Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 5 Jan 1974
in Manila, the Philippines, from 10t h t o 18t h December as the head technical adviser o f the Hong Kong delegation. • Dr . Lee Kai-fong, Lecturer i n Electronics, United College, visited a Radiation Test Site i n Taiwan from 12t h to 16th December. • Dr . Chang Chu-cheng, Lecturer i n Electronics, United College, at the invitation o f the University of Malaya, Kual a Lumpur, visited its Physics Department from 17t h t o 30th December t o discuss mutual research interest. • Mr . J.S. Dahele, Lecturer i n Electronics, United College, left fo r Taiwan on 31st December to visit The RC A Radiation Test Site. COLLEGE NEWS • On 28th December, the Music Department o f Chung Ch i College an d the Hong Kong Arts Centre jointly sponsored a concert by the famous gu- Cheng player, Mr . Louis Chen, a well-known scholar, performer, an d promotor o f Chinese Classical Music, especially music fo r cheng, the sixteen-stringed psaltery (predecessor o f the modern harpsichord). • Dr . L.S . Chuang, Lecturer i n Physics, Chung Chi College, has been invited by the Faculty o f Science, Hong Kong University, t o serve as a local external examiner fo r the oral examination of a candidate fo r Ph. D . i n Physics. • The Institute o f Advanced Chinese Studies and Research o f New Asia College held a monthly meeting o n 19th December fo r its Research Assistant Trainees. Mr . L o Yan-chun read a paper on “The Creation of the Character of'Hsiang Ning' in the Red Chamber Dream", and Mr . L i u Kar-kai reported on " A Survey o f the Investiture o f Noble Land fo r Tsao Piao i n Wang Ch' u period" while Miss La u Chor-wah submitted her findings on “The Non-emptiness: A Refutation o f the Arguments Brought Forth by the Three Schools". The University Bulletin o f The Chinese University of Hong Kong is published and distributed free by the University Bulletin Editorial Board among the University faculty and staff. Copies are also sent to friends of the University. Members o f the University Bulletin Editorial Board: Mr. Stephen C. Soong (Chairman) Mrs. A.E . Adams Mr . Andrew Y.Y . Chan Mr. Fang Hsin Ho u Dr. L.H . Kwan Mr. T.C . La i Mr . Stephen T.Y . Tiong Mrs. Am y Mo k (Secretary) Bulletin Staff: Editor - Mr . Stephen C. Soong Assistant Editor 一 Miss Chan Yin-Ling College Correspondents: Mr. Fang Hsin Ho u (Chung Ch i College) Mr. We i Yu-chen (New Asia College) Mrs. Katherine Wong (United College) Address: The Chinese University o f Hong Kong Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong 中文大學校刊爲本大學純粹報導性之刊物,係非賣品,專爲 及三成員書院之敎職員及大學各方友好而出版。 大學校刊編輯委員會委員:宋淇先生(主席),方信侯先生,安韓靄 怡女士,張端友先生,陳燿墉先生,賴恬昌先生,關禮雄博士。莫俞靄敏 女士 (祕書)。 校刊編輯:宋淇先生(編輯),陳燕齢小姐(副編輯)。 書院通訊員:方信侯先 ,魏羽展先生,黃藩潔蓮女士。 通訊處:香港新界沙田 香港中文大學 Printed by Da i Nippon Printing Co., (H.K.) Ltd . — 7 —
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