Newsletter No. 414

Photos of Mr. Daniel C.W. Lee in this issue are by Cheung Chi-wai 李致和 體育運動科學系副講師 你剛在渣打馬拉松十公里賽跑出33分18秒的成 績,比你保持的最快紀錄慢兩分鐘,滿不滿意? 還可以,在準備不算充足的情況下,這成績已比自己 預期要好一點點。 從運動員轉型為老師,當中有何困難或優勢? 要做一個好的運動員,平常要很用心用力去練習,無 論身體極限還是成績都要定期突破自己。我想以這 種運動員的性格和工作態度,轉做其他工作應該不 會太差,因為始終想在自己的崗位上精益求精。我現 在的工作也是和體育有關,運動員出身也是有好處 的。 你有何教學心得? 我教的一科是星期一早上8點半的課,學生這麼早跑 來,怎樣抓住他們的注意力是一大挑戰。他們肯來上 課已是成功的一半,另一半就要靠預備工夫做得好。 我會在教材中放多些圖片和視頻跟他們分享,還會 把內容聯繫到他們的日常生活。 當年從中大畢業後,走上全職運動員的道路,心 中有何想法? 我在中大唸學士時已一直參加三項鐵人訓練,希望在 這個項目可以獲得更好的成績,所以一畢業就直接 去當全職運動員。那時候年少氣盛,沒有多想工作保 障、穩定生活的長遠問題。 參加這麼多比賽,哪場印象最深刻? 印象深刻有兩種,一是很好,一是很不好。很好 的那些包括2007年德國漢堡世界錦標賽取得第 十六名。雖然名次不是三甲,但自己感到發揮得 很好,之前的訓練很有成果,已是同場亞洲選手的 第一。當然能拿到獎牌的大型賽事也很難忘,如 2006年的亞運會,2008年的亞洲沙灘運動會和 2009年的全運會。但這些年來也有一些不好的比賽 經驗,如2005年的全運會,比賽前幾個月前已發現 受傷,因為當時自己是奪牌熱門,不得不堅持訓練和 比賽,結果成績未如理想。 如果你的學生想去當全職運動員,你會跟他們 說些甚麼? 我會先根據自己過往的經驗為他們客觀分析,告訴 他們想當運動員,很大機會有哪些經歷或境況,讓他 們自己去選擇。但主觀上我會鼓勵他們,因為有我這 個活生生的實例讓你看,不會差到哪裏去。而且現在 香港運動員的待遇也比我當年更好些了。 比起以前,現在的訓練強度大減,你如何保持體 能參加比賽? 已沒有很有系統很有計劃 地去練習,多半是騎騎單 車。現在因為有全職工作, 在生活的優先次序中,運 動所排的位置已不同了。參 加比賽時,對成績會看得 輕一點,以參與為主,更多 去享受比賽和氣氛。 You finished the 10 km run of the Standard Chartered Marathon in 33 minutes 18 seconds, two minutes slower than the record you set. Are you satisfied? It’s acceptable. The result was better than I expected given that I was not very well prepared. Does an athlete-turned teacher have any advantages or disadvantages? It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to become a good athlete because you have to make regular breakthroughs in terms of competition results and physical limits. Equipped with such characteristics and attitude, I think an athlete can do other jobs equally well. You’ll try hard to keep improving yourself, regardless of the job you do. Now that my work is related to sports, I think it’s an advantage to have an athlete background. Have you mastered the secrets to teaching? One of my class starts at 8:30 am on Mondays. Getting the attention of students so early in the morning is a big challenge. Getting them to turn up for class is half the success. The other half lies in preparing well for the lecture. I’ll put a lot of pictures and video clips in my teaching material and make connections between the content and their daily life. You became a professional athlete as soon as you graduated from CUHK. What brought about that decision? When I was an undergraduate student at CUHK, I had long received triathlon training. I wanted to achieve more as a triathlete, so I chose to become a professional athlete upon graduation. I was young and impulsive. I didn’t think much about long-term questions such as job security or stability. Which competitions have been the most unforgettable? Competitions are unforgettable in two ways: very good or very bad. My very good ones include the 2007 Triathlon World Championships in Hamburg, Germany. I finished 16th. Although I didn’t bring home any medals, I felt that my training paid off and I performed very well. I was the highest- ranked Asian participant in the event. Of course, the big games in which I won medals are also unforgettable, such as the 2006 Asian Games, the 2008 Asian Beach Games, and the 2009 National Games of China. But I also have bad experiences. One of them was the 2005 National Games. I was injured a few months before the event. But I was Hong Kong’s medal hopeful, so I had no choice but to keep training and participate in the event. The result was not good at all. If your students want to become professional athletes, what would you say to them? I would give them an objective analysis based on my experience, psychologically preparing them for what would be expected of them if they became professional athletes. I would also encourage them by my own example which isn’t bad. Hong Kong athletes are treated better now than in my days. How do you stay in shape for sport competitions when you don’t train as intensively as before? I don’t follow a systematic regime. I go cycling mostly. As I have a full-time job, sports no longer take priority. When I take part in competitions, results are not my major concern. My main goal is to enjoy the event and the atmosphere. Mr. Daniel C.W. Lee Assistant Lecturer, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education 請掃描QR碼閱讀全文版 Scan the QR code for the full version 12 No. 414, 19.3.2013