Bulletin Report of The Commission on The Chinese University of Hong Kong March 1976

seniority and should be elected for the purpose by the Assembly of Fellows. The selection board should be presided over by the Vice-Chancellor who would present the report to the Council of the University. The initial appointment of each Head of College should be for 7 years and he should be eligible for re-appointment for not more than 3 years. We do not regard it as necessary that a Head of College should at the time of his appointment already be a member of the academic staff of the University. If he is, arrangements should be made for him to revert to his academic post, with due consideration for seniority, when his term of office expires. If he is not already a member of the academic staff, it should be arranged, at the time of his appointment, that a suitable post should be made available for him, if he so wishes, when he completes his tenure of office. (d) Fellows 86. Except in the case of the first elections, Fellows would normally be elected by the Assembly of Fellows of the College concerned from among the academic staff of the University (who would, of course, have been appointed to the University by the Council in the manner prescribed in the Statutes). Fellows should be elected for 5 years and should be eligible for re-election. 87. We recognise that special arrangements must be made for the initial Fellowships in each College. The selection will be vitally important for the success of the College role as we have described it. For this reason, we recommend that the University Council itself should appoint a nucleus of 6 Fellows for each College on the recommendation of a committee appointed by the Council and presided over by the Vice-Chancellor. The committee might well consist of 3 professors, readers or senior lecturers nominated by staff in those grades and three lecturers or assistant lecturers nominated by staff in those grades. Once the nucleus of an Assembly of Fellows had been set up for each College in that way, additional elections could be made by the nucleus to bring the total to the number required. As there are 3 Colleges, over 3,500 students and 262 academic staff of the grade of Assistant Lecturer and above, we envisage that each College should have about 30-40 Fellows if the ratio of 30-40% suggested in paragraph 61 is adopted. (e) College-associated Teachers 88. The academic staff of the University who are not elected Fellows would be allocated to Colleges by the appropriate University body after consultation with the Assembly of Fellows of the Colleges concerned. They would be "College-associated teachers" (Yuan lien chiao shih) and would share in the life of their College and enjoy its common-room facilities, but they would not participate in its running as members of the Assembly of Fellows. (f) Libraries 89. Each College's undergraduate working library would be administered by the University Librarian. We would expect great weight to be attached by the University Librarian to the recommendations of the Assembly of Fellows concerned in regard to acquisitions policy and the availability of the undergraduate working library for use by members of the College. (g) Administration 90. Our objective, in respect of property and finance, is to maximize the resources expended on the service of the undergraduates. The buildings and other property of the Colleges should be managed on their behalf by the