Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 1 Sep 1969

member of Asiatic Society of Japan and English Literary Society of Japan and Councilor of Society for the Teaching of Japanese as a Foreign Language. Some of the books and articles he published, translated and edited are as follows: Post-War Trends in Japanese Literature, Japanese Literature in European Languages, The Big Change and Impression of Japan. Prof. M. Hiramatsu arrived to assume duty in August. Prof. Burkart Holzner, Visiting Professor of Sociology and Director of the Social Survey Research Centre Prof. B. Holzner was born in 1931 in Germany. He was educated both in Germany and the United States, studying at the universities of Bonn and Munich and the University of Wisconsin. In 1958, Prof. B. Holzner received his doctorate from the University of Bonn and subsequently he taught sociology at the University of Wisconsin until 1960. He has continued with his teaching at the University of Pittsburgh since then and became chairman of the University's Department of Sociology in 1966. From 1965 to 1966 he was Visiting Professor and Associate Director of the Social Science Research Centr e at the University of Hawaii, working on a study of social movements. Prof. B. Holzner has published several books and articles in social psychology and in sociological theory. His most recent book is RealityConstruction in Society. Besides his work in sociological theory, Prof. B. Holzner's main research interests are concerned with the sociology of knowledge and social movements. He has acted as a consultant to the United States Office of Education and has conducted sociological studies of research institutes in education and social science. Prof. B. Holzner assumed duty as Visiting Professor and Director of the Social Survey Research Centre at this University in August. Prof. Ch'ang-tu Hu, Visiting Professor of Education Prof. Ch'ang-tu Hu, born in China in 1921, was educated at National Fu-tan University and obtained his B.A. degree in 1942. He received his M. A. and Ph.D. in 1950 and 1954 from the University of Washington, Seattle. Prior to his coming to this University to serve as Visiting Professor of Education at the School of Education in September, Prof. C.T. Hu was engaged in research and teaching at various universities. He served as Research Associate at the University of Washington and Yale University between 1949 and 1957. In 1957 he was appointed Associate Professor at the State University of New York. For the past ten years he had been working as Associate Professor and later Professor of Comparative Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. He was invited to serve as Visiting Professor of various universities, including Princeto n University, the University of Washington, the University of Delhi and Harvard University. Prof. C.T. Hu worked also as Acting Editor of Comparative Education Review, member of the Editorial Board of Yearbook of Education and consultant to the Ford Foundation. Prof. C.T. Hu has written many books and articles including the following: China, Its People, Its Culture, Its Society, Chinese Education under Communism and Symposium on Chinese Education. Prof. Alexander Srbich, Visiting Professor of Business Administration Prof. A. Srbich arrived to assume duty in August. He helps the University in developing the curriculum and programme in the area of Industrial Management and Industrial Research at the Lingnan Institute of Business Administration and Chung Chi College. During World Wa r I I, Prof. A . Srbich served as an officer in the Yugoslav Army. Having spent four years as prisoner of war in Nurberg he escaped and joined the British Liberation Army. Prof. A. Srbich graduated from Officers College in Belgrade and later obtained his B.A. and in 1949 his M. A. from Cologne University. Afterwards he received a Benjamin Frankli n Scholarship to study at the University of Michigan where he obtained his B.S.E. and M.B.A. in 1955. There he did his graduate work under Professor Paul McCracken, presently Chairman of the Economic Advisors to President R. Nixon. In 1961 he received his Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota in the combined fields of Business and Industrial Engineering. Dr. Srbich taught at the University of Utah, the University of Minnesota, the University of California in San Diego and United States International University. Since 1959, he has joined the faculty of San Diego State University, where he is a Professor of Management. He was also invited as Visiting Professor at the University of Philippines and Waseda University. For the last three years, he served as Director of the Executive Development Programme at San Diego State University. — 4 —