Calendar 2000–01
for his minor subject, preferably in the second year of attendance. A minor programme normally requires 15–30 units of courses. The Faculty of Medicine offers a non-unit-based professional programme leading to the degrees of MB ChB. The programme requires two pre-clinical years and three clinical years of study. Besides taking the professional courses required by the faculty, students have to complete in compliance with University requirements the General Education Programme and the Physical Education courses. Students who have completed their pre-clinical studies with satisfactory results may apply for admission to the Intercalated Degree Programme in Medical Sciences. Medical students shall sit for both the professional examinations and periodic assessments of individual subjects. The first and second professional examinations will be held respectively at the end of medical years two and three. The third professional examination consists of two parts, to be taken at the end of medical years four and five respectively. The three clinical years of study will be conducted at the teaching hospital in Sha Tin in the various clinical departments. Students are also required to serve one year’s internship at a recognized hospital after graduation. Two nursing programmes leading to the degree of BNurs are offered in the faculty. The four-year full-time Pre-registration Nursing Programme is designed for students with no prior knowledge in nursing. It aims at preparing graduates for registration as general nurses in accordance with the requirement of the Nursing Board of Hong Kong. The Part-time Post-registration Nursing Programme is described on pp.243 and 244 of this Calendar . The faculty also offers a Bachelor of Pharmacy Programme which follows the credit unit system. Programmes The courses under the various programmes are listed on pp.163 to 239. A course code comprises three letters of the alphabet, three Arabic numerals, and one numeral/letter. The first three letters stand for the subject (e.g. CHI, ENG, BIO, stand for Chinese, English, and Biology respectively). The first numeral stands for the level of study. Undergraduate courses are coded 1 to 4 while postgraduate courses are coded 5 to 6 (where 5 denotes first year in Graduate School and 6 denotes second year in Graduate School). The numeric code starting with 0 stands for a course by Student-orientated Teaching (STOT). Normally, lower level courses should be taken before upper level courses. However, for the sake of flexibility, most courses are open to students of all years of attendance subject to the satisfactory fulfilment of pre-requisite and co- requisite requirements. In fulfilling the total unit requirements of a major or minor programme, students should follow a prescribed study scheme and complete the required and elective courses. Please refer to The Chinese University of Hong Kong Student Handbook for details of unit requirements and study schemes.
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