Newsletter No. 389

10 No. 389, 19.12.2011 這批學生挾其本科和工作經驗,給學院帶來蓬 勃生氣和新視角,甚至惠及我們的教師。更由 於深諳人情世故,擅長溝通,到醫院實習時大 受歡迎,唸第三年的已獲不少機構爭相聘用。 這批「護理新人類」顯示了護理專業前進提升 的方向,更證明護理教育往後退是多麼不智。 你很強調在基礎層面為健康把關,學院在這方 面的工作如何? 我們與聯合醫院合作成立的那打素護理實務 研究中心,系統化處理了不少實證,又參考國際 文獻,把分析所得放諸本地情境。現已制定了 口腔護理及足部護理指引,且獲醫管局採用。 此外,學院就糖尿病和心臟病成立了兩個網 站,希望幫助巿民認識這些常見疾病,管理好 自己的健康。 學院最令你自豪的是甚麼? 是同事,我有上下一心、以學院利益為依歸的團 隊,他們不是完美的個體,但整體上,無論教學 人員、行政、文書人員、實驗室員工,都朝着同一 方向邁進,都有功於學院。每次回來上班我都 很開心,有甚麼困難他們都會和我一同面對。 我也引學生自豪,他們都是有手、腦、心的,我 希望將來他們都成為對社會有貢獻的護士。 How did you become acquainted with the nursing profession? When I was an infant, my mother brought me to the maternal and child health centre for regular check- ups. The nurses there greeted me happily every time they saw me, and introduced me as a ‘model baby’ to other visiting mothers. ‘See, you can also have a chubby lovely baby if you give him/her proper care.’ One of the nurses loved me so much that she took me as her sworn daughter. Since then I became closely acquainted with the nurses at the centre and I felt very much at home there. At my tender age, I had determined to become a nurse—and I did. After working as a nurse for about four years, I was sponsored by the Government for enrolment in a nursing teacher education programme offered by the then Hong Kong Polytechnic. After teaching in a nursing school for one year, I furthered my study in the UK and joined CUHK upon return to Hong Kong. How was it like being a nurse then, as compared to nowadays? Nurses are the constant care service providers. We have been and will continue to be the best partner of patients, but the role of nurses has changed with societal development and the evolving medical and health care system. First, we are not only taking care of patients’ physical well- being now, but also mental, social and spiritual aspects. Second, with the emergence of the concept of ‘hospital without walls’, the scope of our service has reached out to the community, and our clients now include patient’s family members who are usually caregivers after the patient is discharged from hospital. Third, we now act beyond the parameters of a service provider to a coordinator of the medical team, who carries out regular self-assessment on service quality. You deliberately make a distinction between ‘nurses’ and ‘nursing attendants’. Why? People like to address the lady at any clinic front desk and …… 如是說 Thus Spake… 音樂系麥淑賢副教授 Prof. Mak Su-yin, associate professor in the Department of Music 下期預告 Coming Prof. Diana T.F. Lee, Director, The Nethersole School of Nursing 那打素護理學院院長 李子芬教授 你是怎樣跟護理專業結緣的? 小時候母親定期帶我到母嬰健康院檢查,那兒的護士每次 看到我都很高興,把我當作樣版,告訴那些初為人母的:你 們看,孩子帶得好,是可以這樣又胖又白的,你們好應向這 位母親請教一下。一位護士非常喜歡我,把我收為乾女兒, 從此,我常常進出健康院,對護理的環境和護士感到非常親 切,小小的心靈已知道長大了要當護士,後來,我果然加入 了這個行業。工作四五年後,我由政府保送修讀理工學院培 訓護士教師的課程,之後在醫院的護士學校任教約一年,便 辭職到英國繼續進修,回港後便加入中大。 當年做護士跟現在比較有甚麼分別? 護理的本質沒變,我們仍然是病人最好的夥伴,但護士的 角色則隨着社會和醫療改革而有所改變。一、由較注重對 病人身體的照顧,擴展到身心社靈的全人護理。二、隨着無 牆醫院概念的興起,照顧的主體由病人擴展至包括家屬,尤 其是病人出院後往往需要家人照顧,所以我們的服務也要 踏出醫院,走進社區。三、由提供服務到兼任服務監察員, 自我審查服務是否到達指定水平,還要統籌協調整個醫療 團隊,以求病人得到最完善的護理。 你很強調「姑娘」和「護士」的分別,為甚麼? 我常問新生:你們怎樣稱呼在私家診所給你登記發藥的那 位女士?他們多數會說是「姑娘」。那麼在醫院穿著制服的 那位呢?「不也就是姑娘。」「那你可有想過稱她作護士?」 「沒有,她們不就是姑娘嗎?」於是我便會說明:「任何人 都可自稱『姑娘』,但是『護士』這名號,只有通過了專業訓 練、正式註冊的才可使用。」這細微的分別關乎護理專業的 明確定位。我們要讓市民明白,「護士」是不可妄稱的專業 資格。 學院怎樣應對不時改變的社會需要? 