Annual Report 2005–06
64 In Support of Business and Industry The Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Science made significant progress in their support of local industry in areas including manufacturing, wireless communication, computer technology, medical and health, environmental protection, industrial ecology, health food and Chinese medicine. One of the major challenges for the automobile industry, is producing cars of maximum energy efficiency and minimum pollution. The Department of Automation and Computer-Aided Engineering collaborated with automobile manufacturers in Shanghai and Shenzhen to launch a project on the Intelligent Omni-directional Hybrid Electric Vehicle. CUHK is leading the research which demonstrates some of the key enabling technologies for environment-friendly vehicles of the next generation. Kotura Inc., a California-based world-leading designer and manufacturer of CMOS optical components, is collaborating with CUHK Optoelectronics Group of the Department of Electronic Engineering to conduct research on silicon photonics. The collaboration covers studies of various techniques to enhance performance of silicon waveguides and related photonic components. The Department of Electronic Engineering joined hands with Hong Kong Science Park to provide the most comprehensive services available in PRD in support of industrial testing of wireless products for optimum communication performance and regulatory compliance. The Radio Frequency Radiation Research Laboratory formed an alliance with the Wireless Communication Test Laboratory of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Corporation. Under the alliance both parties will provide technology and testing support in the domain of radio interface, antennas and radio frequency system integration for wireless terminals, radio frequency in biomedical areas, and radio frequency identification technologies. The combined effort of the two partners will ensure the widest range of test facilities and RF testing expertise are available to industry in the region. Prof. Sean Tang in the Department of Information Engineering was invited to join Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) for two years. He managed the Visual Computing Group in MSRA and contributed to projects in multimedia and computer vision research. Huawei Technology Ltd., the largest telecommunication equipment manufacturer in China, sponsored CUHK to carry out advanced research in photonic communications. The Department of Biology established an Industrial Ecology and Slope Ecotechnology Research Unit to conduct R&D in industrial ecology and slope landscaping, and to promote information exchange and collaboration with government departments and related industries on an interdisciplinary basis. The Department of Physics and the Department of Automation and Computer-Aided Engineering worked together to launch a new three- 支援工商業 中大工程學院及理學院對支援本地工商業不遺餘 力,年內於製造業、無線通訊、電子科技、醫療保 健、環保、工業生態及斜坡綠化、健康食品工業,以 及中醫學等方面尤有進展。 電動汽車這行業的最大挑戰,是要設計能量消耗 少又環保的產品。自動化與計算機輔助工程學系獲 創新及科技基金撥款一千四百萬元,與區內業界合 作,開發智能混合動力汽車。 二零零六年三月電子工程學系的光電子研究組 訪問以美國加州為基地的Kotura Inc.。該企業在硅 光電子的研究和CMOS光電元件的設計與製造方 面均具全球領導地位。雙方更簽訂研究合作協議。 Kotura Inc. 將為中大的研究工作提供硅光電子技 術的有關芯片。 電子工程學系成立的無線電輻射研究所與香港科 技園的無線通訊測試實驗室建立聯盟關係,雙方 承諾互相配合,為業界提供全面的無線電檢測服 務,其中包括無線電介面、天線、無線射頻系統與 無線終端系統整合等。此外,無線電輻射研究所亦 會支援無線射頻在生物醫學領域的研究,以及無 線射頻辨識系統的技術支援和測試。雙方將會以服 務社會及業界為前提而合作,提供互補服務以支援 區內無線通訊產品的測試與開發活動。 訊息工程學系與微軟亞洲研究院(MSRA)建立了 緊密的合作關係,合作專案主要有多媒體電腦視覺 研究。該系的湯曉鷗教授由二零零五年二月至零六 年十二月取得無薪假期,出任MSRA電腦視覺研究 小組的主管。是次合作不僅讓學系與微軟的高層研 究人員互動溝通,同時亦接觸不少世界頂尖研究人 員,他們從各地前來參與微軟這些廣受關注的研究 項目。 訊息工程學系與華為技術有限公司在一些研究領 域上達成合作的共識,一項名為「低成本高速無 色光網路單元—波分多址無源光網路」項目已獲 得華為科技基金撥款資助。此項目應用了Fabry- Perot激光和注頻同步技術,以低成本製造無色光 網路單元。 生物系成立的工業生態及斜坡生態技術研究單 位,旨在積極參與工業生態及斜坡綠化的研究及開 發,並促進政府部門及相關工業之間的資訊交流及 合作。
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