Newsletter No. 449/450
449/450 • 19.12.2014 5 劉遵義 教授是著名經濟學 家,2004至2010年間出任 香港中文大學第六任校長, 現為中大全球經濟及金融 研究所藍饒富暨藍凱麗經 濟學講座教授,專研經濟理 論、發展與增長及包括中國 在內的東亞經濟。他早於 1966年已建立了他的第一 個中國計量經濟模型,並自 此不斷加以改良。劉教授在 出任中大校長期間,為大學作出多項傑出貢獻,提升大學的 教研質素,包括成立五所新書院,為四年制所增收的三千名 學生提供更多選擇。他亦帶領中大制訂十年策略發展計劃, 投放額外資源重點發展五個特選的學術領域等。大學頒予 榮譽法學博士學位,以表彰他在經濟學的卓越成就及對中 大發展的重要貢獻。 Renowned economist Prof. Lawrence Juen-yee Lau is Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics of the Institute of Global Economics and Finance at CUHK. He served as the sixth Vice-Chancellor of CUHK from 2004 to 2010. He specializes in economic theory, economic development, economic growth, and the economies of East Asia, including China. He developed one of the first econometric models of China in 1966, which he has continued to revise and update since then. Serving as Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, Professor Lau made notable contributions to the academic and research excellence of the University, including the establishment of five new Colleges to accommodate the addition of 3,000 undergraduate students as the University reverted to a four- year curriculum. He also led the University in formulating a 10-year Strategic Plan and identified five academic areas for focused research investment. In recognition of his academic achievements in economics and important contributions to CUHK, the University conferred upon Professor Lau the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa . 著 名 作 曲 家 及 編 曲 家 顧嘉煇 博士是粵語流行曲 的重要創作人。他於六十 年代為邵氏電影和嘉禾公 司作曲、編曲及配樂,其作 品於台灣金馬獎及亞洲電 影節獲得多個獎項。顧博 士數十年來創作超過一千 二百首歌曲,多首作品膾 炙人口,改變了七十年代 樂壇以改編外語歌曲為主 的現象,掀起了香港流行曲熱潮。顧博士的卓越成就備受肯 定,曾獲頒香港電台十大中文金曲最高榮譽獎、香港作曲家 及作詞家協會音樂成就大獎、大英帝國員佐勳章及銅紫荊星 章等。大學頒予榮譽社會科學博士學位,以表彰他為香港樂 壇帶來的深遠影響及傑出貢獻。 Dr. Joseph Koo is a respected composer and music director of Cantopop songs. Early in the 1960s, Dr. Koo joined both Shaw Brothers (Hong Kong) Limited and Golden Harvest movie studios as a film music composer and arranger. His music pieces won several awards in the Golden Horse Film Festival and the Asia Pacific Film Festival. Over the past few decades, Dr. Koo has composed over 1,200 songs and many of them became Cantopop classics. His works changed the Hong Kong music scene in the 1970s, when popular music was dominated by adaptations of foreign songs. Dr. Koo was awarded the Highest Honour Award of Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) Ten Best Chinese Music Programmes, the Music Accomplishment Award of Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong, made a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire and awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star from the HKSAR Government. The University conferred upon Dr. Koo the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa , for his influence on Cantopop music and his contributions to the Hong Kong music industry. 陳慧慧 女士是南豐集團主 席及董事長,以及陳慧慧基 金有限公司創辦人及主席。 陳女士長袖善舞,為出色的 企業家,同時秉承其父陳廷 驊博士樂善好施的精神,積 極參與慈善事業,並出任陳 廷驊基金會主席。陳女士 一直熱心支持中大發展,透 過陳慧慧基金及陳廷驊基 金會捐款支持逸夫書院及 和聲書院的發展,以及有關中藥、健康情緒、進食失調及身 心認知運動的研究計劃和教育活動等。大學頒予榮譽社會 科學博士學位,以表彰她對本港商業發展及慈善事業的重要 貢獻。 Ms. Chen Wai-wai Vivien is the chairman and managing director of Nan Fung Group as well as the founder and president of her own foundation, The Chen Wai Wai Vivien Foundation Limited. Like her late father, Dr. Chen Din- hwa, Ms. Chen is both a distinguished entrepreneur and philanthropist. Ms. Chen is the chairperson of The D. H. Chen Foundation, which was established by her father to support worthy causes in medicine, education and welfare. Ms. Chen is a staunch supporter of CUHK. Through her own foundation and The D. H. Chen Foundation, she has made substantial donations to support the development of Shaw College and Lee Woo Sing College, as well as numerous research projects and educational activities in Chinese medicine, mood disorders, eating disorders and therapeutic physical mental exercise. The University conferred upon Ms. Chen the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa , for her remarkable contributions to the economic development of Hong Kong and the community in need. 大學頒授學位典禮 Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees CUHK held its 77th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on 4 December. Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, Chairman of the University Council, presided at the congregation. Seven distinguished people were conferred honorary degrees in recognition of their outstanding contributions in their respective areas of academic and cultural progress, the promotion of community welfare, and the development of CUHK. They were: Ms. Chen Wai-wai Vivien, Dr. Joseph Koo, Prof. Lawrence Juen-yee Lau, Prof. Robert C. Merton, Mr. Mo Yan, Prof. Wang Shu, and Prof. Zhou Ji. A total of 372 doctoral degrees were also conferred. These included 4 Doctors of Medicine, 352 Doctors of Philosophy, 9 Doctors of Education, 2 Doctors of Music, 3 Doctors of Nursing, and 2 Doctors of Psychology. 中文大學於12月4日舉行第七十七屆大會 (頒授學位典禮),由大學校董會主席 鄭海泉博士主持,頒授榮譽博士學位予 七位傑出人士:陳慧慧女士、顧嘉煇博士、 劉遵義教授、Robert C. Merton教授、 莫言先生、王澍教授及周濟院士,以表彰 他們對社會、文化、教育及中大發展等的 重要貢獻。大會同時頒授372個各科博 士學位,包括4名醫學博士、352名哲學博 士、9名教育博士、2名音樂博士、3名護理 博士,以及2名心理學博士。
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