Newsletter No. 384
No. 384, 4.10.2011 9 ANNOUNCEMENTS 宣 布 事 項 Alliteration The Concise Oxford English Dictionary defines alliteration as ‘the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words’. Many English phrases and idioms are alliterative as in the following examples: f riend or f oe s ight and s ound without f ear or f avour This technique is frequently found in the best kinds of English writing and much favoured by journalists. In a Time article, Hannah Beech ends one of her sentences with two alliterative words: Korea’s relations with America have long seesawed between p eace and p eril . ( Time , 24 June 2002) In an article on the geopolitical implications of World Cup 2002 that took place in Japan and South Korea, Tim Parks uses two pairs of alliterative city names to express the wide expanse of the globe: Tokyo and Seoul are at a safe and expensive distance from M oscow and M anchester and B erlin and B uenos Aires. (‘Soccer: A Matter of Love and Hate’, New York Review of Books , 18 July 2002) Before Europe had a unified currency, the late English novelist Malcolm Bradbury had this déjà vu prediction about the different currencies: F rancs will f ade, D eutschmarks d issolve, e scudos e xpire, l ire l apse, the k rona will c rash . ( To the Hermitage , Picador, 2000, p. 13) Editor 人師範本 《教育心理學》的作者李雅言教授說,他撰寫這本書,源於教授 一門「教育心理學」課的經驗,深感適當教材難求,特別是中文 及切合本地教學環境的更是罕有,於是决定「自己執筆,為在職 教師、準教師,有志從事教育工作的人士,和對教學感興趣的朋 友,寫一本適合香港教學環境的中文教育心理學入門專書」。 本書共分七章,由心理學概論、認知系統等,有層次條理地論 到元認知、知識論、學習觀,以及課堂設計策略等,薄薄一本小 書竟然涵蓋理論以至應用層面,而且章節間佐以設計新穎的練 習,幫助讀者適切地反芻及內化知識,並以自身經驗及體會加以 印證,這樣子的鋪排充分顯示作者對知識的傳授有獨到見地, 而且致力向讀者提供多種教學竅門。 中大副校長、教育心理學講座教授侯傑泰教授也說:「李雅言 教授深入淺出,以簡明的文字把最重要的教育心理學理論及 其實踐策略介紹給各前線教師與家長。」 A Teacher’s Passion Prof. Lee Ngar-yin Louis said that while teaching a course on educational psychology, he noticed a lack of suitable teaching materials, in particular, those in Chinese tailored for the local teaching environment. So he decided to write an introductory book on Chinese educational psychology that’s specific to Hong Kong’s teaching environment for teachers, teachers-to-be, and those interested in becoming educators or in teaching. The seven-chapter book systematically discusses topics from psychology theories and cognitive systems to learning theory and classroom design strategy. It gives ample coverage to both theory and application, with innovatively-designed exercises between chapters to help readers digest and assimilate the knowledge with personal experience. This arrangement shows the author’s unique insights into how knowledge is transmitted and his enthusiasm in sharing these with his readers. CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Educational Psychology, Prof. Hau Kit-tai said, ‘Using simple, friendly language, Prof. Lee Ngar-yin presents the most important educational psychology theories and strategies for their application to all teachers and parents.’ 《教育心理學》 作者:李雅言 出版:商務印書館 年份:2011年 頁數:155頁 文物館四十周年慶祝活動 Celebratory Events of the Art Museum at 20.10.2011(星期四 Thursday) 3:00 pm 中國文化研究所莫慶堯學術講座 The Institute of Chinese Studies Mok Hing Yiu Lecture 主講 Speaker 牛津大學中國藝術及考古學教授羅森爵士 Prof. Dame Jessica Rawson DBE, FBA, Professor of Chinese Art and Archaeology, University of Oxford 題目 Topic 《華夏與中亞:中國的異域文化─公元六至八世紀》 China and Central Asia: Exoticism in China — Sixth to Eighth Century CE 地點 Venue 大學行政樓祖堯堂 Cho Yiu Hall, University Administration Building 5:00 pm 「造化心源:沐文堂藏中國雕塑」展覽開幕典禮 Opening ceremony of the Exhibition ‘ Chinese Sculptures from the Muwen Tang Collection ’ 主禮 Guest 牛津大學中國藝術及考古學教授羅森爵士 Prof. Dame Jessica Rawson DBE, FBA, Professor of Chinese Art and Archaeology, University of Oxford 主持 Host 香港中文大學校長沈祖堯教授 Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong 地點 Venue 文物館展廳II Gallery II, Art Museum 展覽日期 Exhibition Dates 21.10.2011 – 1.2012 6:30 pm 慶典晚宴 Gala Dinner 地點 Venue 沙田香港凱悅酒店 Hong Kong Hyatt Regency, Sha Tin 慶祝文物館四十周年暨文物館館友會三十周年,並籌募贊助,成立專項基金,開展文物館的 教育及外展計劃。 To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Art Museum and the 30th anniversary of the Friends of the Art Museum, and to raise fund for establishing a new Education and Outreach Endowment Fund. 更正 Corrigendum 《中大通訊》第三八三期第一及第六頁,和聲書院之英文名稱誤作Lee Woo Shing College,應為Lee Woo Sing College。特此更正並致歉。 The name of Lee Woo Sing College was wrongly spelled as Lee Woo Shing College in p. 1 and p. 6 of issue 383 of the CUHK Newsletter . The Newsletter apologizes for the errors and for any confusion that they may have caused. 疫苗注射運動 Vaccination Campaign 保健處舉辦新一輪疫苗注射運動,日程如下: The Vaccination Campaign will be held at the University Health Centre. Details are as follows: 抽血檢驗 Blood Test 日期 Date 6 – 7.10.2011 時間 Time 9:00 am – 5:30 pm 地點 Venue 保健醫療中心地庫活動室 Function Room, LG/F, University Health Centre 費用 Charges 甲型肝炎抗體(可選擇直接注射) Hepatitis A virus antibody (optional) $70 乙型肝炎抗原及抗體(必須驗血) Hepatitis B surface antigen and antibodies (required) $90 疫苗注射 Vaccination 日期 Date 13 – 14.10.2010 費用(每劑) Charges (per dose) 甲型肝炎(兩劑) Hepatitis A (two-dose) $235 乙型肝炎(三劑) Hepatitis B (three-dose) $75 混合甲乙型肝炎(三劑) Combined Hepatitis A&B (three-dose) $225 季節性流感疫苗 Seasonal influenza $75 詳情可瀏覽 。 查詢請致電3943 6428 許小姐。 Details can be viewed at . For enquiries, please contact Miss Hui at 3943 6428. 給校園內駕駛者及其他道路使用者的提示 Reminder to Drivers and Other Road Users on Campus 按保安組提示:雖然校園內所有道路均屬私家路,但根據道路交通條例或規例,違反校園 內路面標記和交通標誌指示之駕駛者及其他道路使用者,仍可能會被檢控。 The Security Unit calls on drivers and other road users to comply with the road markings and traffic signs on campus. Those who fail to do so may be liable to prosecution under the Road Traffic Ordinance or Regulations, despite the fact that all roads on campus are private roads. 書 訊 BOOKS
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