Newsletter No. 381
No. 381, 19.8.2011 15 ANNOUNCEMENTS 宣 布 事 項 公積金(1995)計劃及「丙」類計劃成員受託人 Member Trustees for Staff Superannuation Scheme (1995) and TGS 大學校董會於2011年6月14日會議上,通過委任梁永波教授及陳偉森教授為上述兩項大 學為僱員提供的職業退休計劃的成員受託人,任期兩年,由2011年7月1日起生效。 At its meeting held on 14 June 2011, the University Council approved the appointments of Prof. Leung Wing-por and Prof. Chan Wai-sum as member trustees of the above two University-sponsored ORSO Schemes for two years from 1 July 2011. 牙科服務調整收費 Revision of Dental Charges 按大學保健處委員會建議,行政與計劃委員會於2010年9月通過分階段調整各項牙科 服務收費,詳情如下: On the recommendation of the University Health Service Committee, the Administrative and Planning Committee approved an adjustment to the charges for dental service at the University Health Service by phases on September 2010. Details are as follows: 類別 Category 每單元基本收費 (HK$) Basic Unit Charges (HK$) 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 自 From 1/10/2010 自 From 1/9/2011 自 From 1/9/2012 ( 甲) 類服務條例或相類僱員及其直系親屬 Terms (A) and equivalent staff & their dependants 51 54 57 ( 乙) 類服務條例或相類僱員及其直系親屬 Terms (B) and equivalent staff & their dependants 34 36 38 (丙) 類服務條例或相類僱員及其直系親屬 Terms (C) and equivalent staff & their dependants 17 18 19 學生 Students 17 18 19 2011至12年度之新收費將於2011年9月1日起生效。各項牙科服務收費表將張貼於牙科部 及保健處網頁( ) ,查詢電話 3943 6412。 The revised charges for dental service for the year 2011–12 will take effect from 1 September 2011. The new price list for dental service will be posted in the dental clinic and the website of University Health Service ( ) . For further information, please call 3943 6412. 選擇轉換大學強積金計劃安排 Election for Change of MPF Scheme 根據大學現有安排,強積金計劃成員可於每年4月1日或10月1日選擇轉換強積金計劃 一次。 欲於2011年10月1日轉換計劃者,請填妥轉換強積金計劃申請表格及新選擇的強積金 計劃成員登記表格,於2011年8月29日(星期一)或之前送達財務處薪津及公積金組。上述 表格可於財務處網頁 下載,或致電該組(3943 7246)索取。 Please be reminded that MPF Scheme members may switch between the two MPF Schemes once a year, on either 1 April or 1 October. Members who want to make the switch on 1 October 2011 should complete the Election Form for Change of MPF Scheme and the Membership Enrolment Form for the new scheme, and submit to the Payroll and Superannuation Unit of Bursary on or before 29 August 2011 (Monday). The form can be downloaded from bursary/eng/public/payroll_benefits/mpf.html or obtained from the unit (Tel: 3943 7246). 訃告 Obituaries 兩位本校職員於近日離世,校方深表哀悼。 黃潔卿女士於2011年6月22日逝世。黃女士於2008年12月8日加入中大,擔任公共衞生及 基層醫療學院副主任。 何永鏗先生於2011年6月25日逝世。何先生於2001年11月5日加入中大,擔任崇基學院 二級電算助理。 The University is saddened by the loss of two colleagues, Ms. Wong Kit-hing and Mr. Ho Wing-hang. Ms. Wong, who passed away on 22 June 2011, joined the University on 8 December 2008 and had served as administrative assistant in the School of Public Health and Primary Care. Mr. Ho, who passed away on 25 June 2011, joined the University on 5 November 2001 and had served as computer assistant II in Chung Chi College. Contrast and Compare Probably very few of us would forget being set the task of writing something in high school under the theme of ‘Contrast and compare …’. The task was understood to be talking about the sameness and difference between two things. Contrast is used for talking about differences, while compare should be used for talking about similarities. But one should be wary in the choice of prepositions. When one thing is compared to another in the transitive sense, the intention is to suggest or state the similarity between the two. For example, In the popular imagination Stephen Hawking is usually compared to Albert Einstein. It suggests Hawking is comparable to and in the same class of prominent scientists as Einstein. In contrast, In this seminal work the author compared the disappearance of the Inca culture with the downfall of the Roman Empire. In this second example, the author has carried out a detailed comparison and analysis of factors and circumstances leading to the collapse of Inca culture and the Roman Empire. It should be noted, however, that as an intransitive verb compare should always take with (‘He plays well by the amateur’s standard, but still cannot compare with a professional golfer.’). So should the phrase in comparison .... Editor 《峰火》 洪少瑛,中大藝術系1980年畢業生,1987年獲紐約普拉特學院碩士。現居紐約的 洪少瑛,曾在1986和1995年分別獲Three Rivers Arts Festival繪畫獎和Joan Mitchell Foundation畫家和雕塑家獎助金。 The Beacons Ying Hung obtained her BA from the CUHK Department of Fine Arts in 1980 and her MFA from the Pratt Institute in New York in 1987. She won an award in painting at the Three Rivers Arts Festival and the Painters and Sculptors Grant from the Joan Mitchell Foundation in 1986 and 1995, respectively. 藝 文 風 景 A TOUCH OF CLASS
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