Bulletin Number One 1984

Cultural difference is hard to avoid, even in areas you are 'prepared', e.g. in speaking the same language. DeAnn E llio tt, a history graduate student, observed: ‘The English o f the Chinese students is gram matically all right , but when their words come out , they mean different things to me. I t takes a while before I can understand them. , Lisa Jacobson, ajunior o f Government and Public Administration from Georgetown University, serves the community o f Hong Kong by teaching English to the Vietnamese refugee children. George Wehrfritz, an Economics junior from the University o f California at Davis, also teaches English to the refugee children. Corina Larkin, an anthropology sophomore from Macalester College in the United States, is striving actively to form an International Student Union ‘to break down the harriers between IASP and Chinese students' , as she said. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS 7