Calendar 2000–01
Category 9. Others: according to special arrangement (Maximum limit of 15 volumes and maximum loan period of 30 days at the Li Ping Medical Library) Categories 2 to 5 may charge out periodicals. Bound periodicals may be borrowed for three days. Current and single issues may be borrowed for one day only. All books taken from the book stacks must be charged at the Circulation Desk. Reserve books must be charged at the Reserve Books Desk: there are varying borrowing limits on these books. Books obtained from interlibrary loan are borrowed through the courtesy of other libraries and their restrictions as to loan period and renewal are therefore observed. Usually the loan period is two weeks. Photocopies of periodical articles may be obtained at cost. Reference books, rare books and microfilms do not circulate. Borrowers may renew loans for two additional periods. Renewals must be made on or before the last date of the initial loan period. Otherwise, overdue fines will be charged. Members of categories 4 and 5 listed above may renew loans in writing. After two renewals, however, the book must be returned to the library shelves so that it may be available to others. No book may be renewed if it is required by another person. When needed by other users, circulating books and journals are subject to recall at any time. In the recall notices, a new due date will be given, i.e. 14 days after the date of the notice. Borrowers should respond to a recall promptly. Late returns will be fined [see Fines (b)]. The responsibility of returning books on time lies with the borrower. When the loan period expires, an overdue notice is sent to all categories of borrowers. " (a) Overdue — All categories of borrowers who keep books/items beyond the loan period are subject to a fine of HK$1.00 per item per day up to a maximum of HK$100.00. A fine of HK$1.00 per hour will be charged for each reserve book overdue. (b) Recall —The fines for not responding to recalls for all categories of borrowers are as follows: — HK$5.00 per item per day — five working days after issuing of second recall: the library could take any appropriate action to retrieve the items. Borrowers who fail to return books or who return books damaged beyond repair
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