Newsletter No. 351
No. 351, 19.1.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 成 立於1984年的英語教學單位,是協 助中大達成「為學生提供雙語和多 元文化教育」的使命的重要部門。 該單位現有四十名教職員,每年為約四千名 來自各學院和學系的學生提供英語培訓, 結合本科內容教學和語言教學,提供學術英 語、特殊目標英語和專業英語的課程。 2007年1月,柯安迪教授( 後排左四 )重返單 位擔任主任。柯教授曾在1996至98年間在 單位任教兩年,今次重返出掌要職,就是為 2012年新的四年制本科課程實施後,本科 學生人數倍增做好準備。屆時學生在英語教 學所需修讀的英語學分,將由三學分增至九學分,增幅達 兩倍。 單位於2009年舉辦了一連串二十五周年誌慶活動,重 點是蒙特瑞國際研究學院Prof. Kathleen Bailey( 後排 左三 )來訪,在12月15至17日作了一系列演講。編纂了多 本著作的Professor Bailey與單位和大學淵源深厚,曾在 1996至97年間出任單位的教授,其後擔任國際英語教學 協會主席,該會是世界最大的英語教師專業組織,在全球 一百四十個國家有一萬一千會員。 Professor Bailey針對制訂新英語課程之挑戰,共發表四場 演講,出席者包括雅禮中國語文研習所同仁、廣州華南師 範大學南海學院外語系系主任Prof. David Bel。 英語教學單位成立二十五周年 25 Years of English Language Teaching at CUHK • 2 009 marked the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the University’s English Language Teaching Unit (ELTU), which was formed in 1984 as part of the University’s commitment to the ‘bilingual and multicultural dimensions of student education’. Today, the ELTU’s staff of 40 work with approximately 4,000 students every year, from every faculty and from most departments across the University, placing ELTU at a unique interface between content education and language instruction, in the form of English for academic purposes, English for specific purposes and English for professional purposes. In January 2007, Prof. Andy Curtis (back row, 4th left) re-joined ELTU, having worked in the unit from 1996– 1998, as the director, with the primary responsibility of helping to prepare ELTU for a 200% increase in English at the undergraduate level, as the number of required credits will triple—from three credits to nine credits—when the new four- year degree programme starts in 2012. The 25th anniversary was marked with a series of events throughout 2009, culminating in the visit by Prof. Kathleen Bailey (back row, 3rd left), from the Monterey Institute of International Studies, who was invited to give a series of presentations on 15, 16 and 17 December. Professor Bailey has co-edited several books, and she has a long-standing connection with ELTU and the University, having been a reader in the unit in the 1996–1997 academic year. She went on to become president of the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Inc., the world’s largest professional association of TESOL, with some 11,000 members in over 140 countries. The four presentations given by Professor Bailey, which were also attended by colleagues from the Chinese Language Centre and by Prof. David Bel, head of the Faculty of Foreign Languages at the Nanhai Campus of South China Normal University in Guangzhou, addressed some of the challenges of developing a new English language curriculum. 清華─中大聯合研究中心成立三周年 Tsinghua-CUHK Joint Research Center Turns 3 • 清 華大學深圳研究生院─香港中文大學工程學院媒 體科學、技術與系統聯合研究中心成立三周年, 在2009年11月27日於清華大學深圳研究生院舉行學術研 討會暨共建協議續約儀式。 來自深圳市政府、中大、清華大學計算機系及深圳研究生 院、香港失明人協進會、深圳市殘疾人聯合會、深圳市殘 友軟體有限公司的代表共四十餘人參加了研討會。 會上,中大副校長程伯中教授( 前排左一 )與清華大學深圳 研究生院副院長馬輝教授( 前排左二 )代表雙方院校續簽 了媒體聯合研究中心的共建協議,以鞏固已有的合作成 果,進一步加強合作。中大蒙美玲教授、清華大學蔡蓮紅 教授代表聯合研究中心作工作報告,詳細規劃中心今後的 工作。 自聯合研究中心於2006年成立以來,清華和中大以該中心 為載體,積極開展學術交流與合作。中心獲國家自然科學 基金委員會及香港研究資助局聯合研究計劃、粵港科技合 作資助計劃和深港創新圈資助,完成多項科研專案,取得 多項發明專利,並培養了多名研究生。 A symposium and an agreement renewal ceremony took place on 27 November 2009 at the Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University (GST) to mark the third anniversary of the Tsinghua-CUHK Joint Research Center on Media Sciences, Technologies and Systems. The symposium was attended by over 40 participants from the Shenzhen Municipal Government, CUHK, the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Tsinghua University, GST, the Hong Kong Blind Union, the Shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation, and Canyou Software Company Limited. Prof. P.C. Ching (front row, 1st left), CUHK Pro-Vice- Chancellor, and Prof. Ma Hui (front row, 2nd left), vice-dean of GST, signed an agreement to renew the collaboration agreement for the center, further consolidating the collaborations between the two universities. Prof. Helen Meng from CUHK and Prof. Cai Lianhong from Tsinghua presented an overview of the center’s accomplishments and future plans. The establishment of the center in 2006 has actively promoted the academic exchange and collaboration between CUHK and Tsinghua. The two universities have completed projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, the Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Scheme, and Shenzhen Innovation Circle. In addition, the center has also obtained several patents and trained a number of postgraduate students.
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