Newsletter No. 436
8 No. 436, 19.4.2014 Beginning in September 2013, CUHK practises 'Green Monday' by promoting the benefits of going meatless. Canteens on our campus have responded to this campaign by offering more and more vegetarian options for health conscious people. If you want to satisfy your burger cravings without expanding your waistline, try the Portobello burger served at the Benjamin Franklin Centre Student Canteen. The meaty texture of Portobello mushrooms makes them a perfect stand-in for beef patties, which are higher in fat, cholesterol and calories. This burger is stacked with a large Portobello mushroom, melted cheese, a tomato slice, a cucumber slice, and shredded lettuce, with French fries as its side dish. The mushroom is juicy and tender, with an intense unique flavour. They are rich sources of minerals, such as copper, potassium and selenium, as well as vitamins B and D. These burgers are perfect for vegetarians and meat lovers alike. You have to be quick if you want a bite of this healthy burger because the canteen can only serve a dozen to 20 Portobello burgers each day due to the limited supply of Portobello mushrooms that are large enough for making burgers. 素食漢堡 Veggie Burger 中大由2013年9月開始實行「無綠不歡 星期一」,提倡不吃肉的好處。校內飯堂 也推出多款素食響應,令注重健康的中 大人有更多選擇。如果你愛吃漢堡,又怕 脂肪悄悄爬上腰間,那麼,范克廉樓學生 膳堂供應的牛扒菇大漢堡就可滿足你的 需要。 牛扒菇又稱波特菇和龍葵菇,肥美肉厚, 正好用來代替漢堡肉,而且沒有高脂肪、 高膽固醇和高熱量的壞處。這款漢堡 除了一朵碩大的牛扒菇,還加上芝士、 蕃茄、青瓜和生菜絲,另有英式薯條伴 碟。帶有獨特香味的牛扒菇多汁 嫰 滑, 含有銅、鉀和硒等礦物質,還有維生素B 和D。 這種漢堡不管「無綠不歡」還是「無肉不 歡」的人都不可錯過,但餐廳每天只供應 十多二十份,因為製作這種漢堡須選菇 傘夠大的菇,每天新鮮運來的貨源有限, 為免向隅就要早點去了。 有「光纖之父」美譽的中大前校長兼諾貝爾獎得主 高錕教授獲獎無數,但要數最「高高在上」的,可能是 這一顆「高錕星」。 1996年,中國科學院紫金山天文台宣布,將於1981年 發現、國際編號為「3463」的小行星命名為「高錕星」, 以表揚高錕教授在光纖通訊研究領域的傑出貢獻。「高 錕星」命名典禮於1996年7月24日假香港恒生銀行總行 大廈舉行,由當時中國科學院常務副院長路甬祥教授頒 授命名證書及銅匾予高教授。命名證書現於大學展覽廳 展出。 Known as the ‘Father of Fibre Optics’, Prof. Charles K. Kao, former CUHK Vice-Chancellor and Nobel Laureate, has been bestowed a myriad of honours, but the ‘Asteroid Kaokuen’ may be the most celestial one. In recognition of Professor Kao’s contribution to the research field of fibre- optic communication, the Purple Mountain Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences named a minor planet (3463), discovered in 1981, after Professor Kao as ‘Kaokuen’ in 1996. In the naming ceremony held in Hang Seng Bank Headquarters Building on 24 July 1996 in Hong Kong, Prof. Lu Yongxiang, the then vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, presented a naming certificate and a bronze plaque to Professor Kao. The certificate is now on display in the University Gallery.
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