Newsletter No. 377
No. 377, 4.5.2011 3 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 中大與中科院上海分院加深合作 • CUHK Bolsters Ties with CAS Shanghai Branch 化發展的創新研究。沈校長在訪問期間為聯合實驗室主持 揭幕儀式。 P rof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice-Chancellor, led a delegation to the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) Shanghai Branch on 31 March to conclude a collaboration agreement and officiate at the plaque- unveiling ceremony of the CUHK-CAS Shanghai Branch Collaboration Centre. The core function of the centre will be to coordinate all projects under the collaboration framework between CUHK and CAS Shanghai Branch. Professor Sung said, ‘We are strengthening our ties to start a variety of projects and the centre is established to enhance the efficiency and construct a more solid and systematic partnership.’ Under this collaboration framework, the Joint Research Laboratory for Promoting Globalization of Traditional Chinese Medicines was established by the School of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK and Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica. The laboratory aims to collaborate in promoting the applications of traditional Chinese medicine and to boost innovative research and development in the globalization of traditional Chinese medicine. Professor Sung officiated at the opening ceremony of the joint initiative. 沈 祖堯校長於3月31日在上海與中國科學院(中科 院)上海分院簽訂全面合作協議,並為共同成立的 「中國科學院上海分院─香港中文大學上海合作中心」 主持揭幕儀式。該中心旨在全面協調及促進雙方的交流, 並統籌開展更多合作項目。 沈校長表示,中大將進一步強化與中科院上海分院之間的 合作交流,開展各種合作項目。而上海合作中心的成立, 標誌着雙方的交流進入新里程,有助推動未來的科研合作 更有序和更有系統。 在雙方全面合作的框架下,中科院上海藥物研究所與中大 生物醫學學院共同組建「促進中藥全球化聯合實驗室」, 以促進雙方在中藥全球化方面的合作,同時開拓中藥全球 「十二五」規劃論壇 • Open Forum on the 12th Five-Year Plan 本 校於3月26日舉辦「『十二五』規劃論壇:環境、資 源與綠色發展」,讓聽眾了解全國人大會議剛於 3月正式通過的國家「十二五」規劃綱要最新發展,並與專 家就以下四方面廣泛討論:「十二五」節能減排的目標與 對策,中國應對全球氣候變化的戰略,城鎮化發展的新路 向與問題,以及香港與內地的區域環境合作。 在協理副校長馮通教授致歡迎辭後,三位特邀專家分別作 了主題演講,他們是國家環境保護部華南環境科學研究所 副所長許振成教授、國家發展和改革委員會對外經濟研究 所張建平教授,以及環保部環境規劃院萬軍教授。本校中 國環境戰略研究中心主任林健枝教授、地理與資源管理學 系主任兼環球中國環境專家協會會長陳永勤教授也發表 了他們的觀點。 論壇由中大中國環境戰略研究中心主辦,環球中國環境專 家協會協辦,「恒生-綠色銀行」計劃贊助,吸引了約一百 三十人出席。 T he ‘Open Forum on the 12th Five-Year Plan: Environment, Resource and Green Development’ was held on CUHK campus on 26 March to offer the audience an opportunity to learn about the most recent development of the 12th Five-Year Plan, which was officially ratified by the National People’s Congress in March, and discuss with experts on a wide range of issues and challenges in the following four areas: (1) goals and measures of energy conservation and pollution mitigation, (2) China’s strategies in response to global climate change, (3) new directions and issues of urbanization, and (4) collaboration between Hong Kong and the mainland in regional environmental protection. After a welcoming address delivered by Prof. Fung Tung, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, three invited guest speakers, i.e., Prof. Xu Zhencheng from the South China Institute of Environmental Sciences, the Ministry of Environmental Protection; Prof. Zhang Jianping from the Institute of Foreign Economics Research, the National Development and Reform Commission; and Prof. Wan Jun from the Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning, presented keynote speeches. Experts from CUHK, including Prof. Lam Kin-che, director of the Centre of Strategic Environmental Assessment for China (CSEAC) and Prof. Chen Yongqin, chairman of the Department of Geography and Resource Management and president of the Professional Association for China’s Environment (PACE), also shared their views. Organized by CSEAC, co-organized by PACE, with sponsorship from the ‘Hang Seng—Green Bank’ scheme, the forum attracted an audience of about 130. 左起:陳永勤教授、萬軍教授、張建平教授、許振成教授、馮通教授、林健枝教授 From left: Prof. Chen Yongqin, Prof. Wan Jun, Prof. Zhang Jianping, Prof. Xu Zhencheng, Prof. Fung Tung, and Prof. Lam Kin-che
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