The Call of CUHK Colleges
敬文書院與仁人學社合辦孟加拉社企考察之旅,安排該院兩名學生於 2013 年 6 月到訪尤努斯中心,了解發 展中國家的社企運作。此外,亦成立了敬文書院服務隊,透過各式暑期活動幫助在低收入家庭成長、成績 稍遜的本地中學生,建立自信,發揮所長。其他課外活動包括電影之夜、國際演講學會、社交英語工作坊、 箭藝和高爾夫球同樂日、瑜伽班、太極班、划艇賽、五人足球賽、水運會等。 C.W. Chu College, in collaboration with Education for Good, arranged a weeklong Yunus Centre Study Trip to Bangladesh in June 2013. Two students went on the trip, and experienced social entrepreneurship in the setting of a developing country. The College also established its service team to help disadvantaged secondary students, via summar activities. The College organizes activities of an informal nature, including movie nights, introduction sessions to the Toastmasters Club, and social English workshops, archery fun day, golf fun day, yoga and tai chi classes, CUHK rowing championship, five- a-side football tournament, and the CUHK Aquatic Meet. 24
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