Newsletter No. 414
新技術識別高風險二尖瓣脫垂患者 New Technology to Identify At-Risk Mitral Valve Prolapse Patients 環保嘉年華推動綠色生活 Environment Fair Promotes Green Living 中大賽馬會地球保源行動於3月2日假太古城中心舉辦「環保嘉 年華2013」,透過環保人士分享低碳和減廢生活、音樂表演、 廚餘轉化介紹、互動資訊及遊戲等,傳遞環保信息,鼓勵巿民 加入綠色生活的行列。活動主禮嘉賓為香港特區環境局副局長 陸恭蕙女士( 右 )、中大校長沈祖堯教授( 中 )和香港賽馬會人 力資源及持續發展總監簡金港生女士。 CUHK Jockey Club Initiative Gaia held the Environment Fair 2013 on 2 March at Cityplaza, Taikoo Shing. It aims at raising public awareness of environmental protection through green pioneers’ sharing on a low-carbon and less-waste living style, musical performances, demonstrations of food waste conversion, as well as interactive information and game booths. Officiating at the opening ceremony were Ms. Christine Loh ( right ), Under Secretary for the Environment, The Government of Hong Kong SAR; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( centre ), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Mrs. Mimi Cunningham, director, Human Resources and Sustainability of The Hong Kong Jockey Club. 中大首間社企咖啡店開幕 First Social Enterprise Café in CUHK 位於康本國際學術園一樓的Café330於3月5日開幕,主禮嘉賓包括勞工及福利局局長張建宗先生( 中 )、中大 校長沈祖堯教授( 左二 )、社會福利署促進殘疾人士就業諮詢委員會成員王佩兒女士( 左一 )、中大副校長兼 新生精神康復會(新生會)主席張妙清教授( 右二 ),以及新生會社會企業小組委員會主席楊國華博士( 右一 )。 Café 330是首間於中大校園開辦的社企咖啡店,為新生會的社企餐飲項目,提供健康輕食,包括本地烘焙咖 啡、有機豆漿、有機意粉、三文治、沙律等,亦為精神病康復者提供工作訓練機會,促進他們康復及融入社會。 Located on the first floor of the Yasumoto International Academic Park, Café 330, the social enterprise of New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (New Life), opened on 5 March. Officiating at the ceremony were Mr. Cheung Kin-chung Matthew ( centre ), Secretary for Labour and Welfare; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 2nd left ), Vice-Chancellor, CUHK; Ms. Wong Pui-yee Catherine ( 1st left ), member of Advisory Committee on Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities, Social Welfare Department; Prof. Cheung Mui-ching Fanny ( 2nd right ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and chairperson, New Life; and Dr. Allen Yeung ( 1st right ), chairperson, Social Enterprises Subcommittee, New Life. As the first social enterprise café operated in the University, Café 330 offers light refreshments such as locally roasted coffee, organic soymilk, organic spaghetti, sandwiches, and salads, etc. It also creates job opportunities and training vacancies for people recovering from mental illness to facilitate their reintegration into the community. 中大內科及藥物治療學系系主任余卓文教授( 右 )、心臟科助理教授李沛威教授( 中 )及外科學系心胸外科組 主管顏慕勤教授( 左 )率領的團隊,率先採用三維心臟超聲波技術以識別高風險二尖瓣脫垂患者,首次發現二 尖瓣脫垂患者的二尖瓣環由馬鞍形變成了扁平結構,致使容易受磨損並演變為二尖瓣膜變形、瓣肌腱破裂,最 終形成嚴重的二尖瓣返流,即血液返流到左心房及肺,患者症狀包括呼吸困難、疲勞、虛弱、腳跟、腿或腹部腫 脹,甚至猝死。 研究結果有助醫生識別高風險的二尖瓣脫垂患者,採取相應措 施如定期的經胸腔心臟超聲波檢查去監察。有關結果已刊載於 2013年2月9日出版之國際心血管醫學權威期刊 Circulation 。 A research team led by Prof. Yu Cheuk-man ( right ), chairman, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics; Prof. Lee Pui-wai Alex ( centre ), assistant professor of Division of Cardiology; and Prof. Malcolm J. Underwood ( left ), head of the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, pioneer the use of three-dimensional echocardiography to identify at- risk mitral valve prolapse patients. The research team was the first to discover that the saddle shape of the mitral annulus (ring) becomes flattened in patients with mitral valve prolapse, making the mitral valve more susceptible to wear and tear, and predisposing a patient to develop mitral valve leaflet deformation, valve tendon rupture, and eventually severe mitral regurgitation (in which blood flows back into the left atrium and lung). Symptoms of mitral regurgitation include troubled breathing, tiredness, weakness, swelling in the ankles, legs, or belly, even sudden death. The results of the study will be useful for helping doctors to identify high-risk mitral valve prolapse patients, who should be monitored more closely by echocardiography. The findings have been published in the international cardiovascular journal Circulation (February 19, 2013, Volume 127, Issue 7). No. 414, 19.3.2013 7
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