Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 8 May–Jun 1969
EXAMINATION NEWS Classification of Degrees The Senate has approved the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Classification of Degrees that the first degrees awarded by this University should be classified as follows with effect from the 1969 Examination: Bachelor's Degree with Honours, 1st Class 2nd Class Upper Division 2nd Class Lower Division 3rd Class Bachelor's Degree Mathematics Degree Paper Option The Senate has approved the proposal of the Board of Studies in Mathematics that a Mathematics Seminar and Dissertation be made a degree paper option with effect from the 1970 Examination as recommended by the Faculty Board of Science and the Undergraduate Examinations Board. THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OFFERS A NEW COURSE The Graduate School of this University is ready to accept applications for admission to the Biology Division this year. The School is offering a two-year postgraduate course leading to the Degree of Master of Science in the Biology Division on the following subjects: Cytotaxonomy, Genetics, Marine Biology and some aspects of Cell Biology. Applicants must have a university degree or expect to receive one this coming summer. They will have to pass an entrance examination. Graduates magna cum laude from this University may be exempted from entrance examination if they majored in a subject of the Division to which they are seeking admission. For the candidates not residing in Hong Kong, a part of the examination may be held in their home country by arrangement with the authorities concerned, while another part may be waived, if a candidate is so recommended by a professor of international standing and produces evidence of academic ability satisfactory to the University Graduate Council. Apart from an annual General Fee of HK$800, the Biology students should pay a Laboratory Fee of HK$350 each year at the time of registration. Scholarships and bursaries up to HK$5,000 per annum and demonstratorships are available in this Division. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNION CATALOGUE The University Library has completed a 325- page Union Catalogue of Serials in the Central and College Libraries of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Serials are important for research in any field and for university teaching in that they embody the latest summaries of scientific inventions, technological innovations and advanced research in humanities and social sciences before such knowledge appears in definite book form. However, their immense diversity and great numbers often create a problem for readers to make a proper use of their precious contents, especially when such serials are scattered over the shelves in several libraries. Hence the need for a union catalogue of serials is a pressing one in many localities. A t the very beginning of the University and before the establishment of the University Library in 1965 a plan for a Union Catalogue of the resources of the University Library and the three founding College Libraries was well laid out. Fortunately this Union Catalogue has now become a fact due to the effort of the University Library Staff and the cooperation of the three College Libraries. The University Central Union Catalogue is divided into two card files: (1) An Author and Title combined Catalogue of Chinese, Japanese and Korean cards filed according to Wong's "Four-corner Numerical System of arranging Chinese characters" and ( 2) An Author and Title combined Catalogue of cards in Western languages (English, French, German, Italian, etc.). Into this Union Catalogue cards for serials are also filed. A Union Subject Catalogue wit h cards from the three College Libraries wil l be compiled later on. The present b o o k - f o rm Union Catalogue of Serials has been compiled with another set of catalogue cards prepared by the University Library Staff f r om the latest (up to December 1968) reports of holdings by the individual libraries for their serials as indicated in their separate periodical cardex files. — 5 —
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