Annual Report 2001–02
文學院重要發展 MajorEventsintheFacultyArts 口 文 學 院 於 二 零 零 一 年 十 一 月 三 十 日 舉 辦 「 這 不 是 童 話——與高行健見面」座談會’由二零零零年諾貝爾文學 獎得獎人高行健先生與院內師生暢論文藝。 口 哲 學 系 與 崇 基 書 院 於 二 零 零 一 年 九 月 邀 請 國 際 知 名 哲學家——法國巴黎社會科學高等硏究院榮休敎授 P r o f . Jacques De r r i d a 主持兩個講座’吸弓 I 逾四百人出席。 口中國語言及文學系與中山大學中國古文獻硏究所於二零零 二年四月十九日簽署協定’共同建立華南文獻硏究中心’ 並合作編纂《全專詩》,分階段將唐以前至二零零零年的 專詩編纂出版。中國語言及文學系負責輯錄港澳作家作 品,並協助鬼集及整理藏於海外圖書館的專語詩集。 口在社會服務方面’中國語言及文學系製作「現代標準漢語 與專語之敎育資源發展」光碟及敎材’協助中小學的母語 敎學。歷史系獲敎育署委託於二零零二年七月’為在職中 學敎師舉辦「中一至中三綜合人文科的學與敎」培訓課 程。藝術系兩位敎師獲香港藝術發展局贊助編撰《香港視 覺藝術年鑑2 0 0 0》’年鑑於二零零二年四月出版’有助 開展本土藝術硏究。此外,音樂系與香港大學音樂系聯合 策劃及出版「世界音樂(中國卷)大學課程唯讀光碟」。光 碟收錄了一百零一首中國樂曲,一百張照片及兩段音樂錄 像,是珍貴的硏究及敎學素材。 口英 文 系 學生獲 系 方 協 助 , 於二零 零一年 十月籌 辦 首 個戲 劇比賽——「姜安道戲劇盃」。姜安道敎授曾任英文講座 敎授,於二零零零年十二月榮休。該系協助學生出版 C U Writing in English (2001) ,書中收錄十五篇由學生創作的 文章。 口 The faculty organized a seminar on 30th November 2001 on campus, in which staff and students shared their views on art and literature with Mr. Gao Xingjian, Nobel laureate in literature 2000. • In September 2001 the Department of Philosophy hosted, in collaboration with Chung Chi College, two lectures by the world-famous philosopher Prof. Jacques Derrida, Professor Emeritus of the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences in Paris. The two lectures attracted ove r 400 participants. • The Department of Chinese Language and Literature signed a contract with the Classic Chinese Texts Research Institute of Zhongshan University on 19th April 2002 to establish a South China Chinese Texts Research Centre, and to compile and publish A Complete Anthology of Ca^^onese Poetry, which will cover Cantonese poetry from the Tang Dynasty to the year 2000. The department would be responsible for editing works by poets in Ho ng Kong and Macau and assist in the collection and classification of Cantonese poetry anthologies from overseas libraries. • In the area of community service, the Department of Chinese Language and Literature produced a CD-Rom entitled ‘Development of Teaching Materials on Modern Standardized Chinese and Cantonese' and a learning kit to assist primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong to promote the use of the mother tongue as the medium of instruction. The Department of History, commissioned by the Education Department, organized an in- service teacher training course entitled ‘Learning and Teaching of S1-3 Integrated Humanities' in July 2002. Two teachers of the Department of Fine Arts, commissioned by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, published in April 2002 the Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2000, which is a valuable reference for the systematic study of art in Hong Kong. The Department of Music joined hands with the HKU Music Department to produce a ‘World Music CD-Rom for Undergraduate Teaching (China) 2001', which features 101 pieces of music, close to a hundred photographs, and two video excerpts, some being precious historical records. • The Department of English helped students organize the first drama competition in October 2001 and winners were presented the ‘Andrew Parkin Drama Cup' in honour of Prof. Parkin who retired in December 2000. The Department also supported the publication of a collection of student writings, CU Writing in English (2001), which contains short stories on life in Hong Kong by 15 students. 22
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