Newsletter No. 363
No. 363, 19.9.2010 建築學院第二所抗震校舍 能源效益及空間設計更佳 Second Seismic Proof School Built in Sichuan • 繼 去年在四川地震災區劍閣縣下寺村建成第一所新 芽小學後,建築學院朱競翔教授率領的研究小組 汲取經驗,以更先進的建築系統及創新設計,今夏在四川 建成第二所新芽學堂,能源效益及空間設計亦更臻完善。 第二所新芽學堂坐落四川省邊境的多 山地區涼山州鹽源縣瀘沽湖鎮,位於 海拔二千六百米的少數民族摩梭族村 寨達祖。新校舍除具備第一所新芽小學 的優點:抗震等級達麥加利地震烈度十 度、壽命高達二十年以上、造價低廉、 以及能在兩周內建成外,更利用溫差 效應、煙囱效應達到冬暖夏涼。此外, 亦善用清潔能源,裝置了一部風力發電 機,用於點亮LED燈具,全部照明只消 耗能量1.2千瓦,還預留空間,供日後安 裝太陽能地板輻射熱系統之用。 朱教授表示:「校舍是單層建築,佔地 二百六十平方米,設有三間教室和一個閱讀空間,沒有浪 費任何地方作走廊。室內四個空間的尺寸、比例與朝向各 不相同,孩童可以自然地感知所處的課室,教師也能按需 要調整門扇,靈活製造不同空間。房間之間的半透明牆壁 可阻隔聲音,而不阻擋光線滲透。」 是項環保學校研發和建築,乃獲香港龍的文化慈善基金及 中大新亞四川重建基金的資助。 A research team led by Prof. Zhu Jingxiang of the School of Architecture has developed an advanced architectural system for the construction of the New Bud Study Hall in Sichuan this summer. Based on the experience of building the first New Bud Primary School at Xiasi village in Sichuan’s Jiange County, the new Study Hall excels further in energy efficiency and space design. The Study Hall is located in a remote minority village, Dazu, a hilly region of an altitude of 2,600 m on the border of Sichuan Province. While retaining the distinguishing features of the first school such as with earthquake resistance reaching Mercalli Intensity Scale X, lasting over 20 years, low cost construction, and short construction time (two weeks), the vents of Study Hall are well - positioned and the stack effect is manipulated carefully to keep indoor space cool in summer and warm in winter. A wind turbine is used to provide clean energy to power the LED lights installed in the Study Hall, keeping the total energy consumed for lighting to as low as 1.2 KW. Extra space is also reserved for the installation of a solar ground heating system. Professor Zhu said, ‘The 260 m 2 single-storey building compactly houses three classrooms and a reading space, without wasting any space in corridors. All four areas are uniquely designed with different sizes, proportions and orientations, giving students a clear sense of location. Teachers can also make good use of the space by adjusting the doors. Translucent partition walls are used to block noise, without hindering light penetration.’ The project is supported by the Hong Kong Dragon Culture Charity Fund and the CUHK New Asia Sichuan Redevelopment Fund. 半透明牆壁可阻隔聲音,而不阻擋光線滲透 Translucent partition walls block noise while allowing light to penetrate 朱競翔教授 Prof. Zhu Jingxiang 使用風力發電照明 A wind turbine provides clean energy for lighting 中大–復旦–早稻田合辦亞洲商業課程 Joint Undergraduate Programme in Asian Business Studies • 沈 祖堯校長( 左 )於8月23至26日率領中大代表團往 訪上海院校及科研機構,並於26日與復旦大學校 長楊玉良教授( 中 )及早稻田大學校長白井克彥教授( 右 ) 假上海復旦大學舉行「中大–復旦–早稻田聯合亞洲商 業課程意向書」簽署儀式。三校日後將合作培育亞洲商業 人才。首屆課程將於2011年9月開辦。 修讀課程的學生會先後在三所院校一起學習三個學期, 包括課堂學習和課外體驗, 了解上海、香港及東京三個 國際大都會的商業運作,感 受不同的生活文化,並學習 當地語言。 中大代表團訪滬期間,走訪 了上海第二軍醫大學、長海 醫院、上海交通大學、復旦大 學,以及中國科學院上海分 院屬下的研究所和設施等, 並與上海第二軍醫大學簽定 學術交流協議,又與復旦大 學、上海交通大學、中國科學 院上海分院商定多個將於短 期內開展的實質合作計劃。沈校長更於上海交通大學著 名的「勵志講壇」發表演講,與交大學生分享寶貴的人生 經驗。 P rof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (left), CUHK Vice-Chancellor, led a delegation to visit Shanghai from 23 to 26 August. On 26 August, Professor Sung, Prof. Yang Yuliang (middle), President of Fudan University, and Prof. Katsuhiko Shirai (right), President of Waseda University, signed a tripartite agreement on a Joint Undergraduate Programme in Asian Business Studies. Admitting its first cohort of students in September 2011, the programme aims at promoting business education in Asia. All students of the programme will study together as one cohort in three universities for a term each. In addition to classroom learning, students will also attend extensive extra-curriculum activities where they can acquire first hand perspectives of business sector, experience the local culture, and learn the language in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Tokyo. The CUHK delegation visited the Second Military Medical University (SMMU), Changhai Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Fudan University, and research institutes under Shanghai Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Agreement was also concluded with a general collaboration agreement with the SMMU. CUHK had developed several collaboration projects with Fudan University, SJTU and Shanghai Branch of CAS respectively. These projects were expected to be launched in the near future. Besides, Professor Sung delivered a lecture at the Inspiration Forum, a signature event of SJTU, to share his life experience with its students.
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