Bulletin No. 1, 2020

40 Chinese University Bulletin No.1, 2020 The way to beat this virus is to really understand the biology, and how we respond to the virus. Then, we can tackle it at all levels. Prof. Gary Wong, Department of Paediatrics Katherine J. Wu, ‘The coronavirus spares most kids. These theories may help explain why’, National Geographic , 25 March 2020 I don’t think it’s an overstatement to say that people with diabetes are at higher risk of developing COVID-19, because the data are suggestive. Our message is to ask people with diabetes to do things early in order to protect themselves and reduce their risk of having problems if anything happens. Prof. Juliana Chan, Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity Mike Watts, ‘Coronavirus: I have diabetes, am I at a greater risk?’, Diabetes .co.uk , 25 March 2020