Annual Report 2004–05
捐助者 Donors 捐贈金額(港元) Amount donated (HK$) 摘要 Particulars 黎陳佩昂女士 Mrs. Lai Chan Pui-ngong 1,000,000 For the establishment of the Mr. Lai Seung H u n g & Mrs. Lai Chan Pui Ng o ng Dementia in H o ng K o ng Research Fund of the Department of Psychiatry. 黎陳佩昂女士 Mrs. Lai Chan Pui-ngong 500,000 To support the dementia research and the development of counselling services for the elderly of the Division of Geriatrics of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics at the Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing. 利希慎基金 Lee Hysan Foundation 10,000,000 Part of the total donation of $30 million for constructing the Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art. 利希慎基金 Lee Hysan Foundation 417,000 Part of the total donation of $1,251,000 to support the Lee Hysan Visiting Scholar Scheme of the Universities Service Centre for China Studies. 梁鳳儀博士 Dr. Leung Fung-yee, Anita 1,000,000 For the establishment of t wo scholarship endowment funds for awarding the Leung C h uk Scholarships and the Leung Tse Wai Fong Scholarships respectively. 梁雄姬女士 Ms. Leung Hung-kee 2,000,000 For the Leung Hung-kee Fund in support of scholarships, student activities and various development projects of N e w Asia College. 梁英偉先生 Mr. Leung Ying-wai, Charles 500,000 Part of the total donation of $1 m i l l i on for the Charles Leung Fund in support of scholar- ships and projects related to the studies of H o ng K o ng history of N e w Asia College. 香港劉氏冉圔基金會 Richard L iu Foundation Limited 700,000 To support the Third Global Youth Chinese Literary Aw a rd for the N e w Century organized by the Faculty of Arts. 香港劉氏冉圔基金會 Richard L iu Foundation Limited 500,000 Part of the total donation of $2.5 m i l l i on for awarding the Richard L iu Henan Student Scholarship in 2005-06. 羅桂祥基金 K.S. Lo Foundation 1,500,000 Part of the total donation of $5 m i l l i on for the research and educational training of the Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases of the Faculty of Medicine. 文吳泳沂女士 Mrs. M a n N g Wing-yee 2,500,000 To support the n ew chapel of Theology Building of the D i v i n i ty School of Chung Chi College. 中國基督教三自愛國運動委員會 及中國基督教協會 National Committee of Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches in China and China Christian Council 850,000 To support research on SARS and other infectious diseases undertaken by the Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases. 悟宿基金會有限公司 Providence Foundation Limited 508,990 To support the research entitled 'Neonatal Research in Hepatology andGastroenterology' unde Paediatrics. 100 捐贈、財務與賬目 Donations, Finance and Accounts
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