The Call of CUHK Colleges

善衡書院的通識教育打破學科樊籬,衝出教室,設計出多元、 互動的教學方法,糅合人文教育和社群體驗。「啟導課程— 明新達人」為新生而設,課題圍繞他們所面對的問題與疑 難。新生於「明新達人展」總結課程所學,省思明志,同 時藉着集體創作,以創新方式表達出他們對夢想、學業、 事業和大學的深刻體會。另一門「總結課程—圓工立人」 為將要離開的畢業生而設,幫助學生認識工作於人生 的深刻意義,進而檢視大學生活,前瞻一生。 Using an interactive, multi-component teaching approach, the general education programme of S.H. Ho College combines the humanities and community education to provide students with a learning experience outside classrooms. Designed for freshmen, the induction course ‘Orientation and Outreach’ consists of topics around the questions and doubts which would be faced by freshmen. In Freshers’ Fest, the freshmen consolidate their experience in the course and innovatively express their in- depth reflection on their dreams, college and university lives through artwork co- creation. The capstone course ‘Work and Productive Life’ is designed for graduands with an aim to broaden the concept of work beyond vocation, helping them to review their university life and look ahead. 10