Newsletter No. 327
No. 327, 19.11.2008 NEWS & EVENTS 全新課程培養國貿及中企人才 Grooming International Business and Chinese Enterprise Talent • 工 商管理學院與南卡羅來納州大學摩爾商學院將合 辦新的「國際貿易及中國企業」專修課程,培訓熟 知中美商業環境的年輕專才。 該課程是工商管理學士綜合課程的一個新範疇,着重教授 關於美國、中國和亞洲各地商業運作的專業知識,並深入 探討東西方的不同文化對商業行為的影響。中大與摩爾商 學院各招收二十名學生,他們會一同在兩校上課一年及兩 年,體驗不同文化的大學生活。 南卡羅來納州大學和中大將分別於明年和後年錄取首批 學生。 T he Faculty of Business Administration will partner with the Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina (USC) to launch a new International Business and Chinese Enterprise (IBCE) concentration. The new concentration will come under the existing Integrated BBA programme at CUHK. Emphasis will be put on advanced understanding of the business practices of the US, China and Asia. Equal importance will be given to understanding of the cultural dynamics between the East and the West which shapes business behaviour. The two universities will admit 20 students each annually. They will study together as one cohort in CUHK and in USC for one and two years respectively. CUHK will admit the first batch of students in 2010 while USC will admit its students next year. 南卡羅來納州大學常務副校長Prof. Mark Becker(左)及中大副校 長廖柏偉教授在10月28日簽署意向書 Prof. Mark Becker, Provost of the University of South Carolina (left) and Prof. Liu Pak-wai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, signing the letter of intent on 28 October 供應鏈管理師生天津行 Exchange Visit to Tianjin • 美國聖母院大學訪問團來訪 US Notre Dame Delegation Visits CUHK • 在 國家教育部及利豐供應鏈管理及物流研 究所的支持下,商學院供應鏈管理專業 師生共二十二人應天津南開大學泰達學院邀請, 於2008年10月參與了「現代物流學術交流暨天津 濱海新區發展研討會」。 交流活動還包括多項實地調研,如參觀南開大學 物流實驗室( 圖 )、天津港、天津航運中心、天津 水產物流中心、天津空港物流加工區、空中巴士 A320總裝車間,以及多家天津企業。 美 國聖母院大學常務副校長Dr. Thomas Burish( 前排右一 )及多位貴賓於10月 22日訪問中大,並為Lanson學術交流基金揭開序 幕。該基金提供五百萬港幣,支持中大及聖母院大 學的本科生交流。兩校日後還將推出研究生及教 職員的交流計劃,促進兩校、兩國以至兩種文化的 意見交流和研究。 主修金融的三年級生Robert Heullauer( 後排左 四 )是第一位藉此計劃來中大就讀的學生,他在揭 幕禮上分享了他在中大的生活體驗和未來理想。 中 大女子泳隊於10月12日舉行之「第二十九屆兩 大體育節水運會」中表現超卓,勇奪女子團體 總冠軍;隊員李亮葵更摘下三面金牌(五十米及一百米 自由式及二百米個人四式),與港大代表齊膺女子個人 全場冠軍。 A t the 29th Annual Intervarsity Games Swimming Gala held on 12 October, the CUHK women’s swimming team brought home the overall championship. Our outstanding swimmer Lee Leong-kwai captured three gold medals (50m and 100m freestyle and 200m individual medley), sharing the title of individual overall champion with the representative from HKU. 中大奪兩大體育節水運會女團冠軍 Women’s Swim Team Returns in Triumph T he University welcomed Provost Dr. Thomas Burish ( front row, 1st right ) and other distinguished guests from the University of Notre Dame on 22 October 2008. The visit marked the inauguration of the Lanson Exchange Fund, which provides a generous donation of HK$ 5 million to support exchanges between CUHK and the University of Notre Dame. Besides undergraduate student mobility, the two universities will develop programmes for graduate and staff exchanges, promoting exchange of ideas and research between the two universities, countries and cultures. On that occasion Mr. Robert Heullauer ( back row, 4th left ), a Year 3 finance major who is spending the term at CUHK, spoke of his experience at CUHK and how it is already shaping his future. A t the invitation of TEDA College of Nankai University and with the support of the Ministry of Education and Li & Fung Institute of Supply Chain Management & Logistics, a CUHK delegation comprising 22 undergraduate students and faculty members of supply chain management attended the seminar ‘Academic Exchange on Modern Logistics and Development of Banhai District of Tianjin’ held at Nankai University in October. The delegation also visited the logistics laboratory of TEDA College ( photo ), Tianjin Port, Tianjin Maritime Center, Tianjin Aquatic Product Logistics Center, the Airbus A320 assembly plant, as well as a number of important enterprises in Tianjin.
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