Annual Report 2017–18
72 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2017–2018 Mr. Lau is a Member of the Legislative Council (District Council (First) Functional Constituency) and Member of the North District Council. He is Vice-President of the Federation of New Territories Youth, Vice-President of the Council of the New Territories Association of Societies, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Pentecostal Gin Mao Sheng Primary School Alumni Association. He is also Chairman of the Traffic and Transport Committee, Member of the Community Building, Cultural and Recreational Affairs, Member of the District Facilities Management Committee, Member of the District Minor Works and Environmental Improvement Committee, and Member of the Social Services, Labour and Economic Affairs Committee, of the North District Council. 何子樑博士 Dr. Ho Tzu-leung 由2007年1月21日起獲推選為成員 elected from 21 January 2007 泌尿科專科醫生 Urologist 何博士乃泌尿科專科醫生,兼任何善衡慈善基金及伯利恆 投資管理有限公司董事,多年來在美國、香港及新加坡行 醫,致力推動全球醫療服務和香港高等教育發展。他現為 中大善衡書院院監會主席及恒生管理學院校董會成員。 Dr. Ho is an urologist, and Director of The S.H. Ho Foundation Limited and Bethlehem Management Limited. He has been a medical practitioner for many years in the USA, Hong Kong and Singapore. Dedicated to improving global medical services, he has made frequent contributions to the development of community services and tertiary education. He is Chairman of the Committee of Overseers of S.H. Ho College of CUHK, and a Member of the Board of Governors of Hang Seng Management College. 郭炳聯博士 ,JP Dr. Raymond P.L. Kwok , JP 由1994年11月30日起獲推選為成員 elected from 30 November 1994 新鴻基地產發展有限公司主席兼董事總經理 Chairman and Managing Director of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited 郭博士為新鴻基地產發展有限公司主席兼董事總經 理及執行委員會成員、數碼通電訊集團有限公司主席 兼非執行董事及該公司若干附屬公司之董事、 Cellular 8 Holdings Limited 及 TFS Development Company Limited之董事。他亦為新意網集團有限公司主席及執行 董事,載通國際控股有限公司及永泰地產有限公司之非 執行董事及香港地產建設商會會董。郭博士曾任中大校 董會副主席(1999至2015年)及司庫(1997至1999年)。 Dr. Kwok is Chairman and Managing Director, and a Member of the Executive Committee of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, Chairman andNon-Executive Director of SmarTone Telecommunications Holdings Limited and a Director of certain subsidiaries of the Company. He is a Director of Cellular 8 Holdings Limited and TFS Development Company Limited. He is also Chairman and Executive Director of SUNeVision Holdings Limited, a Non-Executive Director of Transport International Holdings Limited and Wing Tai Properties Limited and Director of The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong. He was Vice-Chairman of the Council (1999–2015) and Treasurer of CUHK (1997–1999). 梁鳳儀博士 Dr. Anita F.Y. Leung 由2016年11月1日起獲推選為成員 elected from 1 November 2016 勤+緣媒體服務公司創辦人 Founder of Qin Jia Yuan Media Services Company Limited 梁博士為傑出企業家、勤+緣媒體服務有限公司創辦人及 知名作家,出版逾一百部小說及散文,多部作品更被改編 成電影及電視劇。梁博士現為中大崇基學院校董會成員, 並曾任和聲書院院監會主席及中大五十周年校慶籌備委 員會委員等多項職務,亦多次慷慨捐助大學和書院活動, 及設立多項獎學金。 Dr. Leung is an accomplished entrepreneur and the founder of Qin Jia YuanMedia Services Company Limited. She is a renowned and prolific novelist with over 100 novels and essays, several of which were adopted as TV drama programmes and movies. Dr. Leung has served as a Member of the Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College and was Chairman of the Committee of Overseers of Lee Woo Sing College of CUHK, and a Member of the CUHK 50th Anniversary Celebration Organizing Committee. She has generously donated to CUHK to support its College activities and to establish scholarships. 梁祥彪先生 Mr. Thomas C.B. Liang 由2015年4月15日起獲推選為成員 elected from 15 April 2015 偉倫有限公司之集團行政總裁 Group Chief Executive of Wideland Investors Limited 梁先生於財務管理、企業財務、銀行業、地產發展及股票 投資等方面擁有豐富經驗,現為偉倫有限公司之集團行 政總裁、新世界發展有限公司之獨立非執行董事、美麗華 酒店企業有限公司獨立非執行董事,以及偉倫基金有限 公司行政總裁。他亦是香港浸會大學諮議會、恆生管理學 院校董會成員及香港李寶樁聯合世界書院校董會成員。
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