Annual Report 2001–02

教學酒店模型 Model of the t e a c h i ng hotel 第二期工程學大樓興建工程如火如荼 The Engineering Building Complex Phase II under construction 之一;迄今全港共有六項「卓越學科領域」硏究計 劃,中大負責其中兩項,又合作參與另外兩項的硏 究。我們的學生駱敏賢也於今年成為六年來第四位 畢業自中大的羅德學人,獲得獎學金於十月前赴牛 津大學深造。大學從各方籌得的捐助於今年及去年 分別急升至三億八千三百萬和四億三百萬港元,破 歷年紀錄,間接或直接造就了多項基建項目,包括 購置位於美國銀行中心的市區敎學中心,興建第二 期工程學大樓、科學實驗室專門大樓、敎學酒店, 以及多幢學生宿舍。校園處處都展現篷勃的生機, 見證中大的不斷成長和壯大。 感謝與懷念 這一年裡,各方友好以及眾多善長和校友繼續對中 大愛護有加,協助大學取得上述多項驕人成就,盛 情可感。我們今年特別增設「榮譽院士」計劃,以 榮譽院士銜授予傑出人士,以表彰他們歷年來對大 學的重大貢獻。第一屆榮譽院士頒授典禮於二零零 二年五月初舉行,獲院士銜者有傑出的銀行家鄭海 Accomplishments in 2001-2 The persistent quest for excellence has borne fruit. In a short period of 10 months from October 2001, our EMBA and MBA Programmes were separately rated number one in the Asia-Pacific by BusinessWeek and Financial Times, and Asia Inc., all three being business magazines of international repute. The project 'Chinese Medicine Research and Further Development' was selected during the year by the UGC as one of three 'Areas of Excellence' for special funding support. Of the six Areas of Excellence chosen for UGC support to date, two are led by CUHK staff, and two others involve CUHK researchers as major collaborators. This year the University also produced its fourth Rhodes Scholar in six years, Ms. Lok Man Yin, who will leave for Oxford this October to further her studies on the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship. And then donations in 2001-2 and 2000-1 have dramatically surged to a record high of HK$383 million and HK$403 million respectively, thanks to the generosity of many benefactors who have been impressed by our efforts to excel. Their support has directly or indirectly made possible the purchase of premises at the Bank of America Tower in Central for setting up a town centre for teaching and learning, and a host of new construction projects on the campus, which include Phase II of the Engineering Building Complex, a building for centralized science (high- risk) laboratories, a teaching hotel, and many new student hostels. Everywhere on the campus are signs of growth and expansion. People to Thank and to Remember I would like to take this opportunity to thank all friends, benefactors, and alumni of the University who have contributed to the University's success in 2001-2. This year the University established a new Honorary Fellowship award scheme as a means of recognizing the significant contribution and support given by members of the community to the University over the years. Six distinguished persons were made Honorary Fellows of the University in May 2002. They include Mr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, a distinguished banker; Prof. Kenneth E.F. Hobbs, a world-renowned surgeon; Prof. Hu Shiu-ying, an eminent scholar in plant taxonomy; Dr. Lee Shau-kee, founder of Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd.; Dr. the Hon. 校長報告 VICE-CHANCELLOR'S REVIEW 8