Newsletter No. 407
No. 407, 19.11.2012 11 交通及校園發展分享會 Sharing Session on Transport and Campus Development 大學將舉辦交通及校園發展分享會,由副校長程伯中教授與協理副校長馮通教授介紹 3+3+4學制實施後的校園交通,以及建設項目的最新進展。 The University will hold a sharing session on transport and campus development after the implementation of the 3+3+4 curriculum. Prof. Ching Pak-chung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. Fung Tung, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, will give an update on campus transport and the development of various capital work projects. 日期 Date 22.11.2012 時間 Time 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm 地點 Venue 李兆基樓三號演講廳 LT3, Lee Shau Kee Building 歡迎教職員、學生和校友參加,並提供意見。參加者請將姓名和部門名稱電郵至saau@登記。 All staff, students and alumni are invited to join. Please register by sending an email with your name and department/unit to . 通往大學本部捷徑啟用 New Shortcut to Main Campus 新學年開始,取道新開通的步行徑,由港鐵大學站至大學本部只需十三分鐘。路線如下: 從港鐵大學站出發,途經康本國際學術園、伍何曼原樓、利樹培堂、何善衡夫人宿舍、苗 圃徑、蒙民偉工程學大樓、何善衡工程學大樓,至邵逸夫夫人樓。詳見地圖: www.cuhk. 。 Starting from October 2012, a walk from the University MTR station to reach Main Campus will take just 13 minutes. The buildings along the route are, namely: University MTR, Yasumoto International Academic Park, Wu Ho Man Yuen Building, Lee Shu Pui Hall, Madam S.H. Ho Hall, Nursery Path, William M.W. Mong Engineering Building, Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building, and Lady Shaw Building. A map is available at www. . 平安夜及新年除夕之辦公安排 Staffing Arrangements on University Holidays on Christmas Eve and New Year Eve 根據大學關於平安夜及新年除夕等大學假日辦公之安排,所有部門於12月24日及31日 上午須留有職員值班。當值之(乙)或(丙)類服務條例職員可獲補假半天。 保健處、大學圖書館系統、資訊科技服務處之電算機操作組、保安處、交通處、物業管理 處等部門須留駐足夠人手,以維持基本服務。 The following staffing arrangements for the University holidays on Christmas Eve and New Year Eve will apply on 24 and 31 December, respectively. Departments/units should arrange skeleton staff on duty on these mornings to handle urgent matters and enquiries. Offices will be closed in the afternoon. Skeleton staff (Terms [B] or [C]) on duty on each morning will be given compensation off of half a day. For essential service units such as the University Health Service, the University Library System, the operations team of the Information Technology Services Centre, the Security Office, the Transport Office, and the Estates Management Office, adequate workforce should remain on duty to provide basic services. 明代中晚期官窰瓷器展覽 Mid to Late Ming Imperial Porcelain Exhibition 機暇明道—懷海堂藏明代中晚期官窰瓷器展覽將於12月1日起在文物館舉行,展出 鍾棋偉先生的懷海堂藏品。展覽側重於對明代晚期官窰瓷器的解讀,窺測四百多年前明 代諸位帝王豐富多彩的宗教信仰世界。展期至明年4月。 The Art Museum will hold an exhibition titled ‘Enlightening Elegance: Porcelain of the Mid- Ming’ from 1 December 2012 to April 2013. This exhibition will present Mr. Anthony Cheung’s Huaihaitang Collection of mid- and late Ming imperial wares with a special focus on the emperors’ religious beliefs some 400 years ago. 結合世界的三文治 The World in a Sandwich 中文大學的多元文化,最近讓晨興書院咖啡閣炮製的一款三文治演繹得盡致 淋漓。這項餐廳經理的嶄新嘗試,成了不少學生的至愛。三文治以醃漬雞腿肉 為餡料,可它絕非一個尋常雞腿漢堡,因為混和了韓國辣椒醬,所以甜中略 帶辛辣,再加上廚師秘製佐料(極可能有蛋黃醬成分)和一片切達乳酪,夾在 烘熱的意大利「拖鞋麵包」(ciabatta,解作「拖鞋」,是一種意大利白麵包)中 間,成功造就一款聯合國美食—韓國傳統口味,配以美國人深愛的英式乳 酪,以及原產意大利的麵包—跨國聯誼,融洽共處。這款韓國辣雞乳酪巧巴 達,令人一見即欲張口噬之。且別心急,要整齊俐落咬開兩層麵包和雞肉餡, 而臉頰不沾醬汁的,方算高手。 The Chinese University’s cultural diversity is captured most deliciously by a new sandwich at Caffé Liscio of Morningside College. The new invention by the cafe manager is a favourite of many students. It features marinaded chicken thigh meat mixed with Korean chili paste, which is sweetish and gives off a moderate heat, and the chef’s ‘secret’ condiments (which we strongly suspect include Mayonnaise), then topped with a slice of processed cheddar, and stuffed into a warmed ciabatta (literally meaning ‘slipper’). It’s fusion—a Korean classic joins an English cheese popularized in America, and a bread originally from Italy—and it works. The sandwich is called the Korean Spicy Chicken and Cheese Ciabatta. If you think that’s quite a mouthful, wait till you sink your teeth into the baby. Getting a decent cross- section of bread-chicken-bread without getting that tangy filling on your chin is no easy feat!
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