Newsletter No. 363
No. 363, 19.9.2010 賀文博 He Wenbo 來自湖南省株洲市的賀文博自小精於各類運動,上高中後更 醉心武術,今年於湖南省武術比賽中奪得南棍項目全省亞軍。 他本有機會成為國家運動員,但因不想中斷學業而毅然放棄。 He Wenbo from Zhuzhou city, Hunan province, is an outstanding athlete. He has been good at sports since he was young. When entering high school, he became interested in martial arts. This year he won a silver medal in the staff category at the Hunan Provincial Martial Arts Competition. Although he was qualified to be an athlete of the national team, he chose to continue on the academic path. 香港是國際金融中心,加上中大工商管理學院的國際聲望和優越師資,相信對我今後的發展 必大有幫助。 With Hong Kong’s status as an international financial centre, and the high reputation and excellent teachers of the Faculty of Business Administration of CUHK, I believe that studying in this University will help me a lot for my future career. 伊然 Yi Ran 以659分全國高考成績摘福建省文科最高分數桂冠的伊然,父 母均為教師,自小在開放民主的家庭環境和學習氛圍中成長, 培養出自主的個性及未雨綢繆的習慣。 Scoring 659 points in the National Higher Education Entrance Examination, Yi Ran is the top scorer of Fujian province. With both her parents being teachers, she grew up in a liberal and academic family. She is an independent person who likes to have a plan for everything. 中大有很多往外國交流的機會,獨特的書院制可讓我廣交不同背景的朋友,擴闊視野。 ‘CUHK provides its students with a lot of overseas exchange opportunities. And with its uni ue college system, I can make friends with persons from different backgrounds. This will broaden my hori ons. Ian Sigmund 獲得獎學金在中大升學的Ian Sigmund來自英國。他覺得香港 這大都會的多元文化背景,有助培養國際視野。他並希望透過 修讀工商管理,增進商業知識,確立將來的事業方向。 Ian Sigmund from the UK comes to study at CUHK on a scholarship. He believes that he can develop a global outlook by studying in Hong Kong, a metropolis with an atmosphere of cultural diversity. He hopes that the business programme of the University can increase his business knowledge, thus helping him to carve out a good career. 我已很適應及享受中大的校園環境,十分期待這幾年的大學生活。 ‘I’m already feeling at home on the CUHK campus. I’m looking forward to my exciting university life here. 林映廷 Lin Ying-ting 來自台灣的林映廷在SAT考試中取得2,310分佳績。她認為 中大經濟系師資和研究成就俱屬一流,課程富彈性,兼備理 論和應用,再加上香港是兩岸三地的金融中心,所以修讀 中大經濟系是最理想的選擇。 Lin Ying-ting from Taiwan scored 2,310 points on the SAT. She was admitted to our Department of Economics. She believes that with its inspiring teachers, remarkable research results, flexible curriculum, excellent balance of theory and applications, and Hong Kong’s status as a thriving financial centre in Asia, the department is an ideal place for her to study. 很期待認識來自世界各地的頂尖學子,認識香港的文化,並充分運用中大提供的資源,如實 習和交換學生計劃等。 I’m expecting to meet elite students from all over the world and to learn about Hong Kong’s culture. I’ll make the best use of the resources provided by CUHK, such as internship and exchange programmes. 馬悅君 Ma Yuet-kwan 馬悅君早於2008年參加中大的暑期課程時,已親身體驗到 中大教職員的友善及熱誠,此後她一直以入讀中大為目標。患 上肌肉萎縮症的她排除萬難在高考奪得3A佳績,獲本校心理 學系錄取。 Ma Yuet-kwan had first-hand experience of CUHK staff’s friendliness and enthusiasm when she took summer classes at the University in 2008. Suffering from muscular dystrophy, she overcame the odds, obtaining three As in HKALE. She was admitted to the Psychology Department. 我對教育心理學興趣濃厚,期望將來投身教育界,幫助有需要的學生。 I’m very interested in educational psychology. I hope to pursue a career in education to help students in need. Timur Shakirov 來自俄羅斯的Timur Shakirov選擇香港升學是因為香港 英語通行,對不諳中文的他相當重要。Timur對物流學甚感 興趣,而香港是世界貿易樞紐,他希望能親身在香港體會其 貿易生態。 Timur Shakirov from Russia chose to study in Hong Kong because English is spoken here. It is especially important for him because he does not speak Chinese. Timur is interested in logistics and expects to gain first-hand experience in trading in Hong Kong, one of the hubs for international trade. 中大國際化學習環境及世界排名,亦是吸引我來升讀的原因。我將刻苦學習,絕不鬆懈。 I was attracted to CUHK by its international learning environment and its performance in world university rankings. I’ll study hard here. 曾學勤 Tsang Hok-kan 曾學勤在中學已沉醉物理,中六時參加國際物理奧林 匹克比賽的培訓課程,涉獵大學物理知識。他在賽事 中獲得銅獎,令他更渴望深入鑽研物理學。 Tsang Hok-kan was very passionate about physics while in secondary school. When he was in Form Six, he took a course for the International Physics Olympiad to acquire knowledge of physics at university level. Winning a bronze medal in the competition, he wants to have a deeper understanding of the discipline. 中大物理系精英雲集,肯定可鞭策我力求上進,在學科上創造佳績。 I’m sure that with the pool of top academics and students at the Department of Ph sics of CUHK, I will be lifted to new heights personally and academically. A
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