Newsletter No. 551

「社會愈是彎曲悖謬, 醫護人員愈加需要 堅持和發揮 最高的專業精神。」 醫學院院長 陳家亮教授 (〈「上醫醫人」:先盡己任才能為社會臻更大理想〉,  《香港家書》,香港電台,2020年1月4日) 的 矢 錄 / R emarkables ‘We have a role to play in shaping how the profession evolves, as community participation and direct engagement with students in design-build projects can make a big, real-world impact.’ Prof. Peter W. Ferretto , School of Architecture, and his team Condition_Lab received the ‘Completed Buildings—Civic and Community’ category award at the World Architecture Festival 2019 p.06 「平台將資訊集合、資源聚焦,  透過前人的經驗分享,  培養師生這種創業意識,  有意識才有行動。」 副校長 張妙清教授 談SoCUBE社創平台的使命  (〈由 War on Rape 至 Farm to Table,  張妙清漫談山城山下 40 年〉,  《立場新聞》,2020年1月4日) ‘ Because of the advancements in technology, people are looking at a bottom-up approach— how technology changes our lives. Major disruptions, whether it’s social media or blockchain, have been on the application side.’ Prof. William Wong Kam-fai , Associate Dean (External Affairs) of the Faculty of Engineering, on technological disruptions (‘Chinese Computing Pioneer Wong Kam-fai: Legacy Companies Need Innovation Sandboxes’, , 8 January 2020) 「跨學科可突破每個學科的限 制,是未來研究主流, 惟目前本港協助將成果轉化成 商品的企業不多,現時多與內地 或國際企業合作。」 醫學院助理院長 趙偉仁教授 (〈中大學者:跨學科突破學科限制是  未來研究主流,宜擴本地商業轉化〉,  《香港01》,2020年1月5日) ‘In an era of profound change, with rapid advances in technology, significant demographic and geopolitical shifts, and a climate emergency, the university plays a critical role in ensuring the continued flourishing of humanity through education , research , innovation , and service . CUHK has so much to offer and I am honoured to have the opportunity to contribute to its development.’ Prof. Alan K.L. Chan , who joined CUHK as Provost and J. S. Lee Professor of Chinese Culture on 1 January 2020, greets the CUHK Newsletter readers 10 # 5 5 1 | 1 9 . 0 1 . 2 0 2 0 一紙在手,感覺踏實。然而,為減少大量印刷對環境造成的損害,請與朋友分享本通訊,或上網( ) 閱覽。謝謝您愛護環境。 We all like the feel of paper. But this newsletter will increase your carbon footprint. So share a copy with friends or read it online ( ) at   your own leisure. Thank you for supporting the environment. 中文 u English u