Newsletter No. 327
No. 327, 19.11.2008 NEWS & EVENTS 教育學士課程十周年 Faculty of Education Celebrates Programme’s 10th Anniversary • 為 慶祝教育學士(語文教育)學位課程 開辦十周年,以及課程重組為:文學士 (英國語文研究)及教育學士(英國語文教 育)、文學士(中國語言及文學)及教育學士 (中國語文教育)兩個同期結業雙學位課程, 教育學院於9月26日舉行晚宴,邀請了逾百名 師生及校友出席,並宣布籌組語文教育課程校 友會及啟動「語文教師教育平台」(PLaTE)。 PLaTE是教學發展補助金資助的計劃,為準語 文教師提供線上參考資料及學習工具,以支援 其學術及專業發展。 T he Faculty of Education held a dinner reception on 26 September to celebrate 諾貝爾獎得主論經濟分析與社會責任 Nobel Economist Kicks Off New SHKP Lecture Series • 新 鴻基地產諾貝爾獎得獎學人傑出講座邀得1972年 經濟學獎得主肯尼斯˙阿羅教授,以「經濟分析 與社會責任」為題於11月3日主講,吸引了約五百名聽眾 參加。 中大校長劉遵義教授說:「阿羅教授堪稱過去半世紀活躍 的經濟學家之中最為人稱道者。他的學術著作影響深遠, 不少門生均成就輝煌。」 新地執行董事黃奕鑑則表示:「現時正值香港面對全球金 融海嘯的問題,我們希望透過邀請舉足輕重的經濟學大師 來港主持公開講座,讓廣大市民獲得啟示。」 在講座中,阿羅教授探討當下全球關注的議題─政府對 市場的干預至何種程度才算合適。 P rof. Kenneth J. Arrow, 1972 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, spoke on ‘Economic Analysis and Social Obligation’ to an audience of around 500 on 3 November, starting off a new instalment of the Sun Hung Kai Properties Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures Series. CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau said, ‘Prof. Arrow is one of the most listened to of all practising economists in the last half century. The impact of his scholarly work has been tremendous.’ SHKP Executive Director Michael Wong remarked, ‘Hong Kong is facing challenges posed by the global financial tsunami, but we hope that our lectures will produce valuable insights for people.’ In the lecture Prof. Arrow discussed one of the most important issues facing the world in 2008—the extent to which the government should intervene in the workings of markets. 中國改革開放三十年經濟研討會 Top Economists Shed Light on China’s Economy • 中 大於10月23及24日舉行經濟理論研討會,紀念中國改革開放三十周年,以及 著名經濟學家孫冶方先生誕辰一百周年。近四十名經濟學家共聚一堂,審視 對中國發展影響至深的議題,並評論經濟學思路和不同的改革方案。 會上中大校長劉遵義教授、清華大學經濟管理學院院長錢穎一教授和中國社會科學 院特邀顧問劉國光教授,分別以「中國經濟改革之經驗」、「中國經濟轉型的審視」及 「辯證地看中國改革三十年」為題演講。 T he Conference Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of China’s Economic Reform and the 100th Anniversary of Sun Yefang’s Birth was held on 23 and 24 October at CUHK. About 40 economists gathered to probe issues that have had impact on China’s development and exchange views on different economic theories and reform alternatives. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Qian Yingyi, dean of the School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University; and Prof. Liu Guoguang, special adviser to The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, gave lectures respectively on ‘The Lessons of Chinese Economic Reform’, ‘China’s Economic Transformation in Perspective’ and ‘Dialectical Views on Chinese Reform for 30 Years’. the 10th anniversary of the BEd (Language Education) Programme and the restructuring of the programme to two co-terminal double-degree programmes—BA (Chinese Language and Literature) and BEd (Chinese Language Education) and BA (English Studies) and BEd (English Language Education). On the occasion, the preparation for the establishment of the Language Education Alumni Association and the PLaTE (Platforms for Language Teacher Education) were also launched. PLaTE, comprising online reference and learning tools developed under a Teaching Development Grant project, was set up to provide support to the academic and professional development of student teachers of languages. Over 100 teachers, students and alumni attended the function. 劉遵義教授 Prof. Lawrence J. Lau 錢穎一教授 Prof. Qian Yingyi 劉國光教授 Prof. Liu Guoguang
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