鑑於政府並無正面回應近年護士人手短缺的問題,也沒有 增加資助的護理學額,有些醫院只得重設護士學校。其實護 士培訓納入大學已差不多二十年了,現在復辦護士學校是在 走回頭路,令整個行業非常沮喪。學院苦思對策,終於決定 在2009年為已擁有學位的人士開辦自資三年全日制護理科 學碩士課程,讓持有非護理學士學位、曾工作數年、有志加 入護理行業的人士報讀。原設三十名額,但反應熱烈,第一 屆錄取了六十八人。 those wearing a uniform working in the hospital with the same title—‘ guniang ’. I just want to make the point clear. Anyone can claim to be a ‘ guniang ’—nursing attendant, but only those who have been professionally trained and registered can be called a nurse. The difference between the two titles is minor but it does matter with the professional positioning of nurses. How does the School respond to changing social needs? Seeing that the Government has no concrete solution to ease the problem of nurse shortage, and has not increased the number of funded nursing programme places, some hospitals begin to re-run nursing schools. The profession sees this as a regression after the incorporation of nurse training into tertiary education some 20 years ago, and is very upset with it. After careful deliberation, the School launched a self-funded three-year full-time Master of Science in Nursing Programme in 2009, targeting at non- nursing degree holders with working experience and an aspiration for the profession. We aimed at admitting 30 students but the response was so overwhelming that we finally took in 68. These students brought with them knowledge from other disciplines, and their new perspectives inspired the School and our teachers. Sophisticated in human relations and communication skills, they are well received by hospitals for clinical practice and many of them have got conditional job offers in their final year of study. The rise of this new nursing ‘generation’ reveals a new direction for advancement of the nursing profession and explains to us how unwise it is to go back to a lower starting point. You place great emphasis on primary care as the gatekeeper of health. How is the School doing in regard to this? In cooperation with the United Christian Hospital, the Nethersole School of Nursing established the Nethersole Nursing Practice Research Unit to promote a culture of evidence-based quality nursing care. With systematic analysis of evidence and reference to international literature, we developed evidence-based nursing protocols applicable to the local context. Two of them—one for oral care and the other for foot and toenail care for older people—have been adopted by the Hospital Authority. And to promote better health management, the School established two websites to transfer knowledge on diabetes and heart diseases to the public. What makes you proud of the School of Nursing? My collegiate staff who work for the benefits of the School as a team. As individuals, they are not perfect. But as an entity, all staff, ranging from teaching, administrative, clerical to laboratory, work towards the same goal and contribute to the School. It’s so happy working here because I know they will face any challenge and tackle any problem with me. I am proud of my students, too. They all have a pair of skilful hands, a witty brain and a caring heart. I’m sure they will become good nurses and bring great support. 全文見 newsletter/article.aspx/389/Thus_Spake/ The full version of this article is available at www.iso.cuhk . Thus_Spake/