Newsletter No. 351
No. 351, 19.1.2010 智能膝架護膝助步 CUHK Develops Smart Knee Brace • NEWS & EVENTS 常 見於老年人的膝部關節炎,會嚴重影響長者的活 動能力。現今社會人口日趨老化,因此,對於膝部 活動輔助儀器的需求非常龐大。 機械與自動化工程學系廖維新教授( 右 )採用名為「磁流 變液」的智能液體製成磁流變驅動器,配合馬達,開發出 「智能混合助力膝架」,比現時市面上的輔助儀器更為靈 活及耐用,除能保護膝蓋外,亦為其提供助力,令長者及 膝關節病患者可正常走動。 這項發明估計另需兩年進行人體測試及調整,便能與商界 合作推出市場。廖教授說:「這種膝架不但適用於長者,亦 能裨益患有小兒麻痺症等肌肉或關節衰退的病人。」 廖教授及同系的杜如虛教授( 小圖 ),早前獲美國機械工 程師學會選為2009年度院士。廖教授為智能結構及振動 科技方面的專家,杜教授則為製造工業研發多種創新機 械,並在條件監控及失誤判斷方面建樹良多。 A s our population ages, one of the challenges our society faces is to improve the mobility of senior citizens suffering from knee osteoarthritis. Prof. Liao Wei-hsin (right) from the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering developed a smart assistive knee brace that uses a combination of electric motors and magnetic-rheological fluid. The innovative device is more flexible and durable than existing products. It can protect the knees of the elderly and those with knee joint disease and give them support when walking. The device will soon undergo human trials and fine-tuning before commercialization. Professor Liao said, ‘The brace is designed to be worn by not only the elderly, but also those with poliomyelitis or other muscular problems and degenerative joint disease.’ Professor Liao and Prof. Du Ruxu (small photo), from the same department, have been elected fellows of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 2009. Professor Liu is an expert in smart structures and vibration technologies, while Professor Du has developed many innovative manufacturing devices and made significant contributions to monitoring and diagnosis of manufacturing processes. 理 學院自2007年起,連續三年受香港教育局資優教 育組委託,培訓中學尖子參加「國際初中科學奧 林匹克」比賽。2009年,六名學生於12月2至11日遠赴阿 塞拜疆參加第六屆賽事,共奪得三金三銀,創出香港自 2006年參賽以來最輝煌的成績。 是次參賽的四十九個國家/地區共派出二百五十多名理科 高材生角逐獎項。香港隊六位成員雖然只是中三、四學 生,但比賽中所考核的物理、生物及化學知識卻達中六程 度。七位理學院導師及兩位資深中學老師組成專家隊伍, 為學生設計一連串多元化的教學活動,包括課堂講授、實 驗訓練、小組討論、出外考察和參觀等。 根據過往經驗,學生的心理質素及團隊精神在賽事中至為 關鍵,故今年理學院在隊員出發前精心安排了一整天的培 訓和聯誼活動,藉此加深團隊精神,並紓緩緊張情緒。理 學院院長伍灼耀教授特於當日與學生共晉午膳,勉勵他們 將學習所得融會貫通,全力應戰。 伍教授表示:「中大理學院一向對培育資優學生和推動普 及科學教育不遺餘力。今次香港學生再次揚威國際科學比 賽,肯定了中大和學界在推動資優科學教育的努力。」他 希望這六位同學的優秀成績能激發香港學生對科學求知 的興趣。 S ince 2007, the Faculty of Science has been commissioned by the Education Bureau to train secondary students competing in International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO). In 2009, six students competed in the Sixth IJSO held in Azerbaijan from 2 to 11 December. They garnered three gold and three silver medals—the best result for Hong Kong since the city began participating in the event in 2006. The Olympiad invited more than 250 scientifically gifted secondary students from 49 countries or regions. The Hong Kong team members were all Secondary 3 or Secondary 4 students, but the scientific knowledge required in the contest was of Secondary 6 level. The training team was made up by seven instructors from the Faculty of Science and two senior secondary school teachers. They designed a series of teaching activities for the students, including lectures, training on practical experiments, seminars, field trips and visits. According to experience, mindset and team spirit are keys to success in the competition. Therefore, the Faculty of Science arranged a day of training and social activities for the team members to enhance their team spirit and ease their tension before they set off. Prof. Ng Cheuk- yiu, Dean of Science, had lunch with the students that day to boost their morale. Professor Ng said, ‘The Faculty of Science of CUHK has spared no effort in providing training to the gifted and promoting science education. The remarkable performance of the Hong Kong students in this international scientific competition is testimony to the efforts of CUHK and the education sector in promoting science education for the gifted.’ He hoped that the excellent performance of these six students could arouse Hong Kong students’ enthusiasm for scientific knowledge. 理學院培訓初中尖子揚威國際賽 Students Trained by Science Faculty Excel in IJSO • 伍灼耀教授(右一)與參賽學生午膳 Prof. Ng Cheuk-yiu (1st right) at lunch with Hong Kong team members
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