Newsletter No. 533
畢業四年便獲得中大最高教學榮譽之一博文教學獎,有何 感受? 獲獎無論對我還是一眾研究型年輕教授而言都是極大鼓 舞。我們難免會懷疑自己能否做到教學與研究兩不誤。我的 親身體會是,教書充滿樂趣,值得為之付出。 學生對你的教學評分極高,秘訣何在? 當個有趣的人。每逢看電影、閱讀或逛街,我都時刻留意有 哪些奇聞趣事,可以從市場學角度跟學生分享。當我在課堂 提出從不會出現在教科書的話題,例如毒販如何將可卡因從 哥倫比亞運往美國,或是亞馬遜總裁的離婚將怎樣影響公 司,學生便格外精神,討論得興高采烈。 你認為學生最欣賞你甚麼? 對他們真心誠意的尊重。我總是鼓勵他們暢所欲言,也很 重視他們的意見。上我的課發言沒有對錯之分。只要邏輯合 理,任何回答都是好回答。 范亭亭教授 數碼營銷是你的研究專長。數碼世界瞬息萬變,如何確保 所授知識與時並進? 我教的理論也許維持不變,但用以闡釋的例子卻一直緊貼 時事。我愛讀《華爾街日報》、《時代》雜誌、《經濟學人》, 許多在課堂分析的案例都取材自這些報刊對時政熱話和新 興趨勢的深入報道。 迄今為止覺得自己哪項研究最有意思? 曾經研究眾籌平台,得出的結論相當出人意表:如果眾籌活 動早期的集資多為小額款項,例如一美元,會更容易吸納後 續投資。倘若初期集資主要由較大款額構成,例如一百美 元,潛在投資人往往會猜想,這些資金是來自眾籌發起人的 親戚朋友,因而降低出資意欲。我稱之為「以小博大效應」, 有利於創業家設計有效的籌款策略。 你有哪位教學上的楷模嗎? 我十分敬仰我的博士導師兼摯友 Peter N. Golder 教授。我 還在北京大學唸本科就認識他,至今十二年。他見證了我在 紐約市政廳的婚禮,帶着我走到博士畢業典禮的台前,又攜 家人拜訪我遠在福建的老家。他以身作則的教我要做個有 愛心、擅啟發的老師,要在逆境中保持樂觀,以及要常懷感 恩之心。 以前的你是哪一類學生? 中學的我是個典型書呆子,一心只想考第一。後來在北大認 識了我最要好的朋友 董韞韜 ,她現在已是康涅狄格大學的 教授。是她啟迪了我:只要靈魂有趣,儘管成績不是最好, 生活同樣精彩。要是早些明白這道理該多好啊! 你看起來總是神清氣爽,有甚麼保持身心舒泰的竅門? 還是那句,當個有趣的人。我自知既不聰明,也不漂亮,但我 可以很有趣。世上有太多樂事等待發掘,我必須保持健康開 朗,才能帶上家人朋友同享這趟旅程。 How do you feel about winning the University Education Award—one of the highest accolades for teaching excellence in CUHK—only four years after graduation? The award is a great encouragement not just to me but to all the research-oriented young academics who might not believe they could balance teaching and research well. It proves that teaching can be fun and enjoyable and is worth the effort. You received exceptionally high ratings from your students. What’s your secret? Being an interesting person. Whenever I watch a movie, read a book or go shopping, I am constantly on the lookout for interesting things to share with my students from the standpoint of marketing. They would be excited and respond more actively if I bring forth topics not found in any marketing textbook, such as how drug dealers ship cocaine from Columbia to the US and how the divorce of Amazon’s CEO might affect the company. What do you think your students appreciate the most about you? My genuine respect for them. I always ask for their thoughts and put a high premium on their opinions. In my class there is no right or wrong answer. Any answer is deemed good as long as the underlying logic is sound. Digital marketing is one of your strong suits. With the digital world changing rapidly, how do you ensure the relevancy of what you teach? The theories I teach may remain the same, but the examples I give are in sync with what is happening out there. I am an avid reader of The Wall Street Journal , Time and The Economist . Many of the cases studied in my class are based on their in-depth reports on current events and emerging trends. Which research you’ve done so far has taken you by surprise? My research into crowdfunding platforms has a counter- intuitive finding: a potential funder is more likely to contribute to a crowdfunding campaign when the majority of early contributions are relatively small amounts, e.g., US$1. If the majority of early funders contribute larger amounts, e.g., US$100, potential funders are likely to infer that they came from family and friends and so are less likely to chip in. I called it ‘The Small-Predicts-Large Effect’. Entrepreneurs can do well to remember this when devising fundraising strategies. As far as teaching is concerned, who is your role model? I look up to my PhD adviser and very good friend Prof. Peter N. Golder . I’ve known him for 12 years since I was studying at Peking University. He witnessed my wedding at the New York City Hall, walked me to the PhD graduation ceremony, and visited my small hometown in Fujian Province with his family. It is he who showed me how to be a caring and inspiring teacher, how to stay positive during tough times, and how to be grateful for everything. What kind of a student were you? I was a typical nerd in high school. Coming first in exams was all I ever wanted. My best friend Dong Yuntao , whom I met at Peking University and who is now a professor at the University of Connecticut, inspired me to see that life can still be wonderful without top scores, if we have an interesting soul. I wish I had learned that much earlier. You always look joyful and energetic. Any tips for staying physically and mentally fit? Again, be an interesting person. I am neither smart nor pretty, but I can be interesting. There is so much fun to be had in the world. I must stay happy and healthy to bring along my friends and family on this wonderful trip. Christine N. Prof. Fan Tingting 2018年度博文教學獎得主暢談教學之樂、最感激的良師益友,以及將人生變得饒有 趣味的心得。 The winner of the University Education Award 2018 talked to CUHK Newsletter about the joy of teaching, her role models, and how she transformed her life from a bore to a blast. 市場學系 Department of Marketing 10 # 5 3 3 | 0 4 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 9 口 談 實 錄 / V iva V oce Photo by ISO Staff
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