Newsletter No. 473

逸夫書院三十周年院慶典禮於2016年1月15日假書院大講堂舉行,由 創院院長陳佳鼐教授擔任主禮嘉賓。陳教授憶述創院早期的故事, 包括成功申請校巴於書院設站、及兩位老師如何說服一間上海餐廳 的店主來書院開設餐廳的經過。最後,他以院歌其中幾句歌詞﹕「懷 大志,造福人群,努力直須年少」勉勵大家,認為這和書院的「五大支 柱」有密切關係,並期望未來會有更多專才加入書院,成為中大的一 分子。 Shaw College Founder’s Day Celebration Ceremony was held on 15 January 2016 at the College Lecture Theatre with Prof. Chen Char-nie, Founding Head of Shaw College, as guest of honour. Professor Chen recalled the early years of Shaw College and shared with the audience successful stories of setting up bus stations and inviting a Shanghainese restaurant owner to open a restaurant at Shaw College. Towards the end of the speech, Professpr Chen encouraged Shaw members to ‘be ambitious, be beneficial to others, strive when young’ by quoting the College anthem, which coincidently echoes the ‘Five Pillars’ of Shaw College. He also wished that in the future, more experts and scholars around the world would join Shaw College and become part of CUHK. 逸夫書院三十周年院慶 Shaw College Founder’s Day Celebration 黃建偉教授獲選IEEE院士 Professor Jianwei Huang Elected IEEE Fellow 工程學院信息工程學系黃建偉教授獲 電機及電子工程師學會(IEEE)頒授 2016年度院士榮銜,以表揚他在無線 通訊網絡的資源管理及分配機制上的 重大貢獻。IEEE院士是該會的最高榮譽 之一,每年只有不多於0.1%會員獲得此 資格。今年全球共有297位學者獲選為 IEEE院士,黃建偉教授是香港地區三名 新院士中年紀最輕的一位。 Prof. Jianwei Huang from the Department of Information Engineering has been elected Fellow of the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2016 for his contributions to resource allocation in wireless systems. The IEEE Fellow is one of the most prestigious honours of the IEEE, and is bestowed upon a very limited number (less than 0.1%) of its members. This year, 297 scholars were elected IEEE fellows worldwide and Profesor Huang is the youngest among the three newly elected IEEE Fellows from Hong Kong. Prof. Tjonnie G.F. Li from the Department of Physics hosted two public lectures entitled ‘Einstein’s Messenger: A New Window on the Universe’ on 12 and 19 February to talk about the success of gravitational waves detection and its significance on the development of astrophysics. Prior to joining CUHK, Professor Li spent two years at the California Institute of Technology as a Rubicon Postdoctoral Fellow, with a research focus on gravitational-wave physics. He has been involved with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project since 2009. The existence of gravitational waves is one of the most important predictions proposed by Albert Einstein a century ago in his theory of General Relativity. It was announced by LIGO on 11 February that gravitational waves were detected by both of the twin LIGO detectors. The discovery of gravitational waves allows astronomers to probe some of the most mysterious phenomena in the Universe. 物理系黎冠峰教授於2月12日及19日主持 《愛因斯坦的信使:探視宇宙的新窗戶》 公開講座,講解科學家如何成功探測重力 波,為人類揭開宇宙起源之謎,成就重要的 進程。 黎冠峰教授自2009年開始參與鐳射干涉儀 重力波觀測站(簡稱LIGO)的研究工作,是 LIGO合作組中唯一來自香港院校的科學家。 加入中大之前,黎教授在加州理工學院完成 了兩年的博士後研究,專研重力波物理。 重力波是愛因斯坦廣義相對論最重要的預言 之一,為探測重力波而建立的LIGO合作組於 今年2月11日正式宣布,已成功探測到兩個黑 洞在十三億年前合併時所產生的重力波,說 明時空可以扭曲及壓縮,成為黑洞、宇宙暴 脹和大爆炸等理論的強力證據。 物理系教授講解重力波的存在論證 Successful Detection of Gravitational Waves 校園消息 Campus News 新藥物為罕見神經系統病患者帶來希望 New Treatment for Rare Neurological Diseases 生命科學學院陳浩然教授( 左 )及其團隊 最近發明了一種名為P3的多肽分子,能 有效抑制神經細胞退化。該發明已取得 專利,可望成為新藥物,為罕見神經系統 病患者帶來令人振奮的消息。有關研究已 刊載於著名病理學研究期刊 Disease Models & Mechanisms 。 Prof. Chan H.Y. Edwin ( left ) from the School of Life Sciences has studied a group of rare neurological disorders and developed therapeutic interventions against these diseases since 1998. His team has recently discovered a drug candidate P3, a 13-amino acid peptide, which can neutralize toxic RNA and rescue neurodegeneration. The discovery has been patented by the US Patent and Trademark Office. P3 has the potential to be developed into therapeutic usage, giving hope to individuals who suffer from rare neuronal diseases. The research findings have been published online in Disease Models & Mechanisms . 4 473 • 4.3.2016