Newsletter No. 431
No. 431, 19.1.2014 5 趙慧君獲中國青年科技獎 Rossa Chiu Receives Science & Technology Award for Chinese Youth 中大化學病理學系趙慧君 教授( 中 )憑藉其在無創性 產前診斷研究及應用的成 就,獲第十三屆中國青年科 技獎,是今屆唯一獲獎的香 港研究人員,頒獎禮於12月 16日假北京人民大會堂舉 行。 中國青年科技獎由中央組 織部、國家人力資源與社會 保障部,以及中國科學技術 協會合辦,1987年設立,每 兩年舉辦一次,旨在嘉許在 國家經濟發展、社會進步和 科技創新成就突出的青年 科技人才,每屆獲獎者不超 過百人。 Prof. Rossa Chiu ( centre ), professor in the Department of Chemical Pathology, has received the Science & Technology Award for Chinese Youth for her work in non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. She was the only awardee from Hong Kong to receive the honour this year. The award ceremony was held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on 16 December. The Science & Technology Award for Chinese Youth is jointly organized by the Organization Department of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the China Association for Science and Technology. Established in 1987, the award recognized young science and technology talent who have contributed to economic and social progress, and innovation in science and technology. The prize is presented every two years to no more than 100 winners. 劉明康論中國前景 Liu Mingkang on New Prospects of China 全球經濟及金融研究所在12月4日舉辦第一屆劉佐德全球經濟與金 融講座,由前中國銀行業監督管理委員會主席暨該所BCT銀聯集團 傑出研究員劉明康教授主講,題目為「中國的新前景」。劉教授剖析 了十八屆三中全會後中國的前景及對中國社會經濟各方面所產生的 深遠影響。 The Institute of Global Economics and Finance held the first Lau Chor Tak Distinguished Lecture on Global Economics and Finance on 4 December. Entitled ‘The New Prospects of China’, the lecture was delivered by Prof. Liu Mingkang, former chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission and BCT Distinguished Research Fellow of the institute. He analysed the prospects of the Chinese economy after the third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. 汪正平獲選中國工程院外籍院士 Wong Ching-ping Elected Foreign CAE Academician 工程學院院長汪正平教授獲選為2013年中國工程院外 籍院士,以表揚他在電子工程領域的重要貢獻。以往曾獲 此榮銜之著名美籍華人包括貝聿銘、何大一、楊祖佑等。 汪教授對獲選深感榮幸,並感謝其研究團隊及合作夥伴 多年來的支持。 中國工程院外籍院士由全體院士投票選出,獲選人須具 有卓越的工程科學技術水準,國際聲譽良好,並對中國 工程科學技術發展或促進國際交流方面有重要貢獻。連 同本屆新增的六名當選人,中國工程院外籍院士總數為 四十五人。 Prof. Wong Ching-ping, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, has been elected a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), in recognition of his remarkable contributions in the field of electronic engineering. The same honour has been bestowed on a few eminent Chinese-American scholars including Pei Ieoh-ming, David Ho Da-i and Yang Tzu-yow. Professor Wong feels honoured and is grateful to his research team and working partners over the years for their ongoing support. Foreign CAE academicians are elected by all current academicians of CAE. They must be internationally recognized scholars or experts with extraordinary technical knowledge and accomplishments in the art and science of engineering. They have also made significant contributions in promoting the development and international collaboration of engineering in China. There are currently 45 foreign CAE academicians, including the six newly elected members. 印刷電子學會議 Conference on Printed Electronics 「裘槎資深科研院—印刷電子學會議」於12月9至11日假中大舉行,二百多位來自中國內地、日本、美 國及本地的專家學者出席,交流印刷電子技術的最新發展。適逢去年乃中大前校長高錕教授八十壽 辰,中大工程學院藉此會議向高錕教授致敬,感謝他對推動大學教育及全球互聯網發展的重大貢獻。 印刷電子學是跨學科的研究,結合了物理學、化學、生物學、材料科學,及電子工程等專業知識,應用 範圍廣泛,包括製造顯示及照明裝置、太陽能電池、生物醫學儀器等。是次會議為學術界和業界研究 人員提供平台,分享經驗,並探討未來的發展方向。 The Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on Printed Electronics was held at CUHK in December. The high-level activity brought around 200 academic and industrial researchers in related fields from different parts of the world, including mainland China, Japan and the US, to present their latest accomplishments, discuss and share their experiences, and predict future directions for printed electronics. The conference was dedicated to Prof. Charles K. Kao, former Vice-Chancellor of CUHK who celebrated his 80th birthday in 2013, in honour of his revolutionary contributions towards university education and the development of internet communications. Research on printed electronics is highly multidisciplinary, combining expertise from physics, chemistry, biology, material science, and electronic engineering, etc. The applications of printed electronics include the manufacture of display and lighting devices, solar cells, biomedical instruments. Through seminars and tutorials given by eminent scientists and interactive discussions, the faculties and students in Hong Kong and nearby regions have gained a deeper understanding of the science and technology of printed electronics, and been inspired to work together to propel greater advances in the field. 左起:常務副校長華雲生教授、副校長程伯中教授及工程學院院長汪正平教授 於典禮上簽名留念 From left: Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost; Prof. P.C. Ching, Pro-Vice-Chancellor; and Prof. Wong Ching-ping, Dean of Engineering, sign their names at the ceremony
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