Music of Ola Gjeilo’ at 8:00 pm on 11 June at the Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall. The concert will feature five of the profound Norwegian composer Ola Gjeilo’s most famous pieces, jointly performed with RTHK Quartet. Tickets are now available at URBTIX Outlets. For details, please visit . 2014 – 15教授級人員晉升/薪金組別提升 2014–15 Staff Review for Professoriate Staff—Advancement/Crossing of Pay Bands 2014至15年度教授級人員晉升/薪金組別提升評審現已展開,詳情可參閱人事 處通函編號︰GC04 / 2013,或登入人事處網頁 ht t ps: // www.per.cuhk / PersonnelAnnouncements/tabid/72/Default.aspx 。 有關講師職級人員之晉升詳情容後公佈。 The annual staff review exercise for advancement/crossing of pay bands for professoriate staff for 2014–15 has commenced (see General Circular No.: GC04/2013). For details, please refer to the Personnel Office website PersonnelAnnouncements/tabid/72/Default.aspx . Details on the advancement review of lecturer grade staff will be announced separately in due course. 中國研究服務中心加入中國文化研究所 Universities Service Centre for China Studies as Constituent Unit of Institute of Chinese Studies 中國研究服務中心於4月1日正式加入中國文化研究所,成為該所轄下第七個單位。中國研 究服務中心前身為大學服務中心,1988年加入香港中文大學,1993年易名為中國研究服 務中心,陳建民教授現為中心主任。中心致力推廣當代中國研究,定期舉辦午間研討會, 開辦當代中國研討班,鼓勵國內外研究中國學者交流。中心亦設有圖書館及網上數據庫, 為世界各地研究中國的學者提供豐富的當代中國國情研究資料。 除中國研究服務中心外,中國文化研究所下設文物館、翻譯研究中心、中國考古藝術研究 中心、吳多泰中國語文研究中心、當代中國文化研究中心、劉殿爵中國古籍研究中心,以及 十一個附屬單位。了解研究所最新消息及活動,請瀏覽 。 The Universities Service Centre for China Studies (USC) has become a constituent unit of the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) from 1 April 2013. The USC (formerly known as the ’Mecca for China Studies’) was established in 1963. It joined CUHK in 1988 and was renamed USC in 1993. Currently led by Prof. Chan Kin-man, USC organizes regular luncheon talks and informal gatherings with the objective of encouraging intellectual exchange among Hong Kong, mainland Chinese and international scholars. The USC also provides library services with an extensive and accessible collection of a great variety of materials on contemporary China. In addition to USC, ICS constituent units include the Art Museum, the Research Centre for Translation, the Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art, T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture, and D.C. Lau Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts. A network of affiliated centres from 11 units has also been established. For details and up-to-date information, please visit www.cuhk. . 長島雞扒包 A Sandwich Named Long Island
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