The Call of CUHK Colleges

善衡書院於 2011 年暑假安排學生到烏干達當義工,為孤兒及婦女提供義診服務,出資親力蓋建學生宿舍,並造訪 Watoto 兒童村莊、嬰兒中心及婦女中心。由 2012 年夏天起,書院派學生前往柬埔寨,探訪貧民窟和孤兒院,參與重建, 為遠方的弱勢社群出一分力。 S.H. Ho College made arrangements for a number of its students to go to Uganda and serve as volunteers during the summer of 2011, where they provided free medical services to orphans and women. They also paid for, and built with their own hands, a number of student hostels, and visited the Watoto children’s village and infant and woman centres. Starting from the summer of 2012, the S.H. Ho volunteers went to Cambodia, where they visited underprivileged families and orphanages, and offered what they could to help improve the situation of those visited. 14