Newsletter No. 469/470

12 469/470 • 19.12.2015 ’ 口談實錄 Viva Voce 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 李永光先生 Mr. Simon Lee 保安及交通事務處處長 Director of Security and Transport 加入中大六個月了,適應得怎樣? 我在5月到任,學生已開始放假,校園相對清靜,我可以較輕 鬆地安頓下來,在與大學行政單位及書院聯絡,了解相關工 作範疇之餘,細閱部門的檔案,在開學之前有一段密集充實 的學習期。雖然我不曾在院校工作,可幸以前在警區工作的 管理、策劃、行動等知識和經驗,都有用得着的地方。 是性格造就職業,還是職業造就了性格? 我警覺性高,好奇心重,喜歡尋根究柢。我是仔細規劃旅行 日程,按步完成行程的那類人。我喜歡親自在前線體驗,這 樣,下屬呈遞的行事方案是否實際可行,心裏便有譜,自己也 可以提出新觀點,完善方案。對現有行事方式,我會嘗試了 解背後理據,尋找改善空間。 偌大的中大校園,你走遍每個角落沒有?會觀察些甚麼? 基本上都走遍了。我常利用午飯時間,逐間書院、每一個建 築群去看,除了開車,也會徒步,還坐遍所有線路的校巴。龐 萬倫學生中心旁的捷徑、李兆基大樓怎樣與聯合書院連貫 等,我都摸熟了。我會注意每個地點的交通網絡,站牌、指示 是否清晰,也會留意不同設施及樓宇的保安措施等等。 上任後有甚麼新猷? 我不刻意求新,但外在環境不斷改變,給校園工作帶來新挑 戰,我們必須與時並進。改變辦事模式不容易,要靠同事認 同決策的理念和參與。我相信從根源、程序、制度、系統入 手,善用現有資源,提高服務素質,用者欣賞,投訴減少,部 門上下都會感到滿足,工作起來也更起勁。 那麼就談談交通管理的挑戰和應對措施吧。 這兒一百六十多幢建築物,每日接近三萬人及三千多至四千 車次出入,有泊車證的車輛達三千一百多,十二條路線的校 巴共三四十部,人人都在趕時間上班、上課、開會。校園面積 縱是全港最大,路面也接近飽和。巴士服務編排要做得非常 精細,還要預留彈性。我花了點時間整理校巴和轉堂巴的路 線、編號、標示顏色,加上命名,如本部線、新聯線……,很 微細的調整,但校內外人士都能一目了然。又清楚標示車種、 行李大小上限,並重新調配車輛,使每條穿梭校巴路線都有 可容納較大型行李的車種運作。此外,又收集乘客量數據, 處理夜班校巴不足。 保安方面又如何? 上任之時,四年制實施三年了,因應校園人口驟增而實行的 保安政策,也應適時檢討。我在檢討報告建議重整架構,在 調配內部人力之餘增加適量人手,在原有的三個巡邏小隊 加行政支援上,增加一個約十人的行動支援小隊,加強校園 的巡邏、交通及人群管理,以及罪案防範措施等工作,最終 目的是要提升我們的能力、專業和主動性,務求令校園更加 安全。 運動是你閒時的唯一消遣嗎? 除了跑步、踏單車,還有玩音響,研究怎樣組件,配合家裏的 環境,達到更理想聲效。我喜歡用人聲小品歌曲來試機,也 愛聽敲擊,喜歡它刺激振奮。這個玩意兒頗為花費,不過, 窩在家裏聽音響,太太當然不反對的。 You’ve been at CUHK for six months. How are you adjusting to the new environment? I joined CUHK in May this year. During the summer holidays, the campus was relatively quiet and I was able to take my time settling down, touching base with the University’s administrative departments and the Colleges, reading the files and picking up my duties before the start of a new school year. Though I have never worked in a tertiary institution, I can apply my previous experience and knowledge of working at police districts in areas of security management, planning and operation to my new role here. Does personality affect career choice, or vice versa? I am a very curious person who is always alert and likes to get to the bottom of things. I like to plan my travel itinerary in great detail, and follow it step by step. I also enjoy having frontline experience, so that I will have an idea whether proposals submitted by my colleagues are practical or not and can come up with alternatives. As for established policies, I tend to find out the underlying rationale and seek room for improvement. Have you visited every corner of the vast CUHK campus? What do you usually observe? I have been to almost everywhere. I often spend my lunch hour driving or walking through every College and cluster of buildings. I even tried all bus routes. Now, I am familiar with the detour next to the Pommerenke Student Centre and how the Lee Shau Kee Building connects to United College. Wherever I go, I would observe the transportation network, whether signages and directions are clear enough, and pay attention to security measures of various facilities and buildings. Any new initiative after assuming your new position? I don’t want to make changes just for the sake of it. Nevertheless, it’s necessary to keep up with external changes that pose new challenges to work on campus. To make new initiatives successful, we need the participation of our colleagues and their identification with the objectives. I believe if we start tackling the problems at their roots, and then revise procedures and systems of established policies and optimize the use of existing resources to enhance the quality of our services, we will receive more appreciation and fewer complaints from our end-users. Job satisfaction will boost team morale and we will be even more zealous about our work. Can you tell us about the challenges of traffic management and its related measures? Here at CUHK, we have more than 160 buildings with nearly 30,000 people and 3,500 to 4,000 vehicles coming in and out of campus every day. There are more than 3,100 vehicles with parking permits and 30 to 40 shuttle and meet-class buses serving 12 routes. Everyone is in a hurry to go to class, work or meetings. We have the largest campus in Hong Kong and our traffic flow is nearly saturated. We need a sophisticated and flexible system for campus transportation. For this, I re-arranged bus routes, giving them numbers, colours and names such as ’Main Campus Line’, ’NA–UC Line’, etc. Luggage size guidelines and vehicle types are now clearly indicated on all buses, and luggage-allowed vehicles are now arranged to run for all shuttle routes on campus. Last but not least, data on the number of passengers are collected for planning shuttle bus services at night. How about security? When I joined CUHK, the four-year undergraduate curriculum had been implemented for three years. It was time to evaluate the security policy in response to the increased population on campus. I suggested re- structuring the security forces through internal transfer and carefully calculated manpower increase. In addition to the three patrol teams and one administrative support team, a new operational support team of about 10 members has been added to strengthen campus patrol, transportation and crowd management, and crime prevention, etc. The ultimate objective is to enhance the readiness, ability, as well as professionalism and proactiveness within our office, in order to make the campus a safer place. Is exercising the only hobby you have? I jog, I cycle, and I am also a hi-fi fanatic. I enjoy assembling audio components to improve the sound effects at home. I like to test the sound effects with vocals and percussion music, as the latter is ususally rousing with a propensity for low pitches. This hobby costs money, but since I’m enjoying it at home, my wife no doubt supports me. Photo by ISO staff