Newsletter No. 467
467 • 19.11.2015 5 第二屆利國偉中大金禧獎學金頒獎典禮 The Second Lee Quo Wei CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarship Presentation Ceremony 第二屆「利國偉中大金禧獎學金」頒獎典禮於9月24日舉行,主禮嘉賓包括偉倫基金有限公 司行政總裁梁祥彪先生( 前排左五 )及中大副校長霍泰輝教授( 前排左六 )。利國偉中大金禧 獎學基金諮詢委員會成員亦出席典禮。 霍教授及獲獎學生代表鄭世鴻分別致歡迎辭及謝辭,感謝利氏家族及偉倫基金的支持,並 鼓勵獲獎同學以利國偉博士為榜樣,努力不懈,關愛社會。 在諮詢委員會的監察和管理下,第二屆獎學金已於2014至15年度頒發予三十八位學生,當 中包括內地生、法律學生、醫科生,以及參加海外交流計劃的傑出學生。 The second Lee Quo Wei CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarship Presentation Ceremony was held on 24 September, officiated by Mr. Thomas C.B. Liang ( front row, 5th left ), Chief Executive of the Wei Lun Foundation, and Prof. Fok Tai-fai ( front row, 6th left ), Pro-Vice- Chancellor. Members of the advisory committee for the Lee Quo Wei CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarship Endowment Fund also attended the event. Professor Fok and Mr. Tipoe Timothy Liong, representative of scholarship recipients, expressed their deepest gratitude to the Lee Family and the Wei Lun Foundation for their staunch support to the University, and encouraged recipients to continue to strive to excel. Under the supervision of the advisory committee, the second batch of scholarships has been disbursed in the academic year of 2014–15 to a total of 38 outstanding students, among which are mainland students, law students, medical students, and students going on exchange. 共商大學發展藍圖 Strategic Planning Forum 為制訂大學2016至2020年的策略計劃,大學早於今年4月 中至5月間舉辦七場論壇作第一輪諮詢,蒐集了不少校內同 仁、學生及其他持份者的意見。 第二輪諮詢於11月9及10日舉行,分別就「教育及研究」和 「資源、參與及基建」舉行兩場諮詢會,徵詢大家對改善策 略框架,以及制定執行方案的意見。諮詢會由校長沈祖堯 教授;常務副校長華雲生教授( 站立者 );四位副校長許敬 文教授、霍泰輝教授、張妙清教授、潘偉賢教授;以及協理 副校長馮通教授主持,逾百名教職員出席。未克出席或欲事 後發表意見者,可填寫網上意見表格( https://cloud.itsc . ) 。 To draft the University’s new Strategic Plan 2016–2020, seven forums were held from mid April to May as the first round of consultations. Views from staff, students and other stakeholders were collected. The second round of consultations was held on 9 and 10 November. Two forums, one focusing on ‘Education & Research’, and the other on ‘Resources, Engagement & Infrastructure’, were hosted by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Benjamin W. Wah ( standing ), Provost; Prof. Michael K.M. Hui, Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung, and Prof. Poon Wai-yin, Pro-Vice-Chancellors; and Prof. Fung Tung, Associate Vice-President. Close to a hundred staff attended the forum and expressed their opinion. An online feedback form is available ( ) for those who are not able to attend the above forums and for those who wish to express their opinions afterwards. 校園消息 Campus News
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