Annual Report 2007–08
82 a decrease in the overall value of investments compared to the high year-end balance for 2006– 07. Cash and short-term deposits remained steady at around HK$3,299 million on 30 June 2008. The financial position of the University further strengthened, with an 8% increase in net assets to HK$9,638 million. Although funding from government sources were only increased marginally, the University was able to secure extra funds from other sources, especially from donations. While General and Development Reserve Fund decreased by HK$166 million to cover the deficit arising from Block Grant funded activities, the balance stood at HK$1,309 million, which was within the ceiling set by the University Grants Committee (UGC). In view of the unfavourable economic outlook, it is anticipated that in the near future, the chance of having further increase in UGC Grant and another round of the Matching Grant Scheme will be slim. Hopefully, the reserve that has been built up can sustain the future developments of the University, at least up to the launch of the four-year undergraduate education in 2012. With receipts from donations for endowment and other restricted uses, the Fourth Matching Grant Scheme and operating surpluses from self-financed and other ancillary activities, the University was able to transfer a total of HK$683 million to various restricted fund accounts to support future specific activities. The donations and matching grants will be put into good use with a significant portion placed into permanent endowments, for the long-term financial viability and sustainability of the respective programmes. In order to cope with the anticipated increase in student number, various large capital projects were in the pipeline to augment teaching and amenity facilities. Five new Colleges had been established to enable the continued close interaction among our teachers and students outside the classroom under the University’s unique collegiate system. Overall, the University managed to maintain a comparatively healthy financial position and through the incessant support from a team of dedicated and capable teaching, research and administrative staff, was well prepared to meet the challenges ahead, by continuing to provide outstanding teaching and services, conduct quality researches and manage its finances with prudence. 大學的財政狀況繼續增強,總資產淨值 上升了百分之八,至九十六億三千八百 萬元。雖然政府的資助只微增,大學 仍能從其他方面如捐款等獲取額外 資源。一般及發展儲備金因政府資助 的經常性項目在是年度錄得虧損而減 少一億六千六百萬元,其結存保持在 十三億九百萬元的水平,仍在大學教育 資助委員會(教資會)所訂的上限內。因 經濟展望不樂觀,預計教資會在短期內 增加資助的可能性不高。此外,政府推 出另一輪的配對補助金計劃的機會也頗 低。大學預期現有的儲備金可支持大學 持續拓展,最低限度也能應付二零一二 年推行四年制本科生新課程所需。 大學把所有捐款、第四輪配對補助金及 自資營運教學課程及其他輔助服務的盈 餘中的六億八千三百萬元投入相關的專 用基金。相當大部分的捐款及配對補助 金撥作永久留本基金,確保各項計劃有 較長遠的財務安排及持續發展。 為了應付未來學生人數的增加,多項基 建項目正在開展,以增加教學及課餘活 動設施。大學正成立五所新書院,使中 大師生在獨有的書院制度下有更多的交 流,保持課室外的密切接觸。 總括而言,大學仍維持健全的財政狀 況。充滿熱忱及能幹的教學、科研及行 政人員,已為大學作好準備應付未來的 挑戰,在審慎理財下,矢志提供優質教 學與服務,並為傑出研究作出貢獻。
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